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實中園地       The Newsletter of NEHS 108年第24卷第7期

                                                               at Miller Middle School, experiencing the American
              參訪美國地區 增廣國際視野                           educational system and interacting with American
                   本校國中部與雙語部師生每年都會與新竹市                         students. Two months before the event, the Cupertino
                                                               and Hsinchu Sister City Association (CHSCA) in
              師生赴美參加姊妹市-美國加州Cupertino district                 Cupertino began accepting applications from local
              的交流活動。今年10月26日,在雙語部Jessica                       families to act as host families, then spent another
              Wang老師的帶領下,國中部四位學生與雙語部                           month interviewing and visiting them, searching for
              三位學生代表實驗中學進行第四次的出訪活動。                            the most suitable match with the Taiwanese students.
              Jessica老師與七位學生在出發前多次聚會討論練                        In addition, CHSCA also arranged a visit to Apple,
              習,為出訪做好準備。在出訪期間,七位同學被                            Intel, Google, Portwell, and other companies and a
                                                               day trip to downtown San Francisco for the students
              安排與shadow student一起於Miller Middle School入        and teachers. Through the annual exchange visits with
              班上課,實際體驗美式教育體制所帶來的上課方                            Cupertino, students are provided with the opportunity
              式,並與美國學生互動。Cupertino當地辦理互訪                       to broaden their horizons and cultivate a global
              活動的CHSCA(Cupertino and Hsinchu Sister City  mindset.
              當地家庭成為接待家庭的申請,並花費了一個多                            Tom Lin and “The Garden of Evening Mists”
                                                               shortlisted in 9 categories for the Golden Horse
              月的時間一一探訪各個家庭,為來自台灣的學生                            Award.
              們找尋適當的接待家庭及配對。除了接待家庭                                 Tom Lin, an alumnus of IBSH, first entered the
              及入校上課外,CHSCA也安排師生參訪Apple、                        film industry eleven years ago with his film  “Winds
              Intel、Google、Portwell等科技公司及舊金山市區                 of September.” This year (2019), he was shortlisted for
              一日遊。透過每年與美國Cupertino地區的互訪活                       the Golden Horse Awards for his movie “The Garden
                                                               of Evening Mists,” a film adapted from the work of
              動,提供了學生增廣學生的國際視野及見聞的機                            Malaysian-English novelist Tan Twan Eng. Narrating
              會,培養具有國際觀的世界公民。                                  a story about atonement and love in Malaysia during
                                                               World War II, the movie was produced by Astro
              林書宇與《夕霧花園》 入圍金馬獎九項大獎                             Shaw and HBO. Lin was invited to cooperate with
                   本校雙語部校友-林書宇在十一年前拍攝電                         actors Angelica Lee, Sylvia Chang, Hiroshe Abe, John
              影《九降風》,首度嶄露頭角。今(2019)年則                          Hannah, Julian Sands, etc in Malaysia. The movie was
                                                               a success, and Lin has been nominated for 9 Golden
              以《夕霧花園》這部電影入圍金馬獎。《夕霧花                            Horse Awards. We are very proud of Lin, and wish
              園》改編自馬來西亞英文小說家陳團英的同名作                            him the best of luck.
              來西亞,關於贖罪與愛的故事。《夕霧花園》製                            National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center
              作公司為馬來西亞的Astro Shaw與HBO Asia,幕                   (NSRRC) Offers Internship Opportunities
                                                                   This year, NEHS partnered with the National
              前邀請李心潔、張艾嘉、阿部寬、John Hannah、                      Synchrotron Radiation Research Center (NSRRC)
              Julian Sands等演員,有如聯合國一般的陣容,並                     to provide opportunities for sophomore students to
              由林書宇在馬來西亞執導此片。林書宇更以此片                            visit and receive an elective seminar course in their
              入圍本屆金馬獎最佳劇情長片等9項大獎。預祝                            junior year. The course would serve as a preparatory
              林書宇奪下金馬榮耀!                                       class for the mandatory NEHS subject “One Life,
                                                               One Subject,” which will be implemented in the near
                                                               future. The selecting process hopes to limit the number
              國家同步輻射研究中心提供實習機會                                 of participants to ensure the high quality of the class,
                   本校今年與國家同步輻射研究中心合作,                          accepting nine students from the normal classes, six
              在高一時便先去參訪,而後於高二年段開設專題                            from the Math and Science Gifted program, and three
              選修。此選修為本校為之後校定必修──「一生                            from the Science Magnet program, who will dedicate
              一專題」的準備,故限定修課人數,讓課程精緻                            themselves in groups of 2-3 to studying specific
              化。這學期選修的人數共有普通班9人、數資班6                           subjects. The course aims to provide students with
              人、科學班3人,其中2-3人一組進行專題研究。                          both broad and deep new gained knowledge in their
                                                               area of interest, with a seminar scheduled for the first
              本課程的施行方式「由廣而深」:先進行2個月                            2 months followed by an introduction of a research
              的科普講座,各實驗室教授輪流介紹自己的研究                            professor and his/her research results. Afterwards, the
              成果,之後再分組進入實驗室,做更深入的研                             class will be divided into several groups for deeper
              究,而下學期也將以海報展覽的方式發表這一年                            research in NSRRC laboratories. In the next semester,
              的研究成果,期能帶給學生嚴謹的研究方法,及                            the students will create posters to display the results of
              訓練問題意識,落實素養概念。                                   their research. The course is expected to educate high
                                                               schoolers on meticulous research methods, as well as
                                                               foster curiosity and problem awareness.

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