第十三卷第二期   九十七年四月十五日出刊    April 2008





發 行 所:國立科學工業園區實驗高級中學

National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park

發 行 人:吳榕峯    PublisherRong-feng Wu

總 編 輯:李秀芬

編輯小組:尚愛梅 彭慧萍 Barbra Levine

採訪記者:陳姚穎 黃歆予 張文嘉 林問亭
英語新聞編譯:Sharyl Sun  Anya Yu  Becky Lee

刊頭:原始 幼稚園部大三班 李泳杰地 址:新竹市介壽路300號

300 Jieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.

TEL886-3-5777011 FAX886-3-5781813


學校要聞|English News

實中二十五屆校慶 三月十二日熱鬧同歡

實中於三月十二日歡慶第二十五屆校慶。慶祝大會在高國中部管樂社莊重典雅的樂曲以及雙語部陶巧薇小朋友輕揚的帕格尼尼變奏曲中揭開序幕,接著是幼稚園部小朋友認真演出的哈利波特魔法學校;國小部合唱團的《台灣是寶島》和《Look at the stars》唱功深厚,雙語部的女子街舞隊表演節奏熱情,熱音社「鬼打牆」樂團的聲音具感染力,雙語部的啦啦隊展現青春。慶祝大會在校歌聲中圓滿結束之後,人事室舉辦的退休教職員工茶會在會議室展開, 實中前任戴校長亦回校與同仁歡敘,熟悉卻又久違的笑靨齊聚一堂。茶會中師長們溫馨敘舊,園遊會上學生們笑語清揚、烤肉正香,實中二十五歲生日,幸福漾在每一張笑臉上。


高三學生油畫仿作展 新竹生活美學館及新竹縣美術館展出






台北曲藝團實中表演滿堂彩 國小部周良諺藝驚四座

台北曲藝團於325日應邀蒞校表演,為實中學子帶來滿堂歡笑。成立於民國 82 年的台北曲藝團,除數度巡演美、加西區十四城市及非、亞六國十二城市之外,並經常性至校園巡迴演出,致力於推廣傳統文化;近20年的團齡,淬煉出舞台上說學逗唱的絕佳功力。此次在實中表演,讓年輕學子們見識到中華文化在文字語言上精練傳神卻又活潑俏皮的一面。國小部六年2班周良諺同學也上台共同演出一段精彩相聲,周良諺已在台北曲藝團學藝數年,此次在實中初試啼聲便藝驚四座,博得滿堂采。






圖書館為慶祝校慶,特於310日至321日間舉辦「2008校慶書展」,展出主題為「愛護地球、關懷生命」,地點在圖書館一樓展場,展出書籍包括中英文圖書及童書,由博客來書店提供參展圖書並負責送書收書事宜,圖書館協助陳列展出,校慶當天參觀及訂書之師生家長十分踴躍。圖書館本學期並舉辦「Story Telling Time」活動,以推展英語文閱讀活動,自三月份起每週二上午由義工家長為小朋友說故事,開辦至今已有國小部五年級兩個班級預約聽故事,頗受歡迎。小六及國一各班同學歡迎踴躍向圖書館預約。另外,新增「高中新課程資訊網」(http://highschool.moe.edu.tw/main/home/home.php) 與「學術整合平台高瞻知識網」http://myknowledge.tw/ 歡迎師生家長點閱參考。 

NEHS 25th Anniversary

The 25th Anniversary of NEHS was held on Wednesday, March 25th. The morning ceremony started off with the elegant performance by the wind orchestra from the High School Department, and the complicated yet flowing music of Paganini by Bilingual student Erin Tao. The Kindergarten students brought laughter and life to the Gym with their “Harry Potter and the Magic School,” followed up by the choir performance “Look at the Stars” and “Taiwan’s a Treasure Island” by the Elementary Department choir.  D. Co girls from the Bilingual Department showed their energy and passion, and the High School Department band, “Guei Da Chiang, sang with a fervor paralleled only by the following Bilingual cheerleaders who flaunted their spirit and zeal in front of the audience. The ceremony came to an end with the last note of the school anthem, which signaled the start of the tea party for the retired teachers and administrators in the Conference Room. Former NEHS Principle Dr. Li-ming Tai joined and completed the reunion. The warmth at the tea party and the joyous laughter at the flea market made this year’s school anniversary better than ever.


The High School Senior’s Oil Replica On Exhibition

The much anticipated High School Seniors’ Oil Painting will be exhibiting from April 9th through 27th in the National Hsinchu Living Art Center. The graduating seniors have been working on this art show for a while, and all of the pieces presented various challenges. The115 replicas of world famous master pieces are the results of the guidance provided by the art instructor, Ms. Hsu, the support of Principal Wu as well as the parents, and last but not least, the efforts of the seniors during the second semester of their junior year. We’d like to thank the attending guests for their encouragements, Ms. Hsu for her guidance and teachings, and the seniors for their hard work. NEHS is proud of you! After the April exhibition, these masterpieces will be on display from May 14th to June 1st at the Hsinchu County Art Center and we invite everyone to attend!


Literary And Math Seminars Hosted By The High School-Based Regional Education Projects

The 2007 High School-based Regional Education Projects hosted a series of seminars titled “Readings on Social and Humanistic Classics” on every Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. during March 15th to June 16th. The speaker, Ms. Chen, starts the sessions with a discussion on novels and so far has already introduced famous writers such as Xu Dishan, Lao She, and Zhang Ailing. She then takes the audience through related topics such as important works, and movie appreciation and fully connects the novels with life. For math, the “Creative Mathematics Teaching Project” hosts a series of seminars called “Linear Algebra Discussion” starting from March 29th to April 26th. For a total of four seminars, the instructor, Mr. Yen from National Tsing Hua University, guides students in further exploring the concepts of Vector Space and Linear relationships. Both seminars have received positive commentaries.


Taipei Theatrics Group Brings Excitement To NEHS

On March 25th, Taipei Theatrics Group graced NEHS with its lively and witty performance. Established in 1993, the Taipei Theatrics Group has performed internationally in fourteen cities in America and Canada, and twelve cities throughout six African and Asian countries. On a national scale, the group often tours local schools to nurture in youngsters an appreciation for traditional culture performances. Their performance on March 25th demonstrated the state-of-the-art comical and skillful usages of the Chinese language. During the show, our very own Jou Liang-yen of the Elementary Department also performed a segment of Comic Crosstalk with gusto that was highly remarkable and entertaining for such young age and earned a big round of applause from the audience. 


Elementary Department Hosts Book Reading Meetings

The Elementary Department began hosting book-reading meetings for the parent-volunteers on February 22. A total of fourteen meetings will be held every Friday from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in the Elementary Department Guidance room. The participants will be reading two books; the first book, How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk, by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish, explores different techniques to help children face their emotions, encourage them to be independent thinkers, praise them and help them develop their own unique characteristics. The second book, The Strength of Love, written by an education specialist Lee-shu Wang, focuses on the importance of love and patience in a parent-child relationship. All parents are strongly encouraged to read these two books either at the meetings or at home and learn how to accompany your precious child on the journey of growth.


Book Exhibition In Celebration Of NEHS’s 25th Anniversary

In celebration of NEHS’s anniversary, the library hosted a book exhibition from March 10th to 21st. The topic was “Loving Mother Nature and Loving Life.” The books exhibited were provided by Books Bookstore and received great enthusiasm from the visitors on reading and ordering of the books. Also, the school library, in the hopes of enhancing students’ English reading ability, has been hosting story-telling time in English every Tuesday since March; this activity has been well-received by two fifth grade classes who had the opportunity to sign up for such an exciting experience. Sixth and seventh grade classes are also welcome to sign-up and enjoy! For cyber-connected knowledge treasures, there have been two new databases added to the library resources, and all parents, teachers, and students are invited to explore.

High School New Curriculum Information Website


My Knowledge Website
