Page 2 - 實中園地 第廿五卷第一期
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實中園地       The Newsletter of NEHS 109年第25卷第1期

            月來台訪問,屆時,換本校師生帶領嘉賓領略台灣之                           Junior Math and Science Gifted program Visits
            美!(出訪心得請見第11頁)                                    Funabashi, Furthering Relations Between the Two
                                                                 Our school has had a partnership with Funabashi
            高二數資班出訪船橋 深化兩校交流情誼                                High School in Japan for many years, with frequent
                 本校與日本千葉縣船橋高校已有多年的交流情                         educational visits from them to our school. They’re
            誼,歷年來船橋高校蒞臨本校進行教育旅行訪問時,                           always received by representatives from the juniors in
                                                              the Math and Science Gifted program, accompanying
            皆由本校高二數資班代表接待,進行諸如入班上課、                           the visitors as they join in classes, perform experiments
            進行共同實驗、文化交流等活動。千葉縣船橋高校是                           together, and participate in cultural exchange. The
            日本首屈一指的高中,去(108)年是本校首次透過日本                        Funabashi High School in Chiba Prefecture is a top high
            教育旅行活動回訪船橋高校,實際造訪該校,並與該                           school in Japan, and last year (2019) was the first time
                                                              our school visited them. Towards the end of December
            校洽談隔年由數資班回訪事宜。108年12月底,船橋                         that same year, the teachers and students of Funabashi
            高校師生再度來訪,由高二數資班接待,而今(109)年                        High School visited us, and in January of this year
            一月,該班也如期回訪。同一批師生一個月後再次見                           (2020), our students returned the visit as scheduled. The
            面,透過日方安排的茶道、花道等文化體驗活動、入                           same group of teachers and students met again a month
                                                              later, gaining insight on Japanese education through
            班進行科學實驗等,對日本教育有更深切的體會。期                           cultural exchange activities such as a tea ceremony and
            待本校與船橋高校的國際交流活動,能夠一直持續深                           flower arrangement class, and scientific experiments
            化,為雙方學生開啟遼闊的國際視野。                                 in class. We hope the international exchange program
                                                              between the two schools will continue to broaden the
                                                              global perspective of students.
                 本校輔導室參與國教署「關懷動物生命教育補助                        Animal Rights Education Program
            計畫」,透過流浪動物的認養,將動物保護融入學校                              The school’s guidance office participated in the
            生命教育課程,培養學生教養動物應有的責任及與動                           Ministry of Education’s "Education on Caring for
                                                              Animal Life Program," raising awareness through
            物相處之道,發揚愛護動物,尊重生命之精神。中學                           the adoption of stray animals and integrating animal
            部黃麗紋老師和雙語部吳宥蓉老師認養了Uni和Toro兩                       protection into the school curriculum. Through this,
            隻個性溫和的犬隻。輔導室希望讓Uni和Toro受訓成為                       students will learn to be responsible when interacting
            療癒犬,預計透過教育訓練課程讓主要照顧者、志工                           with animals and respect them. Ms. Huang from
                                                              the middle school department and Ms. Wu from the
            及學生學習如何關懷動物,進而教導Uni和Toro成為能                       bilingual department adopted Uni and Toro, two kind
            夠陪伴學生的療癒犬,增進輔導成效。輔導室並與校                           and personable dogs. The guidance office hopes to
            內懷生社(Humane Society)學生社團合作,規劃動物關                  train Uni and Toro as therapy dogs, teaching students,
            懷社團課程、宣導增進領養代替購買之意識,並辦理                           volunteers, and their caregivers how to care for animals
                                                              and letting the dogs accompany students during therapy
            服務性質活動帶領同學認識正確與校犬相處的知識。                           sessions. The guidance office also cooperated with the
            Uni和Toro在上學期末在輔導室的「療癒心活動-萌犬                       Humane Society, planning courses on animal rights and
            當班」活動安排下,定時至輔導室值勤,進行對有需                           raising awareness about “adopt don’t shop.” The club
            要的學生的情緒陪伴;這學期則會在疫情緩和後再行                           also hosted daily events throughout a week to teach
                                                              students how to properly interact with the school’s
            安排。下次在校園裡見到這兩隻療癒夥伴,別忘了大                           service dogs and dogs in general. At the end of the last
            方與他們互動喔!                                          semester, Uni and Toro participated in the "Therapy
                                                              Session - Dogs on Duty" activity, regularly providing
            國小部                            emotional companionship to students in need. The
            你今天講英文了嗎?                                         activity will resume this semester after COVID-19 has
                                                              died down. The next time you see Toro and Uni on
                 108年12月27日是國小部五年二班的English                   campus, don't forget to say hi to them!
            無論在哪裡都是「No Chinese」。每個人身上貼有三張                     Elementary Dept. 502 English Afternoon Did you
                                                              speak English today?
            黃色標籤貼紙代表三條命,一旦說了中文就必須撕掉                              Class 502 of the elementary department held a
            一張黃色貼紙,當四點鐘聲響起時,還有貼紙的人就                           “English Afternoon” on December 27th, 2019. The
            通過這一次的挑戰。原本以為這天下午大家會變得很                           event lasted from 1:30 to 4pm, and students were
            沉默、上課愛發言的人就會變得不敢舉手、下課擠在                           forbidden from speaking in Chinese (excluding proper
                                                              nouns). Each student had 3 yellow stickers pinned on
            導師面前找老師聊天的人會全部消失,但在上課時,                           their shirts, representing their three lives, and every
            由於專有名詞可以說中文,即便課堂上採隨堂問答方                           time a Chinese word slipped from their mouth, a sticker
            式,對老師及小朋友的難度也不會很高,反而有許多                           was peeled off. Students with at least one life by the end
            小朋友躍躍欲試,試著用英文回答問題。看來對五年                           of the day would pass the challenge. Most participants
                                                              had expected that classes would become silent, with
            級的小朋友來說,English Afternoon雖然是著挑戰,但                 students afraid to raise their hands and voice their
            也是個有趣的遊戲。Guess what?最後總共有23人的衣                    opinions in English. Yet surprisingly enough, many
            服至少還保有一張黃色標籤貼紙!真的很不簡單,在                           were eager to try and answer the teacher’s questions
            這No Chinese的150分鐘,度過了有趣又瘋狂的下午。                    and raised their hands plenty in class. It didn’t seem
                                                              like a challenge, rather an interesting game. And guess
                                                              what? In the end, a total of 23 students were left with at
                                                              least 1 sticker! It wasn’t an easy 150 minutes, but they
            2  學校要聞                                           made it through, managing to have fun in the process.
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