Page 2 - 實中園地 第二十三卷第三期
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實中園地       The Newsletter of NEHS 107年第23卷第3期

            休或離職教職員工都特地抽空回到實中,與以往                             NEHS Retired and Resigned Faculty Members’
            的同伴重新回味在這個園地的點點滴滴、或感受                             Union
                                                                 From 9:30 to 11:30 AM on Friday, May 4th, our
            新夥伴、新校區所營造出的氛圍。此聯誼會是在                             school arranged the “NEHS Retired or Resigned Faculty
            許多退休教師及校長在滿懷對實驗中學的愛,並                             Members’ Union.” Numerous retired faculty members
            於107年的校慶退休教職員茶會上催生而來。成                            of NEHS returned to our school to reminisce about
            立大會上透過討論,議決「實驗中學退休暨離職                             their good days here with their old colleagues and
                                                              new faculty members. The NEHS Retired or Resigned
            教職員工聯誼會」組織章程,並選舉理、監事、                             Faculty Members’ Union was created because of their
            議決年度工作計劃。此次活動對實驗中學意義非                             undwindling love of NEHS. During the assembly which
            凡,希望以實驗中學為媒介,讓不論現任及退休                             discussed the union’s creation, the union declared its main
            教職員都能有更緊密的連結,在實中激發更多生                             goal and agenda. The union also selected its director and
                                                              supervisor. We hope that NEHS will continue to be the
            涯火花!                                              web that connects all faculty members even after they
                                                              leave our school.
            雙語部優質化活動 創客學術體驗營
                 雙語部辦理本校適性學習社區教育資源均                           IBSH Innovation Camp
                                                                 IBSH has been in charge of organizing the hands-on
            質化方案,特於四月份舉辦兩場「創客學術體驗                             educational resources distribution project for a while. In
            營」活動。呼應本校優質化目標:「雲端教師無                             April, IBSH hosted two creativity strengthening camps.
            所不在,創客學生無所不能」,此次活動邀請本                             To exemplify the spirit of the motto “Online education
            校中學部退休教師,施建輝老師舉辦「動手動腦                             makes teachers ubiquitous; creativity makes students
                                                              invincible,” the camp invited retired NEHS teachers to
            化學營」,帶領學員動手製做化學作品,並認                              share their expertise and experience. Mr. Shi hosted the
            識不同的化學實驗所需粉末。另外,也邀請了                              “Stimulating Chemistry Camp” which allowed students
            梁家維老師設計一套「Micro:bit 積木程式語言與                       to conduct chemistry labs to learn about common
                                                              laboratory chemicals. Mr. Liang also flexed his expertise
            小山貓實作營」課程,從一開始的微控器原理、                             by designing the “Micro:bit Lego Programming Language
            Micro:bit介紹,到後面讓學員自行組裝小山貓機                        and Baby Bobcat Camp” course that first introduced
            械結構,並在講師的協助下校正、撰寫程式,最                             Micro:bit and the micro-controller. At the end of the
            後更以自製的小山貓進行一場競賽。學員透過這                             course, the students were able to assemble their own baby
                                                              bobcat robots. With help from the teacher, the students
            兩場活動體驗與平常課堂上不同的學習模式,透                             coded computer programs and also participated in a small
            過原理介紹、創客手做的歷程,能將所學內化為                             competition with their baby bobcat models. The two
            個人經驗,成為真正的知識!                                     camps introduced students to new concepts and allowed
                                                              them to explore in a tactical manner.
            母親節活動 各部隆重登場                                      Mother’s Day in NEHS
                 五月份重頭戲為母親節,校內各部辦理母                              To  celebrate  this  year’s  Mother’s  Day,  NEHS
            親節相關的感恩活動。中學部的「溫馨5月,用                             departments hosted various events. To show their love and
                                                              appreciation for one of the most important people in their
            精油說愛」活動,邀請高中學生利用週六時間來                             lives, all elementary school students wrote and decorated
            到學校,國中年段則是在課堂上進行,學生根據                             lovely cards to their mothers. The school then mailed
            母親的需求製作一瓶天然精油滾珠瓶,帶回家送                             them to further romanticize the day. The middle and high
            給媽媽做為母親節禮物。而國小低年級則由導師                             school departments collaborated in organizing "Warm
                                                              May, Love with Essential Oils," which welcomes middle
            帶領學生寫卡片及信件,透過郵政系統將愛心卡                             school students and high school students to participate
            片及信件寄給媽媽。中年級學生則利用茶葉、玫                             in a hands-on DIY activity of creating natural oil ball. In
            瑰果等素材,自製愛心花茶包給媽媽。學生更絞                             addition, middle school students also made tea bags for
            盡腦汁為茶包命名,將自己對媽媽的感謝完整傳                             their mothers by combing tea leaves, rosehip, and other
                                                              plant materials in adorable little tea bags, while high
            達給媽媽。高年級學生則透過觀察媽媽的生活,                             school students prepared essential oil roll on balms that
            製作適合媽媽的精油滾珠瓶,如希望媽媽一夜好                             can be used to relieve neck and shoulder pain. The tiny
            眠、或為媽媽製作舒緩肩頸痠痛的滾珠瓶。幼兒                             kindergarteners also displayed their love by participating
            園則進行「母親節孝道感恩活動」,於5月3日進                            in the “Mother’s Day filial piety thanksgiving activity”
                                                              which granted quality bonding time for the children and
            行奉茶活動。從孩子手中接下感恩的茶,場面感                             their mothers. While the kindergarteners served their
            人,家長們都感動得濕了眼眶。奉茶之後,由家                             mothers tea, the parents were encouraged to design
            長帶著孩子進行親子DIY活動,以巧手製作照片                            DIY photo frames for their children to reciprocate the
            夾或相框。活動最後以「午餐約會」為結尾,孩                             care and love they received from their children. The
                                                              kindergarteners’ event ended with a lunch date that
            子邀請家長共進午餐,讓家長對孩子在幼兒園的                             allowed mothers to experience the everyday life of their
            生活有更進一步的認識。感謝實中各部教師的用                             children at NEHS. We dedicate a big thank you to all the
            心、孩子認真而感恩的貼心舉動及家長們的熱情                             hard working teachers, loving children, and enthusiastic
                                                              parent participants for making this year’s Mother’s Day
            參與,讓五月感恩月畫下完美的句點。(活動集                             memorable for everyone! (For event highlights, please
            錦請見第4-5頁)                                         refer to page 4 and 5.)

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