二十卷第  104年6月10日出刊  June  2015




國際交流 2015高中部升大學榜單 IBSH College Matriculation 榮譽榜



發 行 所:國立科學工業園區實驗高級中學

National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park



編輯小組:何 昀 郭原甫 唐玉琪  Elizabeth Wyant

英文翻譯:Matthew Chang Brian Chen Jenny Kim Judy Chiang
                      Stefanie Wang Jeffrey Wang Angel Hsu

刊頭: 雙語部美術選修課作品 10B Claire Huang


300 Jieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.

TEL886-3-5777011 FAX886-3-5781813


學校要聞|English News


金黃燦爛的阿勃勒在初夏的校園中綻放,依依不捨的驪歌也輕輕響起,滿載豐富行囊的應屆畢業生們也將展翅高飛,迎向璀璨的未來。本校一百零三學年度各部畢業典禮將首先由雙語部於6月10日(週三)晚間6:00在活動中心隆重舉行。其他各部畢業典禮日期分別為: 高中部6月12日(週五)晚間6:00舉行、國中部6月16日(週二)晚間6:00舉行、國小部6月17日(週三)及幼兒園部6月18日(週四)均為晚間6:30舉行。黃芳芷校長與家長會長黃武雄先生誠摯邀請所有畢業生家長蒞臨這場盛會,共同參與孩子喜悅豐收的一刻。校長、各部主任、畢業班師長、在校師生及家長都將於典禮中為畢業班同學致上誠摯的祝福。祝福畢業同學們鵬程萬里,前程似錦!(畢業專刊詳見第三頁。)

狂賀!亞太奧林匹亞競賽 實中學子再創佳績






2015動手Fun 科學 來實驗玩實驗

自2011年本校承辦國際化學年活動系列的「化學宅急便—來實驗玩實驗」活動,並獲得外界熱烈回響後,實中舉辦的「來實驗玩實驗」活動便成為大新竹區高國中學生科學實驗的年度盛會。今年為推廣全民科學教育活動,讓更多學生有機會體驗科學實驗的樂趣,教務處特於六月六日(星期六)舉辦「來實驗玩實驗」活動,共吸引竹苗區高國中學校及社區學生家長近千人參加。本活動由全體高二2~4班學生擔任關主,並首次加入雙語部及國中部學生參與設立關卡。共設有化學6關、物理7關及生物3關…等共計21道關卡,關關精彩,讓喜歡做實驗、看實驗的同學們大呼過癮。值得一提的是本次活動首次設立數學關卡,並由國中部應屆畢業生張晏祥、陳璿筑、 曾元、 吳陽禾擔任「阿基米德多面體器」關主。此外,本活動還邀請江宏仁教授擔任「科學maker社群跟科學儀器的製作」科普專題講座主講。

風雨無阻 國三壯遊圓滿成功


NEHS Graduation Ceremony for the 2015 School Year

The golden shower trees bloom gloriously on the early-summer campus and reluctant songs of farewell sound softly, with enriched minds and bodies, this year’s graduates will spread their wings, welcoming their bright futures. The graduation ceremonies of each department of our school’s 103rd academic year will commence with that of the Bilingual Department, which is to take place at 6PM on June 10th (Wednesday). The graduation ceremonies of other departments, respectively, are: June 12th (Friday) 6PM for the High School Department, June 16th (Tuesday) 6PM for the Middle School Department, June 17th (Wednesday) 6:30PM for the Elementary Department, and June 18th (Thursday) 6:30PM for the Kindergarten Department. Principal Huang and Mr. Huang Wu-Hsiung, the PTA president, sincerely invite all parents of the graduates to this grand gathering to share this moment of great harvest. The principal, deans of each department, teachers of the graduating class, current faculty and students, as well as parents will extend their most genuine wishes to the graduating class at the ceremonies. May the graduating students soar towards their bright futures! (For the special graduation column, please see page 3).

Congratulations! Brilliant Results from the Asian Pacific Olympiad

H305 Yu-Hsuan Lin competed in the 16th Asian Pacific Physics Olympiad and successfully secured a silver medal! This year’s Asian Pacific Physics Olympiad was held in Hangjou, with a total of 26 participating countries with 186 contestants. Yu-Hsuan Lin stood out from 3,174 students hailing from 140 schools nationwide, and through numerous contest rounds, earned the glory to represent Taiwan as one of the eight contestants to the Asian Pacific Physics Olympiad. Yu-Hsuan’s exceptional performance earned him the silver medal at this year’s competition. In addition, IBSH’s Brian Chen from 12A participated in the 27th Asian Pacific Mathematics Olympiad (APMO) held in Kazakhstan, and his splendid performance earned him the gold medal, allowing him to become the nation’s sole gold medal contestant for the APMO. At the same time, in order to encourage as well as celebrate the dazzling results of this year’s international competitions, on June 1st, our school held the “Glory of NEHS” induction and invited Brian Chen, Yu-Hsuan Lin, and Yen-Shiang Chang to express their thoughts and gratitude on receiving the awards to attend this ceremony.

NEHS Holds Hsinchu City’s 33th Science Fair for Elementary and Middle School Students

Hsinchu City’s 33th Science Fair for Elementary and Middle School Students was held in the school gym on Thursday, May 21. Collectively, elementary students (grades 4 to 6) submitted 76 projects and middle school students submitted 101 projects. The school performed outstandingly amidst intense competition; the elementary department won first place of Elementary Group competition again, and the students Bo-Han Huang, Yu-Cheng Wang, and Jia-Xi Lu of E606 won first place in the mathematics category with their project, “Investigating Number Squares with Multiplication”. Meanwhile, Bo-Yan Guo (E501), Cheng-Hao Yang (E503), Yong-Zhen Lin (E501), Jia-Tong Yang (E501), and Jun-Ying Deng (E502) won first place in the Applied Sciences division with their project, “Construction and Investigation of Bladeless Fans”. Both of the above projects were nominated to advance to the National Science Fair. Also, Zhu-En Yang (E501), Yan-Han Guo (E501), Zi-Rong Hsu (E502), Yun-Shan Chang (E502), Xin-Yu Huang (E506) also won first place of the Elementary Earth Sciences division, and Kai-En Yang and Zheng-Wei Chung of M201 and Jing-Ya Hsu of M202 also won first place of the Middle School Earth Sciences division with their project, “An Examination of the New Building Location Effectiveness and Earthquake-Induced Variation of Soil Temperature”. The science fair, which was organized by the Elementary Department administrators under Principal Christine Huang and Dean Su-Man Lee, occurred from May 22 to May 26 and won accolades from judges and attendees. We thank the Hsinchu City Department of Education and the offices of NEHS for their assistance and cooperation.

(For a detailed list of award-winning students and their teachers, please see the Honor Roll on Page 15.)

Middle School and Bilingual Department Host Fascinating Science and Humanities Exhibit

On May the 27th (Wednesday), the Middle School Department hosted a science competition, in which seventh and eighth graders used their acquired scientific knowledge, imagination, and creativity in divided groups to participate in events such as “Mission Impossible”, “Alcohol Gun”, “Roman Cannons”, “Windpump”, and “Sherlock Holmes’ Optics House”. Despite only participating for the first time, the M103 team won first place out of the 20 participating teams with their fearless creativity. On May 27th and June 4th, the Bilingual Department hosted a humanities exhibit for elementary students. Roughly 300 participants attended the exhibit including students, teachers, and parents. Students displayed their reports on Styrofoam boards, as they presented their year-long reading plans and results and answered questions from judges, parents, and guests.

Experimenting at Experimental High School

Since NEHS hosted the international chemistry activity series “Chemistry Delivery Service---Experimenting at Experimental High School” in 2011, receiving an enthusiastic response from the outside world, the NEHS-hosted “Experiments at Experimental High School” event became a junior- and senior- high school science experimentation annual event in the Hsinchu area. This year, to promote popular science education programs and to let more students have the opportunity to experience the fun in scientific experiments, the administrative section hosted the “Experimenting at Experimental High School” event on June 6th (Saturday), attracting high school students and parents from the Hsinchu and Miaoli areas and community, leading to a total participation of almost a thousand. This event has levels hosted by H202, H203, and H204 classes, and also incorporates booths hosted by the bilingual and middle school departments for the first time. There were 6 chemistry levels, 7 physics levels, and 3 biology levels for a total of 21 levels, each of them astounding, making students who love doing and watching experiments completely hooked. In particular, this event included a math level for the first time, with freshmen Yan-Xiang Chang, Xuan-Chu Chen, Yuan Zheng, and Yang-He Wu hosting the “Archimedean Polyhedron Device” level. The school also invited Professor Hong-Ren Jiang as the popular science lecture speaker of “Manufacturing Science maker Groups and Science Devices.”

Taiwan East Coast Bike Trip is a Success

To encourage this year's ninth grade graduates, who were busy studying for the Comprehensive Assessment Program for Junior High School Students (CAP), to get into shape, develop their physical endurance, and promote physical and mental development, the Office of Student Affairs held a Nan-Liao 17 km-Coastline Bike Tour especially for the class on Tuesday, May 26, after the CAP had ended. Instructor Zhou Shi-Cheng and 9th grade homeroom teachers from the Office of Student Affairs led the 34-km round bike trip around the Nan-Liao coastline. In addition, the Office of Student Affairs painstakingly planned out the “Taiwan East Coast Bike Ride” from May 27th to 29th, challenging the 9th graders to continually bike 155 km within 3 days in a grand bike tour, right after the 34-km Nan-Liao trip just a day before. Although it was windy and rainy the whole time, the ninth grade students all courageously strived to challenge themselves, leaving a memorable, glorious experience to include in their yearbooks.