第二十三卷第二期 107年4月15日出刊 April 2018



Aloha!2018臺灣珊瑚礁大使出訪夏威夷 實驗中學35週年校慶剪影  健康促進園遊會 「新」春「花」開校際交流 榮譽榜



發 行 所:國立科學工業園區實驗高級中學

National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park



編輯小組:何 昀 郭原甫 紀鈴鈺 林燕靖

英文翻譯:Jessica Kim、Alica Lee、Alice Chen、Claire Chuang、Berry Lee、

                     Karen Tseng、Sunni Lin、Ching Huang

刊頭:國小部 4-6 黃恩佐


300 Jieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.

TEL886-3-5777011 FAX886-3-5781813


學校要聞|English News

珊瑚礁大使遠赴夏威夷取經 擴展臺灣海洋保育


Cupertino短期交換學生來訪 認識實驗中學

繼106年10月的出訪行程後,實驗中學親善大使於今(107)年四月份再次與美國加州Cupertino地區學校進行交流。今年4月15日,由美國Cupertino地區CHSCA協會(Cupertino Hsinchu Sister City Association)成員及兩位地區學校教師帶領25名學生來到新竹進行國際交流活動。25名Cupertino學生中,有8名學生會成為實驗中學的客人,由中學部及雙語部的親善大使擔任host family進行全程接待,不僅在學校時間擔任shadow students,陪伴美方學生融入班級及課程;更在課後時間帶領美方學生認識各地景點並了解台灣學生的日常生活。4月18日至4月20日三天,美方學生會跟著shadow students到中學部或雙語部上課,體驗實驗中學各項精彩的課程。期許這項交流活動不僅對來自Cupertino的客人,也為實驗中學的學生帶來滿滿的收穫!

日本高知縣小津高校 與雙語部交流互動

延續去年雙語部與日本高知縣小津高校的交流活動,今年由數學科Yamamoto老師與英文科Okabayashi老師領軍的高知縣小津高校學生再度於107年3月13日來訪。小津高校為高知縣SSH學校(超級科學高中,Super Science High Schools,為日本為加強科技教育而提出的課程改革計劃)之一,學生皆為科技教育領域的上上之選。雙語部為來賓安排了豐富的課程,包含了「漢字的文化與藝術」,讓日方學生體驗中國書法之美;另外還有物理及化學課,小津高校學生利用這兩堂科學課程中,以英文介紹他們這一年來的科學研究,與雙語部學生分享並共同探究。另外,日方學生並參與了客家文化的一環──擂茶,透過對食材、器具的認識,以及擂茶流程的一一體驗,對於臺灣的在地文化有更實際的接觸。期待明年小津高校再度來訪時,為兩校學生帶來不一樣的火花!

幼兒園承辦教保研習 課程豐富多元  


雙語部職涯講座 精彩萬分

107年雙語部Career Day為雙語部學生帶來一系列精彩的職涯講座,邀請許多重量級人物來提供學生未來大學入學及選擇職業時不同的參考。其中,來自前史丹佛大學招生中心入學委員Ms. Grace Wu受邀為本次專題演講講者,以「Discover Your Spark: Why Having A Career Vision Matters」為講題,與學生分享發掘自身優點與長處,才能自眾多優秀人才中脫穎而出。本次職涯workshop邀請來自各方的優秀人才,如中研院生化所徐尚德(Danny Hsu)副研究員、新竹台大醫院小兒科劉欣明(Simon Liu)醫師 、桃園機場塔台航空管制員陳妍君(Cheryl Chen)小姐、Willis Towers Watson 風險管理商業管理顧問李政修(Scott Li)先生、馮嘉瑋(Pearl Fung)諮商心理師、知名設計師,同時也是紅點設計等國際大獎獲獎人胡發祥設計師、康乃爾動物醫院毛嘉慶院長、歌舞劇演員高丞賢(藝名:高華麗)、台積電Technical Manager楊政憲先生、聯發科法律顧問簡貝珊律師等人,皆是各行業的佼佼者,其中更不乏實驗中學的家長及校友們!藉由各界分享,帶給學生多面向的探索與展望視野!

Coral Reef Ambassador’s Pilgrimage to Hawaii: Expansion of Taiwan’s marine protection program
With the constant support from the National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium, our school has actively promoted the Coral Reef Ambassador Program for a long time. After relentless evaluations and screenings, the school’s Coral Reef Ambassadors for this school year were chosen. They set off towards Hawaii during 2018 winter vacation, and was invited to attend the Hawaiian governor’s 200-people international dinner party in which they performed Taiwanese aboriginal dances. Furthermore, they visited many marine and fishery organizations, as well as museums and aquariums. Through these thorough investigations, the ambassadors each contributed to the team in their unique ways. Their flexibility, teamwork, and specialized grouping not only helped the team grow, but also themselves as individuals. We hope through our school’s continued investment in the Coral Reef Ambassador Program, we will be able to not only promote marine protection on a large scale, but also boost Taiwan, an island nation, to lead the world in its steps to sustainability.

Cupertino Short-term Exchange Student Program: Exploring NEHS
In the wake of their trips to Cupertino during October of 2017, a number of honorable NEHS students are now hosting a handful of students from Cupertino, California during their student exchange program in Taiwan. The students were led by not only members of the Cupertino Hsinchu Sister City Association (CHSCA), but also two teachers from their own school. Out of the 25 Cupertino students, eight of them will be visiting NEHS, with students from both NEHS and IBSH acting as their host families and staying by their sides throughout the course of their stay. As their hosts, the Taiwanese students will be helping their Cupertino friends transition into an Asian classroom, bringing them around for sightseeing, and overall enhancing their understanding of Taiwanese culture. The Cupertino students will be following their hosts from 4/18 to 4/20 to their classes, giving both Taiwanese and American students alike a new global perspective.

Kochi Ozu High School Visits IBSH
Led by Mathematics teacher Mr. Yamamoto and English teacher Mr. Okabayashi, the Kochi Ozu High School students visited IBSH on March 3rd, 2018, establishing their second year of exchange with IBSH since last year. As one of the Super Science High Schools of Japan (part of Japan’s educational reforms to enhance technological learning), the Kochi Ozu High School nurtures students exemplary in their projects and contributions to the scientific field. IBSH organized fruitful lessons and activities for the visitors, including Chinese calligraphy (The Han Characters and Culture Chinese class), and Physics and Chemistry classes, where the Japanese students and teachers not only interacted with IBSH students in various lab experiments, but also presented the science projects they were working on this year. Additionally, the visiting teachers and students tried the hands-on DIY of the Hakka green tea, experiencing the cultures of Taiwan. IBSH looks forward to welcome the Kochi Ozu High School next year to continue the milestones of exchange and bond!

Kindergarten Department hosted a Diverse Preschool Care-taking Conference
Our school’s kindergarten department recently hosted Hsinchu city’s preschool care-taking conference. The theme of this conference was the incorporation of aesthetic and life education into classes. Our school invited Ms. Wen Ping Lin, a teacher at the Affiliated Experimental Elementary School of National Chiayi University who majored in early childhood education and drama creation and application, to lead the a workshop on the practice of assimilating drama into aesthetic education. In the workshop, Ms. Lin gave wonderful and informative lectures on how to guide children to develop their physical movements and how to apply drama into education. In addition, our school invited Professor Yi Qin Lan and Ms. Pei Xuan Cai from National Tsing Hua University and University of Taipei’s Department of Early Childhood Education to speak on incorporating life education into classes in the workshop “Early Childhood Education through Picture Books.” By giving an overview and sharing tips of various picture books to discuss in class, Professor Lan and Ms. Cai gave teachers a clearer understanding of the tremendous powers picture books have and inspired teachers with new teaching ideas!

A Fruitful Career Day in IBSH
Numerous high profile figures were invited to the IBSH 2018 Career Day to bestow the students with inspiring advice on the college applying process as well as the job finding journey. Former Stanford admission officer Ms. Grace Wu hosted a panel on the importance of discovering one’s spark and strengths to stand out even in a growingly competitive crowd. There were many other outstanding speakers who were invited to our school, including Mr. Danny Hsu, a researcher, Mr. Simon Liu, a pediatric doctor from National Taiwan University Hospital Hsinchu Branch, Ms. Cheryl Chen, an air traffic maintainor in Taoyuan International Airport for Taiwan Navigation, Mr. Scott Li, a risk management consultant for Willis Towers Watson insurance company, Ms. Pearl Fung, a renown counseling psychologist and designer who won many international awards such as the Red Dot Design Award, Mr. Mao, the dean of Cornell Animal Hospital, Mr. Gao, a theater actor, Mr. Yang, a technical manager in TSMC, and Ms. Jian, a lawyer consultant for MediaTek. Furthermore, IBSH parents and alumni were also active participants. Our students were able to experience a multifaceted exploration of various fields and also expand their plans on the future.