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實中園地       The Newsletter of NEHS 107年第23卷第4期

            「一生一專題」 中學部期末成果發表                                 “A Project for Each Student” NEHS Second Semester Final
                 期末將至,本校國高中部辦理各式成果發表                          Student Presentations
                                                                 As the 2017 to 2018 school year draws to a close, NEHS
            活動,展現學生一年來的學習歷程及成果,顯現學                            is hosting various activities for middle and high school students
            習成效。高中部成果發表由高二數資班為先發,以                            to showcase their learning throughout the year. One of these
            「鍊」為主題,在5月24於本校國際會議廳進行成                           activities is a fair for students to present their final projects. With
            果發表會。高二文組班則以「詞穹」為主題,於5                            “honing” as the theme of the fair, NEHS’s math and science
                                                              gifted program junior class introduced a series of impressive
            月28日進行成果發表。而高二科學班則以主題「風                           presentations on May 24th. On May 28th, the literature junior
            巢」席捲而來,在5月31日進行成果發表會,並邀                           class then presented on the topic of “limitless phrases.” On May
            請全台科學班,如建中、南一中等校科學班學生蒞                            31st, the junior Science Magnet program carried on a plethora
                                                              of innovative presentations.The event extended its invitation
            校共同欣賞、切磋。而部分高二選修課程「科普閱                            to prestigious schools all across Taiwan, including Taipei
            讀與寫作」、「生物科技應用與寫作」、「清大專                            Municipal Jianguo High School and National Tainan First
            題選修」、「進階數學」,以及林柏帆老師結合天                            Senior High School. Other junior elective classes also presented
                                                              on May 30th at the Arts and Science Gallery hallway of our
            文台進行的「地科天文台」,則在5月30日於行政                           school. Several topics were touched upon; subjects ranged from
            大樓中廊展示課程相關成果發表。另外,國二資源                            “Creative Reading and Writing,” “Biotechnology Application
            班學生也不落人後,數學、物理、化學、生物各組                            and Writing,” “NTHU laboratory,” to “Advanced Mathematics,”
            專題也舉辦了成果發表。一系列的學生學習成果展                            and “Geo-Astronomy” classes. Additionally, the eighth grade
                                                              resource class shared their learnings on math, physics, chemistry,
            示不僅呈現了教學的成果,更精鍊了學生的學習精                            and biology. The plethora of avid presenters not only showcased
            華。透過專題研究,學生必須將生硬的學習加以統                            the success of studies geared toward specific topics each
            整、理解內化、發想、研究,並將成果精華濃縮於                            semester or year, but also NEHS students’ ability to succinctly
                                                              condense their reports onto a single poster with practiced speech
            一張全開海報中,經過一連串的口語練習,流利得                            and fluency. Here’s a big thank to all the teachers who made the
            進行分享,實在是件不容易的事!感謝老師們的辛                            presentations possible, as well as a huge congratulations to the
            勤指導,也慶讚學生們的優異表現。                                  impressive vigor displayed by all the students!
                                                              Elementary Students Year-End Performances
            國小部特色成果發表會 令人驚艷                                      The elementary department hosted numerous conferences
                 國小部也在期末舉辦了多場成果發表會,從5                         to present their year-end results. On the night of May 25th,
            月25日晚上,國小部舉辦社團成果發表會,由國小                           the elementary department’s string club, music video dance
                                                              club, ukulele club, and jazz and drums club brought amazing
            部課後社團如弦樂社、MV舞蹈社、烏克麗麗社、                            performances for the conference. Music teachers Ms. Qui Han
            爵士鼓社等,帶來精彩的演出。發表會上更邀請重                            Guan, Ms. Chen Wen Jin, Ms. Lu Yu Lan, Ms. Zhang Yun Yun,
            量級音樂老師-邱涵冠老師,以及陳玟瑾老師、呂                            and Ms. Tsai Pei Ying performed a song elegantly, instantly
                                                              elevating the conference’s energy to that of a music festival.
            郁嵐老師、張芸芸老師、蔡佩穎老師演奏優美的曲                            Also, through the help of their subject teachers, 4th, 5th, and
            目,呈現一場音樂饗宴。而透過校內課程引導,四                            6th graders showcased their talents in the realms of art and
            到六年級藝術與人文領域也投入成果發表會的行                             humanities with their singing performance on June 8th, June
                                                              22nd, and June 29th. In addition, the grade5 and 6 honors class
            列,各班經過教師的引導及長久的練習後,於6月8                           also hosted a year-end performance on June 8th and June 22nd.
            日、6月22日、6月29日分別由六年級、五年級及四                         A huge thank you to all the teachers for allowing our school
            年級帶來精彩的歌曲表演。而高年級資優班也利用                            to host such diverse events that can highlight our students’
            6月8日及6月22日下午,進行豐富的課程成果發表                          academic excellence and curiosity!
            會。感謝老師們的帶領,讓實驗中學能夠有如此多                            Students Brought Honor to Our School with Outstanding
            元豐富的學生活動、孩子們的學習能夠有如此豐碩                            Performances in Different Areas
            的成果展現!                                               IBSH 12A Karen Yen honorably won the National Merit
                                                              Scholarship of $2500! This scholarship is provided by the
                                                              American Scholar Group, an organization that aims to improve
            本校學生在各科表現優異 為校爭光                                  research opportunities and America’s intercultural education.
                 雙語部12A學生Karen Yen嚴為宣榮獲美國國家                   Every year, the National Merit Scholarship offers scholarships
                                                              to less than 1% of the applicants-- Saying it is not easy to win
            卓越學生獎學金(National Merit $2500 Scholarship)         this award would be an understatement. Students from the high
            殊 榮! 此 獎學 金由 美 國 國家 卓越 獎 學金 機 構                   school department also received excellent results in competitions
            (American Scholar Group)所提供。此機構致力於                around the world. Special thanks are in order to Mr. Ming Yuan
            提升研究機會及在美國的跨文化教育,每年僅有不                            Tsai for his guidance that allowed H305 Zi Ping Yang and H205
                                                              Shi Yu Wang to win silver medals in the Asia Pacific Informatics
            到1%的學生能夠獲得此獎學金,榮獲此獎項實屬不                           Olympiad! Mr. Shu Ji Yang also deserves our applause, for his
            易!另外,近年高中部學生積極參與國內外各項賽                            guidance led H205 Xian Yang Ceng to win a gold medal in the
            事,也屢傳佳績。本校高中部三年5班學生楊子平                            Asian Physics Olympiad! Congratulations to all the students!

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