Page 2 - 實中園地 第廿四卷第四期
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實中園地       The Newsletter of NEHS 108年第24卷第4期

            高國中部學生科學競賽表現優異 為校爭光                               NEHS High School Department Wins Distinguished
                 本校數理教學扎實,學生獲益良多,在各項科                         Honor Awards in Science Competition
                                                                 Our school has a solid STEM education. Every year
            學競賽上,也能努力爭取優良成績,為自己也為校爭                           the students challenge themselves in science, technology
            光。本校高中部學生參加第59屆第二區科展,成果豐                          and mathematics academic competitions, earning the glory
            碩,生物科及化學科分別以「『咽』奄一『襲』——                           for our school. The NEHS high school department students
                                                              participated in the 59th Region Two Science Fair, winning
            澎湖蚵蛭捕食行為探討」及「『醇』『醇』欲動—探                           distinguished honor awards in the Animal &Medical, and
            討丙二醇液滴的馬蘭哥尼效應」獲動物與醫學學科及                           Chemistry disciplines respectively. It is worth mentioning
                                                              that several other projects in the fields of mathematics,
            化學科特優。此外數學、物理及生物課亦另有多項作                           chemistry and biology came away with outstanding results
            品分獲優等及佳作。國中部亦不遑多讓,在新竹市第37                         too. In addition, Middle School department also shines
            屆中小學科學展覽會亦有斬獲,多件作品榮獲佳作,                           in the 37th Hsinchu City elementary and middle school
                                                              Science Fair, garnering quite a few  notable achievements.
            詳情請見第15頁榮譽榜,感謝所有老師辛勤的指導,也                         Please refer to page 15  for complete information. Special
            恭喜獲獎同學。                                           thanks to all of the teachers who spent their time teaching
                                                              the students and preparing them for competitions!

            國小部連續五年榮獲新竹市第屆中小學科學展覽會                          Elementary Department has won 1st place in
            團體甲組第一名                                           Hsinchu City Elementary and Middle school Science
                                                              Fair for five consecutive years
                 國小部在數學與自然科學深耕有成,104年至107                        This is the fifth year that Elementary Department
            年連續四年勇奪新竹市中小學科展冠軍後,今年再下                           wins the first place in Hsinchu City Elementary and
            一城,再度蟬聯團體甲組第一名,豐碩的成績令人驚                           Middle School Science Fair, demonstrating the strength
                                                              and prowess in the school’s mathematics and science
            艷。今年參展作品共有11件獲獎,其中數學科、化學科                         programs. There was a total of 11 projects earning
            及地球科學四件作品分獲第二及第三名,其餘皆獲佳                           citywide acclaim, with four projects gaining 2nd and 3rd
            作肯定,以整體的戰力獲得全面的肯定。感謝指導老                           places in the field of mathematics, chemistry and earth
                                                              science while the rest obtaining outstanding performance
            師的用心及學生的努力,得獎名單請詳見第15頁榮譽                          awards. This is surely an awesome and historical moment.
            榜。                                                All the teachers’ efforts and students’ hard work are
                                                              highly appreciated. Please refer to page 15 for complete
               圓滿成功
                 本校雙語部舉辦第七屆國小年段Reading Fair活                  IBSH Reading Fair 2019
                                                                 This year I.B.S.H. held its 7th annual Elementary
            動。此活動主要是藉由故事板展示的方式,提供一到                           Reading Fair. The purpose of the fair is to provide students
            六年級學生分享他們最喜歡的文學或非文學類作品的                           in grades 1-6 the opportunity to share their favorite
            機會。希望透過此次活動,提高學生的閱讀量,並鼓                           fictional or non-fictional book through a storyboard
                                                              display. The goal of the event is to enhance and encourage
            勵學生愛上閱讀。今年的Reading Fair活動,學生提供                    reading at all grade levels.
            了不論是文學或非文學類的多元作品,雙語部教師也                              There were few changes at this year's reading fair.
            受邀擔任各年段作品的評審。在此恭喜所有得獎的參                           This year the reading fair had a mix of fiction and non-
                                                              fiction book titles. Also, all I.B.S.H. teachers were
            賽者,也對所有協助本屆Reading Fair活動圓滿進行的教                   invited to help judge the winner for each grade level.
            師、行政及家長們,致上最高的謝意!記得,Keep on                       Congratulations to all the winners and great work to all
                                                              the participants. A huge thank you to all the teachers,
            reading!我們明年見!                                    administrators, and parents for making the reading fair
                                                              possible. Until next time... keep on reading!
            本校雙語部成為正式會員                                 IBSH join in the EARCOS
                 雙語部於107學年度五月正式成為東亞區國際學                          IBSH was accepted as the first public school to join
            校理事會(The East Asia Regional Council of Schools)的會  the prestigious East Asian Regional Council of Schools,
            員,肯定了雙語部在又朝向頂尖的國際學校邁進一大                           the largest association of international schools in the world
                                                              with over 165 member schools representing 130,000
            步。雙語部目前是東亞區國際學校理事會(The East Asia  students and 16,000 teachers in this May. This will
            Regional Council of Schools)唯一獲得會員資格的公立學          allow our teachers to gain access to the best professional
                                                              development opportunities in Asia, which will allow us
            校,該組織是目前全世界最大的國際學校組織,有超                           to expose your children to the best and most up to date
            過165個會員學校,含括130000名學生及16000位教師。                   practices educationally. As the first public school to be
            成為該組織的會員,一方面得以讓我們薦送教師參加                           admitted to EARCOS, we have been given a great honor
                                                              but also a responsibility to represent all public schools
            亞洲區最優質的進修研習,使老師得以獲取最新最優                           with dignity and expertise in this arena of the best schools
            良的教育新知;同時作為第一所被認可的公立學校,                           in Asia. We look forward to having our teachers and
            這項殊榮也賦予我們責任,顯示公立學校之專業度亦                           administrators bring the best new (and old but relevant)
                                                              ideas in education to your kids as a result of this new
            足以與其他國際學校匹敵。我們也期待未來雙語部能                           relationship.

            2  學校要聞
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