第十卷第  102年6月10日出刊  June 2013




十二年國教宣導 升大學榜單 榮譽榜



發 行 所:國立科學工業園區實驗高級中學

National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park



編輯小組:郭怡伶  彭雨潔 楊璦禎 Elizabeth Wyant

英文翻譯:Alex Hsu Jason Tsai Szu Yu Liu Emily Tang Brian Chen
                      Steven Chen Matthew Chang

刊頭:國中部三年五班 鄒頤生


300 Jieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.

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學校要聞|English News



新竹市第31屆中小學科展競賽 本校表現亮眼



雙語部於5月16日舉辦第一次人文學科展覽(Humanities Presentation),共有約400位 4~7年級學生、教師及家長共同參與。人文學科展覽採科學展覽模式,由5年級外籍教師蘇嘉友負責策劃,學生以4人為一組,以關心社區、環境及文化為寫作主題,分別將寫作成果以保麗龍展版於會場呈現,向現場來賓清晰表達寫作內容,並回答評審、家長與來賓的提問。展覽內容由4年級學生的環保議題至7年級的民俗藝術、夜市文化等,內容包羅萬象,許多專題還搭配文具、糖果或小禮物的發送及遊戲試玩等增添活動樂趣,展覽活動相當成功並獲得許多家長的支持與肯定。雙語部人文學科(Humanities)延續100學年度WASC課程改革,於101學年實施共同評量(Common Assessment)改革,將評分年段劃分為1~3年級、4~8年級與9~12年級等三個不同階段,依不同階段全學年設定四個不同評分重點。其中4~8年級階段下半學期(4th Quarter )寫作課程重點為「說服性寫作」(Persuasive Writing),以學生能否介紹、解釋、表達寫作主題為評量重點。




新加坡立化中學(River Valley High School )4名老師和37名中二學生,於102年5月27日星期一蒞臨本校參訪。本次的交流活動主要是希望藉由雙方學生共同參與課程和活動,達到彼此切磋與拓展國際視野的目的。活動首先由黃芳芷校長代表本校歡迎立化中學師生來訪,然後進行學校簡報與校園導覽。接下來立化中學師生分組參與雙語部8年級第三節英文課及理化課程,及國中部二年級第四節理化、國文、童軍等課程。此外,立化中學學生於課程進行前以精彩的簡報介紹該校及新加坡的人文風情,點燃雙方交流活動的熱情,也開拓國際的視野與友誼。


101年度高中職適性學習社區資源均質化計畫之「新竹地區六校聯合合唱之夜」於5月29日星期三於新竹市文化局演藝廳熱烈舉行,共有本校及新竹女中、竹北高中、曙光女中、竹東高中、新竹高中等六校合唱團共同參與。本校於今年三月榮獲全國比賽優等的高中部混聲合唱團,在指導老師鮑顗丞的帶領下,以短篇彌撒「光榮頌Gloria」、膾炙人口的迪士尼電影獅子王主題曲「生生不息Circle of Life」及富有張力且節奏深具層次性的四部合唱曲「河」等精彩曲目參與此盛會,與其他學校傑出的合唱團體一起切磋、互相觀摩。最後六校合唱團約三百人的大合唱以振奮人心的「Touch the Future」和日本松下耕創作的「相信」來為2013年六校聯合的「相信音樂會」畫下動人的句點!

Each Department Holds the 2013 Graduation Ceremony

Brilliantly scarlet phoenix flowers bloom with the sound of singing in the background. Our school’s 2013 graduation ceremony for different departments will be in the Gym starting from June 10th. Each department will hold their graduation ceremony on the following dates: the Bilingual Department on June 10th (Monday), the High School Department on June 11th (Tuesday), the Kindergarten Department on June 13th (Thursday), the Middle School Department on June 17th (Monday), and the Elementary School Department on June 19th (Wednesday), all commencing at 6:30 PM. Principal Christine Huang and Parent Teacher Association President Mr. Lin sincerely invite all graduate’s parents to participate in their childrens’moment of harvesting scholastic growth. At the ceremonies, the principal, the deans of each department, the teachers of graduating classes, and the students and parents of this school will bring genuine blessings to the graduates. Bless the graduates as they spread their wings and fly far to a bright future! (details on the special features of graduation on page 3).

NEHS Students Excel in the 31st Hsinchu City Science Fair Competition

The 31st Hsinchu City Science Fair Competition for Elementary and Middle School took place on Friday May 24th, at the Mingfu Elementary School gym. The competition is split into two groups, the elementary group (grades 4 to 6) and the middle-school group, with a total of 197 projects on display. Our school performed excellently, achieving second place in team ranking among the A-group schools (schools with more than 36 classes) for elementary projects, and second place among B-group schools for middle-school. Many of our students also had outstanding performance individually amidst fierce competition. The elementary students Guan-Chen Chen, Liang-Yan Chen, Fang-Yu Yeh, Han-Yo Lai, and Shu-Kai Chang from class 504 obtained second place for mathematics in the higher-grade group; Zhou-Yuan Huang, Shu-Fan Yeh from class 605 and Li-Tang Hsieh and Jing-Jie Chen from class 505 earned third place for chemistry and biology, respectively. In the middle-school department, Shao-Li He from class 201 won second place (the highest rank won by NEHS) in earth sciences, Jia-Yu Ge, Hao-Yun Chang, and Jia-Wei Liu from 303 won third place in biology, and Zhen-Yang Chang, Shao-Yu Zhu, and Pei-Ru Wu won third place in mathematics. Many other students also obtained honorable mentions; for more details, please check the honor roll on page 15. Many thanks to the teachers diligent teaching that led to this excellent performance, and congratulations to all students who won awards.

IBSH Hosts Its First Humanities Presentation

IBSH first Humanities Presentation was held on May 16th, with around 400 students from grades 4 to 7, teachers, and parents attending. Hosted by the 5th grade English teacher Mr. Kayao Sou, the Humanities Presentation was modeled after a typical Science Fair, with students grouped in fours to present their projects made from styrofoam models and written work about caring for the society, environment, and culture. It was an interactive activity where the judges, parents and guests could ask questions for the students to answer. The content of the fair varied from the 4th graders theme of a green environment to the 7th graders theme on folk arts and the culture of night markets. Many groups gave out stationery, sweets, little presents, and also incorporated interactive games in their presentation, adding more joy and happiness in the fair. The fair was extremely successful and received support and affirmation from many parents. Not only has the IBSH Humanities class curriculum continued its WASC development plan from last year, it also executed the common assessment reform this year, splitting the scoring into three different sections of grades 1-3, grades 4-8, and grades 9-12 along with four different points for scoring. Among these groups, the main topic during this quarter for the 4th to 8th graders is persuasive writing, which will test whether or not a student can thoroughly introduce, explain, and convey their thoughts.

Middle School Department’s Student Separation Plan

Among the 169 students of this year  middle school graduates are 41 students who are either continuing high school here in NEHS or going to other high schools with recommendations or exemptions from taking the otherwise mandatory Basic Competency Test (BCT). In order to help the students taking the BCT focus on preparing for the test, the Middle School Department is holding separate courses. Apart from the vigorous efforts put by all 9th grade subject teachers into getting the graduates ready for the BCT that will take place from June 8th to 9th, the school has arranged courses for the 41 students who already have a high school to attend to learn more effectively. The scheduled courses includes 10th grade Physics, Chemistry, and other such classes. The school has also organized Chinese and English enrichment programs to strengthen the students?reading skills. In addition, the school has also made plans for the students to participate in the graduation ceremony preparation and production, granting students the opportunity to take on such jobs as the ceremony emceeing and the collaboration in the ceremony  planning.

Singapore River Valley High School Visits Our School

4 teachers and 37 students from the River Valley High School visited our school on Monday, May 27. Through activities and classes, students from both schools were able to expand their minds. The event commenced with Principal Huang welcoming the teachers and students from River Valley High School and introducing our school to them along with a tour of the school. Then, they joined 8th grade students in the Bilingual Department and the Experimental Department in classes such as Chinese, English, and scouting. Besides that, they gave a presentation introducing their school and the culture of Singapore. This event gave the Singaporean students as well as the students from our school a whole new global perspective and sparked friendship among them.

High School Choir Group Participates in “6-Schools’ Choir Night”

The 101th year High School community educational development program “Six-Schools’ Choir Night” was hosted on Wednesday, May 29th at the Hsinchu Cultural Performance Centre A total of 6 schools attended, including NEHS, Hsinchu Girls’ High School, Zhubei High School, Shu Guang Girls’ High School, Judung High School, and Hsinchu Senior High School. Our school’s mixed choir received an award on its great performance in March under the guidance of Teacher Mr. Bao, singing classic songs including “Gloria In Excelsis Deo”, the famous song “Circle of Life” in the Disney movie Lion King, as well as a dynamic tetralogy full of vibrant beats called “River” in the choir night. The main purpose of this event was to convene six outstanding schools to learn from each other and express themselves through music. In the end, the six choir groups, totalling up to around 300 people, gathered together to sing an uplifting song called “Touch The Future”, as well as a song called “Believe” written by Ko Matsushita to mark a glorious ending to the 2013 Six-Schools’ Choir Night.