第十卷第七期 中華民國九十四年 十二月十五日 Dec 2005

  發 行 所: 國立科學工業園區實驗高級中學
National Experimental High School at Science-Based Industrial Park
發 行 人: 吳榕峰 Publisher:Rong-feng Wu
編輯小組:尚愛梅、 鄭碧玟、 Barbra Levine、李秀芬
刊頭照片:羅月鳳主任 (莫斯科第十一中學蒞校訪問)
地 址:新竹市介壽路 300 號
300 Chieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.
FAX:886-3-5781813 http://www.nehs.hc.edu.tw
學校要聞English News

有朋自遠方來 莫斯科第十一中學來訪

莫斯科第十一中學師生一行二十餘人,由校長Ms. Yakovleva Alla 率領,在十一月四日下午蒞臨實驗中學參訪。實中為確保溝通順暢招待周延,特別商請會說俄語的Mrs. Sveta Rhodes來為活動作翻譯。講俄語的大小貴客,英文似乎不太能溝通,卻能說幾句帶著北京腔的中文,一一用有限的中文自我介紹,值得嘉許。簡報之後,在雙語部的多功能教室,實中學子們以音樂的饗宴迎賓:中學部的國樂表演讓遠客們感受到中國傳統的絲竹之美,連在場相陪的實中師長們都為之動容;雙語部的獨唱、小提琴二重奏、以及體積龐大卻聲如空山靈雨的Marimba表演,演奏完許久彷彿音符都還在腦海裡跳躍、飛揚。 校長致贈貴賓深具意義的實中Trick or Treat for Unicef活動的馬克杯,Yakovleva Alla校長亦回贈以一幅莫斯科紅場的刺繡。會後並以精緻茶點招待,賓主盡歡。國樂社表演的同學們,深感有朋自遠方來之難得,更與十一中學的同學們攀談並交換e-mail等,進一步交流,希望兩校學生之間的友誼能跨越時空國界而源遠流長(見刊頭照片)。

國三5班徐嘉凱同學 演說全國第一


雙獲思源「高中優良科學教案徵選 」銅牌獎

思源科技教育基金會主辦之「思源E-teaching: 金獅獎-2005高中優良科學教案徵選」活動,依科目分數學、物理、化學、生物四組,以高中教材內容為準,以30分鐘左右授課規劃為約20-30張Power Point檔,以教學實用性、使用方便,能否深入淺出引導為重點;其宗旨在鼓勵研發及推廣優良教案,並促進其分享與推廣。本校顏貽隆老師與揭維邦老師,表現優異。顏貽隆老師以「有趣的橢圓」獲得數學科銅牌獎,揭維邦老師以「香山溼地」獲生物科銅牌獎。






由十一位雙語部中、外籍教師組成的實中男子慢速壘球隊,於12月4日參加總統盃全國慢速壘球賽新竹區教職組初賽,出戰光復中學、三民國中及清華大學,連戰皆捷,大獲全勝,將於明年一月十四、十五日代表新竹市參加全國決賽。壘球隊教師成員為金仁初、陳樹華、蔡明原、詹前斌、藍文權、黃楷智、塗俊傑、Shawn Campbell, Matthew Kiedrowski, Keith Eckerling 以及Jeff Nielson。 初試啼聲便締造佳績,特此恭賀,並預祝決賽更上層樓。

「魔戒」譯者 暨「麻省理工學院網路課程翻譯計畫」推動者
奇幻教主 朱學恆蒞校演講


這樣傳奇性的一個人,在12月5日蒞臨本校,為雙語部七到十二年級以及實驗部七個班級的學生們做了一場極具影音動畫聲光震撼的演講。以創意為經,生命為緯,朱學恆提醒年輕學子們要跳脫窠臼、要忠於自己、要心存願景、要不忘回饋。兩小時的演講全無冷場,結束時許多學生們仍覺意猶未盡,圍繞簽名桌旁45分鐘不肯離去。感謝朱學恆在百忙之中能抽空來新竹,實中園地特於演講結束後安排採訪記者郭昱辰、李問、Natalie Lin 以及Tiffany Kuo更深入的與朱學恆對談,這一篇奇幻教主的專訪,將刊登在下一期實中園地以饗讀者。OOPS計畫歡迎高中及雙語部學生以及老師們共襄盛舉,高中部請聯絡陳玲慧秘書,雙語部則請聯絡李秀芬老師。
朱學恆網站:www.fantasy.tw , www.lucifer.tw
朱學恆e-mail: Lucifer.chu@gmail.com


NEHS Welcomed Visitors
From The Eleventh High School Of Moscow

Principal Yakovleva Alla and the students, teachers and parents of the Eleventh High school of Moscow visited NEHS on November 4. Thanks to Mrs. Sveta Rhodes, who speaks Russian and helped with the translation of the principal’s speech and the announcements. The students from Moscow had little English, yet their self- introduction in limited Bei-jing style Chinese was impressive. NEHS students welcomed the visitors with a medley of musical performances. The awe-inspiring Chinese Orchestra of the High School Department, the Bilingual students Teresa Lii’s vocal solo, the violin duet by Jin Chen and Audrey Lan, and the mesmerizing tone of Marimba left the audience in admiration, even long after the tunes ended. Principal Wu presented the visitors with the meaningful Trick-or-treat for Unicef Mug bearing the full title of NEHS, and Principal Alla returned with an embroidered picture of the Red Square in Moscow. At tea time, members of the High School Chinese Orchestra approached the students from Moscow exchanging e-mails, hoping that this beautiful friendship between the two schools thousands of miles away will continue for a long time. We hope in the future there will be further communication between the students of the two schools, beginning now (see picture at the top of this page).

Junior High Student Chia-Kai Hsu
Celebrating The Triumph of 2005 National Chinese Speech Championship

Junior High Student Chia-Kai Hsu brought home the greatest honor in Chinese Speech contest – the Championship in the National Competition of Languages and Literatures of 2005. The competition took place on November 24 in Chia-Yi City with 1228 contestants divided into 64 groups competing in 5 categories: Speech (in Chinese, Taiwanese, Hakka, and the aboriginal dialects of the Atayal, Bunun, Rukai and Taroko tribes.), recitation, composition, calligraphy and word-sound-and-form recognition. With the teaching and training of Ms. Chin-hsien Lee, Chia-Kai Hsu received the unprecedented honor and their efforts have been honorably recognized in the history of NEHS.

Mr. Yi-Long Yan And Ms. Wei-Bang Jie
Winning Thirds For Outstanding Lesson Plans

Mr. Yi-long Yan and Ms. Wei-bang Jie, two teachers of the High School Department, participated in the “SpringSoft e-teaching 2005: Outstanding Lesson Plans for High School Science Curriculum” contest and both received the great honor of placing third. Founded and sponsored by the SpringSoft Education Foundation, this contest aims to encourage and facilitate the researching and sharing of excellent lesson plans. The contest was divided into four subjects: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Mr. Yan won the glory with “The Interesting Oval Shape” for Mathematics, and Ms. Jie received the honor with “the Wetlands of Shinag-Shan County” for Biology. NEHS is blessed with such conscientious teachers who go the extra mile to ensure that their teaching intrigues and benefits the students to the best they can. Congratulations to Mr. Yan and Ms. Jie.

Library hosted the Regional High School Library Conference of Northern Taiwan

The Library hosted the Regional High School Library Conference of Northern Taiwan on October 7 and fifty-four library administrators attended. Thanks to Counselors Ms. Wang and Ms. Lee for providing guidance. Four speeches with topics on the mission of the modern-day high school library expanded the participants’ vision. Among the topics, the “High School Students’ Website” deserved most attention of students, teachers and parents. This is an official website organized by the Ministry of Education, with the help from the “Books.com.tw” internet bookstore, to provide an open web space for high school students to participate in essay contests and share their writings, to encourage wise choice of reading materials. It aims to facilitate pressure-free reading and writing through a web space lined with respect to all writers. This is one website that is worthy of your time and attention. Check it out at http://www.shs.edu.tw.

The “English Diplomats” Of NEHS
Toured And Performed To Inspire The Youngsters

The “English Diplomats” of NEHS and four other local high schools (Hsinchu Girls’ Senior High School, Hsinchu High School, Chien-Kung Senior High School and Shu- Guang Girls’ High School) toured and performed an English play for 7 junior high schools in Hsinchu on December 14. The purpose of the “English Diplomats” program (sponsored by the MOE) was to train the high school students in English presentation and diplomatic skills to promote Taiwan to the world. With 7 performances in one day, these English Diplomats took on a challenge to their physical strength as well as their already heavy academic work loads and busy schedule. With the vision of inspiring the young ones, they performed to their very best. Their English plays were gladly enjoyed and their efforts truly appreciated.

Year-End Five-School Joint Concert 2005
Elementary 5th Graders Will Show Musical Talents In Flutes And Cello

The 5th grade flute and cello players of the Elementary Department, trained by Mr. Han-Guan Chiu, will perform in the Year-end Five-school Joint Concert of 2005 at Kuang-Wu Junior High School, joined by performers of the Ke-Yuan, Lung-Shan and Guan-Dong Primary Schools and Kuang-Wu Junior High School. Ms. Yung-fung Peng will be the host, Mr. Chi-ching Chu will assist with the performance, and Principal Wu will attend to support and recognize their efforts.

NEHS Bilingual Team
The BEST Men’s Softball Team In Town

The NEHS Men’s Softball team played in the Hsinchu Preliminary of the National Presidential Softball Tournament on December 4 and brought home the championship. The newly formed team with eleven teachers from the Bilingual Department (Ray Chin, Tree Chen, Spock Tsai, Chien-Bin Chan, Wen-Chuan Lan, Wade Huang, Jun-Jie Twu, Shawn Campbell, Matthew Kiedrowski, Keith Eckerling and Jeff Nielson) played and won 3 games in a row to win the honor, and will be representing Hsinchu city in January 2006 in the National Competition. Congratulations, Gentlemen! We wish you best luck in January.

Speech Given By Lucifer Chu
Left The Audience Gasping In Admiration

Lucifer Chu came to NEHS and gave speech to over 400 bilingual and experimental students on December 5.
Lucifer Chu, the legendary 30-year-old who translated the “Lord of the Rings” series and received a generous payment, raised many eyebrows as he donated it ALL to the establishment of the Foundation of Fantasy Culture and Arts. The impressive project, which has been currently facilitated and funded solely by this foundation, is the OOPS (Opensource Opencourseware Prototype System) project. This project aims to help translate the internet-accessible Opencouseware of MIT, Johns Hopkins University and several other Universities into Chinese, so that Chinese people with limited English can still benefit from the courses and lectures of these prestigious universities. “Removing the language barrier so that everyone can have equal opportunity in expanding his/her horizon” is the dream of Lucifer, and he is realizing it gradually. At this time over 1100 people world-wide have volunteered to help with the translation, over 900 courses are being translated, and some 300 courses are nearing completion.

A young man with a big heart and a great vision, that's Lucifer Chu. On December 5, through a well-planned speech titled “Creativity and Inspiration” and packed with movie clips, animation and superb sound effects, Lucifer offered his unique and invaluable advices on choices and decisions in life in a way that the youngsters can relate to. The speech mesmerized the audiences so much that 45 minutes after the speech the students were still crowded around Lucifer asking for answers and autographs. The student reporters of the NEHS Newsletter interviewed him after lunch. The report will be on the following issue of the Newsletter. Anyone who is willing to offer your help and be part of this grand mission are welcome to contact Ms. Tiffany Chen or Helen Jou, or simply write Lucifer at Lucifer.chu@gmail.com. The following websites can familiarize you more with the project:
Website of Lucifer Chu:www.fantasy.tw , www.lucifer.tw
Website of OOPS:www.twocw.net