Page 8 - 實中園地 第二十三卷第四期
P. 8

實中園地       The Newsletter of NEHS 107年第23卷第4期

            be written in present tense, lasting long after our time  to the hugs and the ugly sobbing that will probably
            together is over.                                 take place at graduation. Here’s to growing up
                                                              together with all the ups and downs of a small school.
                                                  IBSH 12A    Here’s to all the love. And to raise a metaphorical,
                 We’ve come a long way. 12 years as family,   non-alcoholic toast to 12B…  Namaste.
            some more than 12, and some less. But our love for
            12A remains the same. We may be loud and hyper,
            but that simply means we are an exciting ball of
            surprises. By taking our AP PE classes, we’ve been
            trained to surpass our capabilities both physically,
            mentally, socially, and academically. Come to 12A
            for a surreal athletic experience of basketball, darts,
            soccer, baseball, volleyball, and more for “self-care”
            as what the guidance office calls it. We’re excited for
            graduation, yet as the word “college” rolls around,
            we aren’t ready yet. The fun times we’ll miss, the
            friends who have been there for us every step of the
            way, and the homework and test load that brought
            us closer together. Losing our things every day and
            spamming the facebook group with posts of the stuff
            we lost. Most of all, losing sleep every night because           國小部畢業感言
            of the countless tests and homework the teachers                                             6-1
            bombarded us with. But we stand strong together and
            we “fish” together :D                                 緣分,讓我們在這裡相聚。現在的我們羽翼
                                                  IBSH 12B
                 Walking into 12B is either utter silence or
            absolute chaos without much in between. During the
            latter, in the messy noise you can probably hear a few
            high-pitched, out of tune lines of a song or people
            writing homework frantically during noon quiet
            time. You can see people sleeping on the mat, on the
            desk, and occasionally in class (sorry teachers). But
            regardless of how conscious we are or how screechy
            the music gets, the amount of love passed around is
            the same. From our ever so intense exercise during
            P.E. class to minute meditation during guidance to
            figuring out (or not) how integrals work, we’ve come
            a terribly long way and are family. Despite how we                      6-2 (洪詠筠、楊舒斐)
            may be dysfunctional and joke about how we can’t
            wait to graduate, 12B lanterns has stayed litty. Here’s   在這六年的時光裡,我們度過了一個又一個

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