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The Newsletter of NEHS 107年第23卷第6期  實中園地
                                                  實中園地                                                    刷 印

                                                           The  Newsletter  of  NEHS
                                            第二十三卷第六期 中華民國107年11月15日出刊                November 2018
                                            發 行 所:國立科學工業園區實驗高級中學
                                                               National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park
                                            發 行 人:李健維                                    本期要目  ● 運動會專刊
                                            總 編 輯:林容安
                                            編輯小組:何  昀  何宜臻  陳婉如  林燕靖                       ● 107學年度各部新進教師介紹
                                            英文翻譯:Alica Lee、Claire Chuang、Ching Huang、Karen Tseng、Sunni Lin、Janet Jiang  ● 幼兒園迎新活動
                                            刊    頭:雙語部8A 鄧詠元 Serena Teng                   ● 幼兒園閱讀樹
                                            地    址:新竹市介壽路300號
                                                      300 Jieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.   ● 香港大學創業營經驗分享
                                            TEL:886-3-5777011      FAX:886-3-5781813   ● 樂愛運動、活得精彩
                                            設計印刷:陳俊杉先生及財政部印刷廠                                 -國小樂活教室啟用
                                            雜誌類登記證  局版台誌第283號
                                                                                           ● 家長會委員名單

            恭賀黃武雄先生當選本屆家長會長                                   Congratulations to Mr.Edward Huang for Being
 Build Your Own Telescope: Starry Night at NEHS               Elected as PTA Chair
                 107學年度第一次家長代表大會於9月27日晚                          The 2018 first PTA assembly was hosted on the
            上舉行並進行委員改選。共計由家長代表投票選                             evening of September 27th, along with the reelection of
            出31名新任委員,並由委員中推選9名常委。本                            the PTA committee. A total of 31 new committees were
                                                              elected, and 9 were chosen as the standing committees.
            次改選最後由國小部家長黃武雄先生(Mr. Edward                       Mr. Edward Huang was honorably appointed as this
            Huang)榮膺本屆家長會會長。陳怡蓉女士、林俊                          year’s PTA Chair while Ms. Chen Yi Rong, Mr. Lin
                                                              Jun Bang, Ms. Chen Yi Jun, Ms. Zhan Ming Yi, and
            邦先生及陳異軍女士、詹明旖女士及王詩萍女士                             Ms. Wang Shi Ping were voted as Vice-Chairs, along
            榮膺本屆家長副會長、徐佩萸女士接下財務長一                             with Ms. Xu Pei Yu, who was designated as the Chief
            職。新舊任會長訂於11月10日校運會開幕典禮時                           Financial Officer. The inauguration of the new PTA
                                                              Chair was held on November 10th, during the opening
            舉行交接儀式。同時希望實中家長會在新的學年                             ceremony of field day. We hope that the new PTA
            繼續家長會對學校的全力支持與協助,讓家長會                             committee will continue to support the school and
            與學校的互動順暢圓滿。(家長會委員名單詳見                             enhance the interaction between PTA and the school in
                                                              the following year. (See page 13 for PTA committee
            第十三頁。)                                            member list.)
                                                              Fukushima Students Revisit NEHS
            日本福島縣立福島高校再訪實驗                                       Fukushima High School, established in 2013, had
                 日本縣立福島高校自102學年度開始,與本                         an exchange program with our school. On September
            校高中部科學班進行交流活動,至今已經是第四                             2018, with H205 homeroom teacher Liu Xiu Min’s
                                                              guide, the school was able to successfully proceed the
            次來訪。今年九月開學後,高二科學班在導師劉                             fourth exchange program with the Fukushima students.
            秀敏老師帶領下,開始積極仔細籌辦交流活動,                             The program started out by introducing the Science
                                                              Magnet Program mascot, Jing Jing, along with a
            務必讓遠來之客感受實驗中學的待客之道。活動                             powerpoint about the characteristics of our school and
            由歡迎儀式揭開序幕,高二5班學生擔任起主持                             the Science Magnet Program. Ms. Liu also held a class
            人的任務,以流利的英文串場、介紹科學班吉祥                             about “cultural taboos,” where she allowed the students
                                                              to understand the different cultural taboos around the
            物-Jing Jing,並搭配powerpoint將學校及科學班                  world, discuss both Taiwanese and Japanese cultures,
            的特色介紹給在場來賓。接著,劉秀敏老師帶來                             and taboos regarding food and drinks. Furthermore,
                                                              Mr. Hong Ying Hao and the dean Zhuang Tian Ding
            一堂精彩的英文課,以「cultural taboos」為課程                    introduced Archimedes Polyhedron to the students and
            主軸,帶台日雙方學生認識各國不同的文化禁                              had a group competition. In the afternoon, the students
            忌,也給學生討論台日兩地在文化、飲食上特別                             from Fukushima High School made a presentation on
                                                              their science research. The students made posters and
            的taboos。接著,由洪英豪老師、莊添丁主任聯                          successfully completed their presentation, leaving a
            手,介紹數學阿基米德多面體給學生們,更讓學                             deep impression. In the end, the students exchanged
                                                              presents, took a group photo and guided the Fukushima
            生分組進行製作大型多面體競賽。下午,由福                              students around our school, making an unforgettable
            島高校學生帶來他們這一年在科學方面的研究報                             memory.

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