第十三卷第五期   九十七年十月十五日出刊   October  2008








發 行 所:國立科學工業園區實驗高級中學

National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park

發 行 人:吳榕峯    PublisherRong-feng Wu

總 編 輯:田靜逸

編輯小組 : 尚愛梅 彭慧萍 Elizabeth Wyant

採訪記者 : 謝璿 劉昱萱 莊善淯 鄭昕倫

英語新聞編譯 : Sharyl Sun  Anya Yu  Stacy Lin  Kristen Wu

刊頭作品 : 雙語部8A徐尉慈 美術課剪紙/手工紙作品(蔡淑英老師提供)

地 址:新竹市介壽路300號

300 Jieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.

TEL886-3-5777011 FAX886-3-5781813


學校要聞|English News



各項科學競賽大放異彩   探索切磋研究樂在其中

自五月以來,本校學生參加各項科學競賽均獲得佳績。這些競賽包括新竹市科展、全國科展、思源科技創意大賽、TRML高中數學競賽等;參加的學生自國小、國中到高中都有;得獎性質則是團體優勝獎(詳見最後一頁榮譽榜)。其實指導老師們說,他們鼓勵學生們參加科展,志不在得名,而是把握一個能深入探索研究某項學術專題的機會。利用這個與同學切磋的過程,學習到了解釋某種現象或解決某項疑惑的科學方法,更重要的是,最後可以學到了樂在其中、契而不捨的態度。教務處鍾主任語重心長的分析道:這種收穫的確影響到我們的畢業生繼續發展到大學的學習態度與方法。 在大學裡實中畢業的學生都能自動自發的學習,對自己也比較具有自信。



國小部環保生活科學營  創意設計博得掌聲

從暑假的八月六日開始,國小部的自然老師第一次攜手合作,合辦了一個三天的「環保生活科學營」。 老師們從六月就開始課程研發與討論,分別從環保、生活科技、和科學知識三個主題作設計。學員們在『造紙高手』課程中,把親手製作的再生紙改造成精美的藝術品,送給爸爸做父親節禮物。在『環保氣功車』課程中學習到各種在製作環保節源時取樂的方法。在『生活科技』課程中,學員們學會了各種點心製作,其中包括寒天,蒟蒻,以及最受歡迎的冰淇淋。透過鹽和冰塊的降溫,以及雙手用力搖晃與攪拌之下,學員們不用冰箱就製作出了綿密可口的冰淇淋,也嚐到了當冰淇淋師傅甜美有趣的滋味。而整個營隊的高潮就是第二天晚上的夜遊活動,學員捫利用在科學知識『善變的神奇寶貝』課程中製作的燈籠點亮夜晚的實中,原來實中校園的夜景別有一番風情呢! 最後,在八月八號的下午三點,小天使和小主人們在經過三天的相處,終於相認,互相感謝這幾天來的關心。第一屆的科學營,在大家依依不捨的心情中圓滿落幕。



本校於今年暑假辦理九十七年度高中職社區化適性學習社區合作專案計畫-英語戲劇營,於818日至823日舉辦,共為期六天, 分兩梯次。8 18日至820日為第一梯次,參加對象為新竹市之公私立高中職學生;21日至23日為第二梯次,參加對象為本校國中部學生。今年是本校連續第三年舉辦英語戲劇營,也是第三次邀請到世界巡迴教育性角色扮演劇團之 Covenant Players 來負責課程的教授。 Stephanie Ann FosterDavid Kitch兩位專業老師依照亞州學生學習英語的優勢及弱點來設計課程,例如 : 設計團體活動和分組學習來引起學習動機。先教導學生學習發聲、面部表情、肢體動作,再教編寫劇本。更特別的是老師們將品德教育融入教學內容,例如: 誠實的重要、如何和父母溝通、如何聰明運用時間等等,內容豐富且生動活潑。參加之學生每日會推出兩位以上的代表,於課後擔任小導遊, 帶領著本次的講師每天參觀新竹縣市不同的著名景點,學生不僅可以帶領教師遊玩整個新竹縣市,並可以透過旅遊中,輕鬆的學習與教師的互動對話及表達技巧,參加此次活動的學生,都能滿載而歸


國際學校諮詢委員會CIS(Council of International Schools) 首次來本校舉辦招生博覽會




Ying-Yu Ho Awarded Gold Medal at 2008 Olympiad

High School Department Senior Ying-yu Ho participated in the 2008 39th Annual International Physics Olympiad and was awarded the gold medal. This year’s Olympiad competition was held in Vietnam, from July 20th to the 29th in Hanoi; eighty-two countries were represented. This is Ying-Yu Ho’s third gold medal. He was awarded a gold medal in the 2007 International Chemistry Olympiad and again in April when he participated in the Asian Physics Olympiad. Additionally, he was also awarded the Best Theory Award. We congratulate and thank Mr. Jing-feng Chen and Mr. Jian-hui Shi, Ho’s instructors, for their outstanding work and guidance. Ying-yu Ho has been guaranteed entrance into National Taiwan University’s Physics Department. We wish him success in his future endeavors.


NEHS Students Explore and Shine in All Science Fields

Since May, NEHS students have been entering and winning science competitions of every sort. These competitions include the Hsinchu City Science Exhibition, National Science Exhibition, Technological Innovation Competition, TRML High School Math Competition, etc. Competitors range from elementary to middle school to high school students; the awards won are all group awards. (See awards chart on the last few pages for details.) Their teachers tell us they encourage students to participate, not for the sake of winning, but to grasp an invaluable chance at further exploring of a special field in science. Through this trial-and-error method, students learn to explain scientific processes or make scientific inquiries, and, most importantly, they learn to find inner happiness and to persevere—the attitude of true winners. Dean of Academic Affairs, Mr. Chong observes, “This kind of experience contributes to our graduates’ attitude and desire to learn and explore further in college. In college, NEHS graduates are all self-motivated and have more self confidence—they truly make the most of their opportunities and shine.”


2008 National High School Ocean Literature Experience Camp

Within the last couple of years, the Ministry of Education has been promoting ocean literature by hosting a number of ocean experience camps; NEHS hosted the 2008 National High School Ocean Literature Camp which was also sponsored by the Ministry of Education. Teachers used literature and art to teach students about the importance of preserving the oceans. The subject of the experience camp was “ocean poetry.” Instructors taught students the structure of poems, the history of the oceans, and numerous ocean-themed songs. The participants were also taken to Keelung for the opportunity to experience the beauty of Taiwan out on the ocean. All in all, the four-day trip broadened the horizons of the students and helped them to realize how important was to appreciate and protect the oceans.


NEHS Summer Elementary Science Camp—A Whole New Experience

On August 6th, the NEHS Summer Science Camp, was hosted by elementary department  science teachers for third and fourth graders. This event had been planned by seven science teachers since June. With the help of some Elementary School Department graduates and students attending the Middle School Department, the camp ran very smoothly. With the “green” theme (environmental-friendly), students produced recyclable paper and created gifts for Father’s Day. Toy cars were also made out of recycled materials, and students were instructed on how to recycle properly. Other notable classes included ice cream-making, in which students made ice cream without the help of freezers, but with salt, ice, and continual stirring. Not only did they learn the science behind it, but also had an opportunity to feel like chefs. The highlight of the camp was the night tour of the school, where students roamed the campus of NEHS with the lanterns they had made in class, and completed their assignments in the mysterious darkness. The camp ended on August 8th, after the secret angels were recognized and thanked.


The Third English Drama Summer Camp Successfully Done

This summer of 2008, NEHS hosted a Character and Education Plan—English Drama Camp. It lasted from August 18 to 23, for six days, and was split into two sections: August 18-20 for Hsin-chu area high school and vocational high school students, and August 21-23 for NEHS Junior High students. For the summer camp, NEHS invited an educational role-playing group, otherwise known as the Covenant Players, to serve as instructors. Ms. Stephanie Ann Foster and Mr. David Kitch provided a curriculum that was adapted to our Asian English learners’ strengths and weaknesses. For example, group activities and cooperative learning were the main teaching structures and in order to motivate student interest in learning the instructors began with simple voice training, gesture imitation, body movement, and then, play writing. Above all the instructors integrated character education into the curriculum, such as the importance of being honest, how one wisely manages one’s time and how to properly communicate with parents, …. In addition, every day after class, two elected students would take the Covenant Players on a city tour to see Hsin-chu’s landmarks. Through this activity, not only did the students have a chance to enjoy Hsin-chu, but also had a chance to further interact and communicate with the instructors. All the participants in this educational camp left with invaluable English knowledge and experience.


CIS College Fair Held First Time on September 17, 2008 in NEHS

Over 170 students and faculty showed up to meet with representatives from 30 American universities on September 17th.  Local high schools including:  Pacific American School and Hsinchu International School joined forces with NEHS to try to gain valuable information regarding the ins-and-outs of the application process and about the institutions participating in the CIS Asia Tour College Fair 2008.  The CIS Tour brought a variety of schools: big, small, public, private, Liberal Arts, etc… from all regions of the United States.  The representatives were certainly impressed with NEHS as a host, but most importantly, they were amazed with the quality of students they conversed with.  “Great conversations, constructive questions, and impressive students” were just a few of the compliments expressed from Deans of Admission and other representatives.  Many thanks go to the faculty and administration who helped with organizing and setting up the fair—excellent job!  Also, thanks go to all the teachers who attended or allowed students to participate during class time.  Another success for NEHS!!!!

TSMC Environmental Conservation Project Enters NEHS

The TSMC Education and Culture Foundation, which has always been dedicated to social welfare, has launched a new “employee volunteer project” dedicated to educating students about environmental conservation. The Secretary-General of the Foundation, Guo Shanshan, told us that this project is dedicated to educating students about environmental conservation. This semester, twenty six especially chosen and trained TSMC colleagues will be coming to our school in to conduct professional diagnosis, measurements, and evaluations in order to assist NEHS in improving its conservation policies. During the first week of school, there were fourteen volunteers, including parents, who helped install current meters, and when the data comes out, they will instruct us on how to conserve energy. Throughout the semester, they will guide us on how to conservatively use electronic appliances and water. Project director Mr. Chung anticipates the day that NEHS students will take the initiative and form our own junior environmental conservation project, applying conservation methods to their daily lives. Let us all express our sincerest appreciation to the TSMC Cultural Education Foundation for bringing such a high standard of environmental awareness to NEHS.