第十卷第  103年12月15日出刊  December  2014




IMSO競賽心得 第十屆新竹模聯 校運會破大會紀錄 榮譽榜



發 行 所:國立科學工業園區實驗高級中學

National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park



編輯小組:何 昀 郭原甫 唐玉琪

英文翻譯:Matthew Chang  Brian Chen  Jenny Kim  Judy Chiang

                     Stefanie Wang   Jeffrey Wang  Angel



300 Jieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.

TEL886-3-5777011 FAX886-3-5781813


學校要聞|English News



第十六屆網際網路程式設計全國大賽 實中創佳績

由國立台灣大學主辦之2014第十六屆網際網路程式設計全國大賽(National Problem Solving Contest on Internet,簡稱N PSC )於12月6日假台大計算機及資訊網路中心舉辦決賽,實中學子以優越的程式設計能力勇奪多項佳績。其中由12A 陳伯恩、高三3班陳禹樵、高三2班廖康喬組成的聯隊勇奪高中組第一名同時高三5班黃文璁和高一5班何達睿、高二4班林瑋毅和葛家聿也分別榮獲高中組優等獎。另外,國中部三年2班何凱鈞、黃品諭及雙語部8A 陳捷楷、陳亭築亦以優異成績榮獲國中組優等獎。NPSC競賽題目多為演算法題型,由眾多初賽隊伍中選出25隊晉級決賽,晉級決賽的參賽隊伍需於競賽時間5小時內解出6到8題,過程相當緊張刺激。由於比賽是2~3 人一組,但每組僅共用一台電腦,所以除了考驗各組員程式設計能力外,還重視團隊的默契與時間分配。






雙語部於11月 22日舉辦第三屆台灣教育聯盟會議(TEA Conference),並舉辦教師專業成長研習,主題為「翻轉教室與教學實務-如何運用數位學習來建立一個以學生為中心的教學環境」。特別邀請蒞台訪問之美國翻轉教室裡念共同創辦人艾倫山姆Aaron Sams擔任主講人講述「翻轉教室」;同時邀請開南大學教授Dr. John Jenkins與均一教育平台誠致教育基金會執行長呂冠緯醫師分別以「翻轉教育的基本設計」及「如何運用翻轉教室建立教育公平」為講題之研習講師。會中共計有來自全台18所高國中及國際學校行政及教師共同參與,聆聽並經驗分享「翻轉教室」於教學的應用與實施方式,期望增進學生的學習效能,建立以學生為中心的教學環境。



2014 Field Day held on November 15

NEHS 2014 field day was successfully held on a bright and sunny November 15 (Saturday). Every sports competition ran smoothly. The ceremony began with the introduction of athletes that wore creative class t-shirts and held a diversity of props, showing the enthusiasm of NEHS students. The Kindergarten Department's tiny athletes' cuteness attracted parents with cameras. The alumni also attended, making the atmosphere more upbeat. After the inaugural ceremony of the new PTA president, the next program was the power dance by the Elementary Department. Beginning with the traditional warm-up exercises, allowing teachers and parents to reminisce their childhood memories. Then, they transitioned into dancing to pop music, showing off their youth and energy. At the end, they assembled themselves to form the number 32 to celebrate the school's 32nd field day. After the power dance was the IBSH cheerleaders' performance. In the morning, competitions such as the 6th grade, middle school, and high school track finals were conducted. The audience's cheer was neverending. In the afternoon, the faculty games and relay took place, brightening the atmosphere of the field. The closing ceremony ended with awarding ceremony filled with laughter and cheer. This field day's special focus was the helicam that flew around the field, filming various competitions. Thank Foxconn Technology Group for the donation and the crowd for the attendance.

NEHS Breaks New Records in the 16th National Problem Solving Contest on Internet

On December 6, exceptional students from NEHS displayed their programming talents and earned many honors in the National Taiwan University hosted competition, 2014 National Problem Solving Contest on Internet (NPSC). 12A Brian Chen, H303 陳禹樵, and H302 廖康喬 formed a team to win first place in the high school division. Meanwhile, two teams consisting of H305 黃文璁 and H105 何達睿, and H204 林瑋毅 and 葛家聿, each won the award of excellence in the high school division. In the middle school division, M302 何凱鈞 and 黃品諭 and 8A Jacob Chen and Nicole Chen had outstanding results, winning the award of excellence.NPSC is mainly focused on algorithms, with elimination rounds to select 25 teams to advance into the finals. Teams that advanced are then required to solve six to eight complex problems in less than five hours. While the competition allows teams of two to three people, each team can only use one computer. Not only are the contestants individual programming capabilities being tested, but also the contestant  teamwork and time management.

Ms. Liu won the MOE “Education Group Cooperation Award”

Ms. Ling Shou Liu of the Experimental Department, Professor Ming Yen Lee of the National Changhua University, and student teacher Li Bing Wang won the Ministry of Education ducation Group Cooperation Award, and they were the only group to win the cooperation award. Ms. Liu and Professor Lee focused on nurturing the an Teach, Able to Teach, and Want to Teach aspects of teachers. They used geography class as the central point and also incorporated learning integration, cross-border cooperation, and subject ability in student teacher Li Bing Wang  internship at NEHS. Combining Ms. Ms Liu  insights on teaching practices and Professor Lee perspective on academics, the pair cooperated closely in developing educational practices and cooperative teaching. They brainstormed new educational ideas, allowing the site of education to move from normal classrooms to outdoors, even to everyday life. An effective, interesting class requires the teacher to go beyond the textbook; Ms. Liu reorganized the class schedule, returning the learning initiative to students. In creating new education practices, the vivid descriptions of the seasonal environment in Vivaldi he Four Seasons concerto acted as the introduction to the first geography lesson, about weather and climate, sparking the interest of the students in the class and successfully tying geography with the humanities. Other than this, the most characteristic part of the curriculum planning was the Model United Nations eastern Asia water resources summit conference. Using geography class as the central focus, Ms. Ling Shou Liu integrated the subject  concepts with current world events. Students were guided to act as the delegates from different countries to model a summit, letting students self-study related concepts and inspiring the imagination of the students.

Elementary Department Hosts “Elementary Olympiad Science Game and Creativity Competition”

The third lementary Olympiad Science Game and Creativity Competition of Hsinchu City was held on November 26 (Wednesday) at the NEHS gymnasium. 250 students from 18 elementary schools, public and private, formed 42 teams, with 28 teams participating in the Science Game competition and 14 teams participating in the Science Creativity competition. This year, the Science Game organizers designed 9 stages that students had to play through with cooperation and careful thinking in order to obtain victory.The Science Creativity teams designed, assembled, and presented their logical and creative projects based on the theme of  cientific Heart, Safe Construction, and Creative Future to display three aspects of Hsinchu City: science, safety, and creativity. The event also included a Science Game Competition for Instructors, a newly introduced section this year, to allow all teachers to personally participate in the event and learn alongside students as well. Because the Elementary Department hosted the competition for two years in a row, Director Jiang of the Hsinchu City Education Department gave special thanks to the school and administrative team of the Elementary Department for their efforts and dedication in his opening speech. The goal of the competition is to foster elementary students interest in science as well as to integrate it with middle-school olympiad science games, so that students scientific skills and ambitions could be sustained throughout their schooling experience.

IBSH Hosted the Third TEA conference

IBSH hosted the third TEA conference on November 22nd that focused on how to create a more student-centered classroom using digital media. We invited three accomplished experts in their respective fields: Aaron Sams, a pioneer of the flipped classroom movement; Dr.John Jenkins, an expert in creating a constructivist classroom; and Dr. Kwanwei Lu, a former medical doctor who has created over one thousand videos for the flipped classroom. Below are the keynote speech topics of the three speakers. "The Flipped Classroom: A Student-Centered Approach" by Aaron Sams “Constructivism: The Basis of the Design for Flipped Learning” by Dr. John Jenkins "Using the Flipped Classroom to Create Educational Equity" by Dr. Kwanwei Lu.

Taipei City Education Group Attends Seminar at NEHS

To enhance the development of elementary English education in Taipei City, bolster the expertise of the teachers, and raise future standards of English education, the Vice Director of the Taipei City Education Bureau and more than 170 expert English teachers and scholars attended an English education seminar at NEHS on November 25. Starting off the seminar, Principal Huang welcomed the esteemed guests. Then, the teachers of the Elementary Department demonstrated their methods of teaching classes while the attendees looked on. Afterwards, Dean Lee of the Elementary Department conducted the discussion, as teachers shared their thoughts and experiences as well as curriculum designs and teaching materials. In the afternoon, Professor Chou from National Hsinchu University of Education gave a speech about cooperative teaching, in hopes that the teachers and experts will be able to improve the quality of English education through discussion and collaboration.