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The Newsletter of NEHS 108年第24卷第1期  實中園地
                                                  實中園地                                                    刷 印

                                                           The  Newsletter  of  NEHS
                                            第二十四卷第一期 中華民國108年3月15日出刊                 JMarch  2019
                                            發 行 所:國立科學工業園區實驗高級中學
                                                               National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park
                                            發 行 人:李健維                                    本期要目
                                            總 編 輯:林容安                                      ● 學生事務處學期活動總結
                                            編輯小組:何  昀  郭原甫  紀鈴鈺  林燕靖                       ●  校園尋寶-國小部三年級自然
                                            英文翻譯:Jessica Kim、Alica Lee、Alice Chen、Claire Chuang、Berry Lee、Karen Tseng、Sunni Lin、Ching Huang     科活動
                                            刊    頭:雙語部8A  鄧詠元
                                            地    址:新竹市介壽路300號                              ● 出訪船橋高校紀錄
                                                      300 Jieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.   ●  Junior Chef is Here-國小
                                            TEL:886-3-5777011      FAX:886-3-5781813      部四年級英文課活動
                                            雜誌類登記證  局版台誌第283號                              ● 幼兒園世界母語日

            實驗中學36週年校慶                                        The NEHS 36th School Anniversary
 Build Your Own Telescope: Starry Night at NEHS                  The NEHS 36th School Anniversary will be
                 本校將於108年3月20日星期三熱鬧慶祝實驗                       held on Wednesday, March 20th. Activities will be
            中學36周年校慶!活動將由上午八時三十分登場                            held at the International Conference Hall at 8:30
            的慶祝大會開啟。本次慶祝大會在國際會議廳大                             AM. Principal Lee will be presenting certificates
                                                              to teachers who served in the school for 5, 10, 15,
            廳舉行,李健維校長將頒發獎牌予在本校服務滿                             20, or 25 years to express gratitude towards their
            5、10、15、20及25年的資深教職員工,除了為                         hard work and to praise them for their contribution
                                                              to NEHS throughout the years. Later on, the NEHS
            實中全體師生表達感謝,更藉此機會表揚他們為                             elementary department from the class of E601, who
            實中付出的辛勞與貢獻。此外,慶祝大會上邀請                             won the high distinction award, will be invited to
                                                              perform a singing performance as a celebration for
            國小部感恩歌唱大賽的特優隊伍之一-六年一班                             the school’s birthday. Aside from the performances
            全體同學及比舞大會優勝隊伍擔綱演出,共同慶                             in the International Conference Hall, several
            賀實中生日。除了在國際會議廳的表演之外,另                             performances will be held in the gym, Including the
                                                              NEHS high school and middle school department
            在活動中心建立「表演舞台」,由高國中部管樂                             orchestra, kindergarten students,IBSH Cheerleading,
            團、幼兒園大班表演、雙語部啦啦隊、雙語部                              D.Co, CBC, and the guitar club of NEHS which will
                                                              all be bringing us impressive performances. Our
            DCO熱舞社、雙語部CBC街舞社及高中吉他社輪                           school will be continuing our goal to initiate health
            番演出。今年的校慶園遊會則繼續推動進入第三                             diet, label calories, and promote the idea of “No
            年的健康促進飲食熱量標示,並推動「無廢健                              Waste,” hoping to decrease the amount of production
                                                              of manufacturing and food waste. To celebrate the
            促」園遊會,希望減少製造廢棄物及廚餘。因應                             school anniversary, all departments conducted a
            實中36週年校慶,各部並辦理系列活動,包含各                            series of activities, including the student’s work
                                                              exhibitions, Student Council’s “NEHS Talent Show”,
            部學生作業展、學聯會「實中達人秀」、國中部                             middle school department’s “Let’s Talk in English”
            「大家說英語」互動講座、國小部比舞大會、國                             interactive seminar, the elementary department’s
                                                              dancing and sports competition, and the kindergarten
            小部球類競賽以及幼兒園部的親子活動及親職講                             department’s parenting lectures. Let us celebrate the
            座。在此預祝實驗中學校運昌隆,邁向更為精彩                             NEHS 36th School Anniversary together and wish
            的發展!                                              NEHS to move towards an exciting development!
                                                              H204 Visits Japan’s Chiba Prefectural Funabashi
            高二4班出訪日本千葉縣船橋高校 建立友好關係                            High School and Strengthens Ties
                                                                 Since 2013, Japan’s Chiba Prefectural Funabashi
                 日本千葉縣船橋高校自102年起,年年有SSH  High School has been a welcome guest at NEHS.
            (Super Science High School)師生蒞校參訪。學校              Students and teachers from the SSH (Super Science
                                                              High School) annually share their scientific research
            由高二數理資優班代表學校接待,會視情況安排                             and results with our school, who continually strives
            日生入班上課,或雙方共同參與科學實驗,並分                             to establish greater connections with SSH. This
            享一年來的科學研究成果。而本校非常重視與船                             winter, NEHS students visited the Chiba Prefectural
                                                              Funabashi High School for the first time. Led by

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