Page 2 - 實中園地 第廿四卷第一期
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實中園地       The Newsletter of NEHS 108年第24卷第1期

            係,於一年前便與該校洽談寒假期間赴日回訪船                             Dean Pao and Mr. Hong Ying Hao, juniors from the
            橋高校事宜。今年1月,由國高中部鮑顗丞主任                             Mathematics Advanced Class visited Japan from
                                                              January 19th to the 25th. This exchange significantly
            及數資班洪英豪老師帶領高二數資班學生,於1                             strengthened the relationship between NEHS and
            月19日到1月25日間出訪日本千葉縣及群馬縣,並                          SSH as both schools look forward to cementing ties
                                                              with more exchanges to come. (Activity records from
            在1月22日造訪船橋高校。此次出訪活動對兩校                            the Winter Visit on pages 8~10.)
            訪活動紀錄請見8-10頁)                                     Visiting Jian-Guo High School Library, Titled the
                                                              “Most beautiful High School library in Taiwan”
                                                                 Possessing the class and aesthetics of one of those
                                                              trending coffee shops, the Taipei Jian-Guo High
            參訪建國中學圖書館 借鏡「全台最美高中圖書                             School library holds the title of the “Most beautiful
            館」                                                High School library in Taiwan.” The director of
                 有如文青咖啡廳的台北市立建國中學圖書                           the school's library, Mr. Wen Shi Hao, established
            館,有「全台最美高中圖書館」的名號。該校圖                             the library renovation project in 2017, and through
                                                              such created a library he had always envisioned for
            書館文士豪主任透過圖書館空間改造計畫,改善                             his students — a room with both open and personal
            圖書館由內到外的整體空間,為建中學生營造開                             areas, fit for both reading and studying, either with
                                                              friends or alone. The NEHS faculty visited the Jian-
            闊的圖書館,且有足夠的個人閱讀角落,適合讀                             Guo High School Library earlier this January in the
            書、思考的學習空間。本校教職人員及各部教師                             hopes of being able to develop a similar environment
                                                              for the students of NEHS. They hope that renovating
            代表於1月造訪建國中學,向2017年完工的建中圖                          our school’s library will create enough, and suitable,
            書館借鏡,希望透過完善的空間規劃,依照本校                             space for students of all ages to study in.
            各部學生的需求,提供不同年齡層的師生優質閱                             NEHS Elementary Department’s Breakthrough:
            讀環境。                                              Incorporating CLIL into Social Studies Class
                                                                 As a response to the government’s endeavor
                                                              to turn Taiwan into a bilingual country and its
            國小部教學創新 CLIL融入社會科教學                               corresponding policies of promoting bilingual
                 因應政府「雙語國家」政策、推動全英語授                          education, NEHS takes the first step to incorporate
                                                              English into its teachings of main subjects. NEHS
            課等雙語化政策,本校本著教育英才的理念,嘗                             elementary department and National Tsing Hua
            試將英語融入主科教學。國小部與國立清華大學                             University Department of English Education’s dean,
            英語教學系主任-周秋惠副教授有長期合作經驗,                            Ms. Chiou-Hui Chou, have a long collaborating
                                                              relationship. After much discussions, they have
            在與周秋惠教授討論後,規劃以國小三年級社                              decided to practice Content and Language Integrated
            會科進行"非英語科採英語授課"(CLIL;Content                      Learning (CLIL) in grade three’s social studies
                                                              class. Every Wednesday’s social studies class will
            and LanguageIntegrated Learning)教學計劃。由周           be taught by both social studies teachers and pre-
            秋惠教授所帶領的英語教學系師培生將與三年級                             service teachers from NTHU Department of English
            社會科教師進行共同備課,讓雙方都對課程有一                             Education. Social studies teachers from NEHS
                                                              will teach the first two periods, and the pre-service
            定的了解,並對教學目標、歷程達成共識。每周                             teachers from NTHU will teach the third period,
            三節的社會科教學,由社會老師任教其中兩節,                             assisted by the social studies teachers. Through
                                                              this experience of CLIL practice, the school hopes
            第三節則由清大英語教學系師培生以英語進行教                             to bring bilingual education to NEHS and help the
            學,並由原班社會科老師協同教學。此次實驗性                             students improve their English.
            的CLIL教學,希望為雙語化教學打開一扇希望之                           Bilingual Department Hosts an English Learning
            窗,嘉惠眾多學子。                                         Winter Camp
                                                                 This past winter, Ms. Joyce Wu and Ms. Grace
                                                              Lin from the bilingual department led a total of 20
            雙語部舉辦寒假英語教育營                                      students from the Student Teaching English Program
                 雙語部吳宥蓉老師、林凱莉老師招募了雙語                          (STEP) to host an English learning winter camp in
                                                              Yilan from January 19th to January 25th. Other than
            部八到十二年級共20位學生對英語教學有興趣的                            the most fundamental English classes, the students
            學生,藉由英語專長設計與編制教材教案、激發                             were also exposed to education through artificial
                                                              intelligence and various technologically-advanced
            創意教學英語教育營隊自2018年1月19日到1月25                        activities. This integration of more modern activities
            日,於宜蘭縣四結國小辦理,今年除了基本的英                             within the classroom seemed to be a hit with both the
            語口語會話教學外,更加入AI體驗、科技互動及                            students and teachers, resulting in a very memorable
                                                              STEP winter trip.

            2  學校要聞
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