Page 8 - 實中園地 第廿四卷第七期
P. 8

實中園地       The Newsletter of NEHS 108年第24卷第7期

                                      Gender Equality Project


                                                              雙語部輔導組 吳秉純老師、李銘宸實習老師整理

                 At the end of the last school year, 7th and 8th-grade student made a guidance project about “Gender Equality”.
              They researched and introduced many different aspects of it, including introductions of LGBTQA+ communities,
              gender stereotypes, gender pay gaps and etc.
                 Through the project, some students questioned why people judge others from the surface, rather than understand
              them from the inside. Some reflected on how they used to think too little about gender equality and learned deeper
              about this topic. With a broadened mind, they came to know that we should be aware of our own stereotypical thinking
              about genders and to embrace differences and uniqueness of each and every one of the community.
                 The most important thing is, even though some of the students couldn’t accept others’ opinions at the beginning,
              they learned to show respect to people possessing different beliefs from them.
                 Since every person is an individual and unique human being, we should respect and be compassionate to each

              Highlights from the projects:

              Quotes from the students:
              ● Gender doesn’t need to affect what type of job you choose and what other people think of you. (Tara Kelly-Wu, 8B)
              ● Gender shouldn’t determine everything- they are just another tiny bit of what makes us- it’s our personality and
              character that shape us. So why are people still judging people from the surface? (Race, genders, looks). (Wei Hsi Mar,
              ● You should believe and do in clothing that you actually like, not something that your biological sex or the stereotype
              in a typical society urges you follow. (Angela Chuang, 8B)
              ● Stereotypes are nothing but limitations; setting a track that children are expected to follow will take away that child’s
              creativity and will rob him/her of having the chance to decide what they want to be. Thus, I agree wholeheartedly with
              this new radical, method of gender-neutral parenting. (Ian Chiu, 9B)
              ● I think that gender should not play a big role in how someone loves and interacts with others. Everyone has a
              different way of expressing and reacting to love. (Ines Dimitrova, 9A)
              ● People should experience things themselves and make choices or decisions without the blinding of gender prejudices
              and stereotypes in society. (Pai Peng, 9B)
              ● Girls should have the freedom to do what they want without feeling judged. They should not have to mold
              themselves into a tiny box of what girls should do, but have the freedom to do whatever feels right and break out of the
              box. (Lili Hsiung, 8B)
              ● l  Everyone has masculine and feminine tendencies and everyone expresses love differently. (Kobey Yang, 9B)

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