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The Newsletter of NEHS 107年第23卷第3期 實中園地
                                                  實中園地                                                    刷 印

                                                           The  Newsletter  of  NEHS
                                            第二十三卷第三期 中華民國107年5月15日出刊                 May 2018
                                            發 行 所:國立科學工業園區實驗高級中學
                                                               National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park
                                            發 行 人:李健維                                    本期要目
                                            總 編 輯:林容安                                      ● WSC in Kaohsiung
                                            編輯小組:何  昀  郭原甫  紀鈴鈺  林燕靖                       ● 母親節感恩月系列活動
                                            英文翻譯:Jessica Kim、Alica Lee、Alice Chen、Claire Chuang、Berry Lee、Karen Tseng、Sunni Lin、Ching Huang  ● 幼兒園綠世界校外教學
                                            刊    頭:國小部6-4 王翊瑄 作品名稱:花(素描)                   ● 高中部職涯講座
                                            地    址:新竹市介壽路300號                              ● 創客學術體驗營
                                                      300 Jieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.   ● 四月世界地球日環境影展
                                            TEL:886-3-5777011      FAX:886-3-5781813   ● 107年度語文競賽校內選拔比賽結果
                                            雜誌類登記證  局版台誌第283號                              ● 107 SCI Flipper 22 記錄

                                                              National Experimental High School Model
            中學部辦理模聯活動                                    United Nations Conference (NEMUN)
 Build Your Own Telescope: Starry Night at NEHS                  NEMUN (hosted by NEHS) took place from May
            模擬聯合國會議)活動,採用歐規與UN4MUN議                           19 to 20, with the special addition of the UN4MUN
            規。活動於5月19、20兩日在本校登場。本次委                           procedures this year. NEMUN VI boasts of many of
            員會包含UNSC(聯合國安全理事會)、UNODC                          the essential committees of MUN, including the United
                                                              Nations Security Council (UNSC), the United Nations
            (聯合國藥物及犯罪辦公室)、DISEC(裁軍及                           Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the first committee
            國際安全委員會)、SOCHUM(社會、人權及文                           of the General Assembly Disarmament and International
            化委員會)及Legal(法律委員會),分別關注亞                          Security (DISEC), the Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural
            塞拜然的領土議題、非洲及葉門的糧食安全、毒                             Committee (SOCHUM), and last but not least, Legal.
                                                              Different topics that will be discussed include the power
            品販運及恐怖主義之間關聯、青少年心理健康、                             struggles in Azerbaijan, problems with food security
            國際移民的安全的不同面向的議題。學生十分用                             in Africa and Yemen, the connections between drug
            心的準備各項議題之探討,討論也非常熱絡!同                             trafficking and terrorism, internal adolescent turmoil,
                                                              and security of refugees. Delegates all dedicated a big
            時也為國中生舉辦「國中模擬聯合國體驗營」,                             portion of their time to research and think about these
            讓來自全國的國中學生都有體驗MUN議程討論的                            issues, which allowed debate in committees to prosper.
            機會。                                               Additionally, NEMUN provided an experimental boot
                                                              camp for middle schoolers, allowing them to step their
                                                              feet into the world of MUN.
            高三職涯講座 大咖講師雲集
                 輔導室於四、五月份辦理高三職涯講座,                           Seniors Career Seminar with Big Shots
            邀請了重量級的來賓,為本校高三學生進行精彩                                From April to May, our school invited important
            的分享。首先是4月30日,由台積電研發處陳科                            guests to share their inspiring stories to the graduating
                                                              seniors. On April 30th, our school invited the Deputy
            維副處長為先發,蒞校分享工程師的工作內容,                             Director  of  TSMC’s  Research  and  Development
            讓學生更為瞭解「科技新貴」職場。5月1日則邀                            Department, Mr. Chen Ke Wei, to talk about the lucrative
            請實驗中學第六任校長,現任新代科技公司行政                             engineering sector, allowing the students to understand the
            總監的黃芳芷校長。黃校長與高三學生分享她的                             competitive workplace. On May 1st, the school invited our
                                                              school’s beloved sixth principal Ms. Christine Huang, who
            職涯故事,並分享現階段在業界所進行的人工智                             is currently the executive director in Syntec Technology.
            慧、機械整合等應用,給予學生許多職業追求                              Principal Huang talked about her career experience,
            上的協助。5月7日則邀請著名人權律師也是社運                            artificial intelligence, mechanical integration, and many
                                                              other applications popular in the technological industry
            者,並擔任許多社運運動的義務辯護律師-邱顯                             today, giving the students much insight into career and
            智律師,邱律師以生動直白的語言分享他的律師                             working environments. On May 7th, our school invited
            生涯及他擔任律師、從政的理念,引起學生的共                             the renown lawyer and social activist Mr. Qiu Xian Zhi.
            鳴興趣。此次講座十分精彩,學生獲益良多,感                             Using his vivid and straightforward language, Lawyer Qiu
                                                              talked about his career and shared his entertaining and
            謝輔導室的用心!(活動集錦請見第7頁)                               thought-provoking story on how he entered the politics.
                                                              The fruitful lectures inspired students to think beyond their
            實驗中學退休暨離職教職員工聯誼會                                  self-set boundaries and to walk away with worthwhile
                 本校107年5月4日(五)上午9時30分至11時30                   lessons digested. A big thank you is also in order to our
                                                              counselors for organizing all of these events and bringing
            分假本校國際會議廳舉行「實驗中學退休暨離職                             this series of talks to our school!

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