第十一卷第四期 中華民國九十 五年 六月七日 Jun 2006



Brian Chang 
When I first came to NEHS, I wondered if I was going to be placed in a class of guinea pigs or white mice. The E, “experimental,” portion of NEHS bothered me—was I going to be placed in a psychology experiment? Biology experiment? And if there was an “experimental” department, what was going to be the “control” department?
I found out soon enough. The scientists put books, calculators, and papers of all sorts into our hands. The material was difficult to understand, but our teachers, through patient guidance, led us to the cheese. Year after year, the same experiment was repeated without fail.
Then, one year, we didn’t get any cheese. We had grown taller and bolder; our legs and arms were longer; our once small and beady eyes were much wider and focused. We left the confines of the maze and sprinted in all different directions—in pursuit of medicine, engineering, social studies, visual arts, research, and law, to name a few.
Meanwhile, the same experiment continues to this day. Our instructors and administrators, the scientists that have hypothesized our outcomes, now stare in awe: they are still amazed that success could put on so many faces.

Shiehan Chou
People come and go, friends grow up, and the area behind the parking lot has been greatly transformed by the years, but the spirit of NEHS remains the same throughout the years. New students often complain about how ugly the buildings or about the hard courses, but they fail to see the school as a small, close-knit community that encourages inter-grade friendships impossible to have at large schools. Friendships made here withstand the test of time, and lingering in one’s peripheral vision, a safe haven that one doesn’t want to leave upon graduation.

Catherine Chang
At the front gate of Victoria’s Butchart Gardens, a taxi driver slid my hefty suitcase into the trunk of his car. I secured the passenger door behind me as he pulled himself into the driver’s seat. An awkward silence initially consumed us, two strangers brought together by my whimsical vacation in a foreign country.
“So, “he began, “Where are you from? Where is home?”
Truth be told, I didn’t have an answer for him. I sat there, thinking and flipping a coin, but finding a brief explanation proved to be a challenge.
Slowly, I assembled my intricate answer for him. My school, National Experimental High School, could be compared to the very coin I was flipping. In a sense, it has the best of both worlds. Between two cultures, my friends and I are able to compile a new identity and bridge the Eastern and Western hemispheres, picking and choosing the parts of each that we like. Upon graduation, the students, like golden coins themselves, are scattered out into the world. I explained to him that some of us may not meet again, but regardless of where we end up, we will retain our dual cultural identities from NEHS----similar to coins that maintain a luster after they have been polished.
I will always think fondly of my time at NEHS. May the coins of the class of 2006 always shine and reflect all we have learned together.

Jeffrey Lin
Completing four years in NEHS, I would say that most important to me are the friendly, well rounded students and faculty, as well as the unequivocal welcome they gave me. To be honest, some things initially disorientated me, whether it was clean up time or the omission of certain holidays. My most prominent NEHS memory is the standardized tests in the conference room. Anticipation and entrapment tingles the spine as the booklets are distributed. The feel of the cold glass under my test papers as I rush to fill in the last questions. Panic attacks once I discovered the wrong answers in the wrong spaces, or a missing paragraph. And then the sense of combined catharsis, triumph and anticipation upon vanquishing the exam, a sensation akin to the joy from college acceptances, or possibly, the exhilaration of a passage into a new world, with the crisp high school diploma in hand. 

Jacqueline Cheng 
As high school draws to a close, I look ahead and realize we will no longer by “the grade that is out of place and nerdy”; our gossip won’t be a part of NEHS drama any longer, and we will be going our separate ways, but we will always be a part of one another’s memories.
I, Jacqueline Amanda Cheng, take you, NEHS Class of 2006, to be a part of my high school memories forever. I promise to love, cherish, and be a companion to you. I will share my strengths and achievements. I promise to respect you and be a friend to you. For better or worse, for richer or poorer, in American Idol and The OC, through Livejournal and MSN, in fights and apologies, through college applications and absence forms, through blissful and tearful moments, as long as we both shall live.

Looking Back by Denise Lin
We are our desks.
Mass-produced wooden tabulae rasae,
Personalities in scribbled doodles,
History in white-out, permanent pen, gnarled engravings,
“J.L. (heart) C.F.”, or cusswords in deep scarification,
The posturing of na?ve children,
Slowly progressing towards maturity, perhaps even wisdom.

Skins put on, sloughed off,
Carved in and rubbed smooth,
Years marked by the passage of classes,
Reinventing ourselves as people come and go.
Tattooed by myriad interactions and experiences,
A palimpsest map, an accumulation,
Distinctive, perhaps even eccentric,
As much because of this school as despite it.

Now we leave behind these desks that are us.
The permanence we took for granted, gone.
Catapulted into the abyss,
Falling upward through uncertainty,
I hope we all find –
Not a hard landing –
But freedom.




我在這個學校已十二年了,活的很好,也沒出什麼差錯。我覺得這所學校就像一個家庭一樣。在這裡我過得輕鬆自在,有朋友照顧我,有老師指導我,生活還算蠻快樂的。好玩的事情也都在這校園發生的,以後我跟人講故事的時候,應該會常常提起這裡。有一些人常常會說:「@#$@#,NEHS有夠爛!」我實在不懂他們在想什麼,可能是他們認識了一些很機車的人,或是不太適應這個環境吧!由於我沒有讀過其他的學校,也沒見過什麼世面,無從比較吧! 就算外面的學校好這裡一千萬倍我也不會知道的。其實也沒差,我認為人生過得精采就好,在這裡的時間我覺得沒白白的浪費掉!







College Matriculation Report of 2006

Catherine C. Chang University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Henry Chang Macalester College
Jin Chen Yale University
Stacey Chen International College of Hotel Management
Jacqueline Cheng Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey at Camden
Tracy Chiu LES ROCHES, Swiss Hotel Association, School of Hotel Management
David S. Chou Texas State University-San Marcos
Shiehan Chou University of Maryland, College Park
James Y. Chu Stanford University
Chih-Yu Jay Hsiao Ohio Wesleyan University
Carrie Hsing University of California at Davis
Albert Hsu University of Houston
Rune-wen Huang University of Southern California
Putzer J. Hung Brown University
Brian Jang University of Rochester
Ahram Kim University of Wisconsin, Madison
Audrey S. Lan Duke University
Ben Lee Mount Ida College
James Lee University of Wisconsin, Madison
Peter Y. Lee University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Julia Lien Brandeis University
Teresa Lii Columbia University
Chiarng A. Lin Northwestern University
Denise Lin Johns Hopkins University
Erica S. Lin Harvard University
Jeffrey Lin Bowdoin College
Richard Lin University of Wisconsin, Madison
Ying-Hsuan Lin Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Peter Liu Old Dominion University
Amy Luo George Mason University
Kevin W. Lyu University of Southern California
Franklin Meng University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
I-Han Sung University of Virginia
Angela Tsay University of California at San Diego
Rexander Wai Stony Brook University
Apphia Wang Rice University
Sarah Wang University of Rochester
Jerry Wang University of California at Santa Barbara
Pei-Hsuan Wang Macalester College
Tammy Wang University of Michigan
Yu-Pu Wang Rice University
Kim Yeh Washington University in St. Louis
Kevin Yu University of California at Davis