Page 1 - 實中園地 第廿五卷第七期
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實中園地                                                  印

                                                          The Newsletter of NEHS                          品
                                              第二十五卷第七期  中華民國 109年 12月 15日出刊         December 2020
                                              發  行  所: 國立科學工業園區實驗高級中學
                                                    National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park
                                              發  行  人: 李健維
                                              總  編  輯: 林容安                               本   ● 109學年校運會破紀錄名單
                                              編輯小組: 何美璇、凃佳慧、黃寶瑩、吳思醇
                                              英文翻譯: Janet Jiang、Katelyn Chen 、Angela Liu、Abigail Lin、Anna Huang、  ● 109學年校運會活動剪影
                                                    Caitlyn Chuang、Karen Tsung、Mollie Cheng  期
                                              刊   頭  : 幼兒園彩虹班 陳佑家 米羅的天馬星空                    ● 注音符號闖關活動
                                              地   址  : 新竹市介壽路 300號                       要
                                                    300 Jieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.  ● 幼兒園運動會
                                              TEL:886-3-5777011    FAX:886-3-5781813
                                              設計印刷: 富泰設計  財政部印刷廠                         目   ● 參訪竹馨園
                                              雜誌類登記證●局版台誌第 283號

              推動兒童權利公約.舉行培力教案研發工作坊                               UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
                                                                 Holding Events to Cultivate knowledge
                   為推廣兒童權利公約(UN Convention on the                about CRC
              Right of the Child,簡稱 CRC),落實兒少人權
                                                                      In order to promote the UN Convention on
              之精神,國教署辦理「推動兒童權利公約教育                               the Rights of the Child (CRC), which aims to build
              人員培力中程計畫」,本校並承辦「109 年度                             children’s knowledge about their human rights, the
              推動兒童權利公約教育人員培力教案研發工作                               Ministry of Education (MOE) initiated the “UN
              坊」,期待透過教師間交流學習,實務討論及                               Convention on the Rights of the Child Education
              分享,配合推動 CRC 觀念進行規劃設計,作為                            Training Plan,” which our school implemented this
              各縣市及各校辦理教師增能及教學之教材。透                               year. Through discussions and sharing of ideas amongst
                                                                 teachers, we hope they can assist by planning courses
              過專家學者及教學現場的教師經驗分享,以及                               to promote this idea, which will be used in cities
              現場桌遊操作,與會教師對於如何撰寫 CRC 教                            and counties around Taiwan to be incorporated into
              案有更具體的認識。在經過將近兩個小時的熱                               each school’s curriculum. We hope the teachers will
              烈討論後,各組嘗試產出適用教學場域的教案。                              have a better idea of how to write the CRC proposal
              經過兩天一夜的 CRC 研習,協助學校規劃推動                            after listening to professionals and other teachers’
                                                                 experiences, in addition to first-hand experience with
              CRC 理念,落實對於兒童之相互尊重、包容與                             the available board games. After about two hours of
              關懷精神,並深耕 CRC 精神意涵,期待能夠有                            discussion, each group of teachers came up with a
              效推動兒少在家庭、學校及社區的參與。                                 plan to be tested on classes to make sure they achieve
                                                                 the purpose to promote respect, tolerance, and caring,
              雙語部辦理 UNICEF 系列活動.共同募款做愛心                          which are strongly emphasized by CRC. We hope
                                                                 we can encourage children in families, schools, and
                   時近歲末,雙語部辦理 UNICEF 系列活動,                       communities to participate in this activity.
              月底,雙語部每年進行的嘉年華會率先登場,                               Bilingual Department hosts UNICEF
              同場加映一至四年級生在校內各處室進行 Trick                           Donation Event
              or Treat 活動,將佳節氣氛散佈至校園中。今年                              These past few years, UNICEF has hosted various
              漫威英雄和公主風仍然是最多孩子的選項,悟                               events, inviting teachers and students to participate in
              空、骷髏人、皮卡丘等特殊腳色,也在此次的活                              the donation event. In late October, UNICEF hosted
                                                                 the annual Halloween carnival with elementary
              動中出現。因應防疫需求,今年的嘉年華會改在                              students trick-or-treating, contributing to the holiday
              風雨球場上進行,所募得的款項盈餘捐出一半給                              atmosphere. As usual, many kids dressed up as princes,
              UNICEF。另外,11 月 20 日舉辦 walkathon,活動                 princesses, skeletal figures, and cartoon and video
              結合運動與慈善募款,讓學生在運動強身之餘,                              games characters. Due to COVID-19, the event was
              還能投身公益做愛心。這次的 walkthon 所募得的                        held at the outdoor basketball court. Half of the profit

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