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The Newsletter of NEHS 109年第25卷第3期  實中園地
                                                  實中園地                                                    刷 印

                                                           The  Newsletter  of  NEHS
                                            第二十五卷第三期 中華民國109年5月15日出刊                 May 2020
                                            發 行 所:國立科學工業園區實驗高級中學
                                                               National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park
                                            發 行 人:李健維                                    本期要目
                                            總 編 輯:林容安                                      ● 圖書館英文資源
                                            編輯小組:何美璇  何宜臻  黃寶瑩  林燕靖
                                                                                           ● Spirit Week
                                            英文翻譯:Janet Jiang、Katelyn Chen 、Angela Liu、Abigail Lin、Anna Huang、Caitlyn Chuang、Karen Tsung、Mollie Cheng
                                                                                           ● 幼兒園母親節感恩活動花絮
                                            刊    頭:國小部 四年一班 謝沂蓁
                                            地    址:新竹市介壽路300號                              ● 校園書展後記
                                                      300 Jieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.
                                                                                           ●  停課不停學-實中遠距教學準
                                            TEL:886-3-5777011      FAX:886-3-5781813
                                            設計印刷:陳俊杉先生及財政部印刷廠                                 備概況
                                            雜誌類登記證  局版台誌第283號

            學年度新生抽籤 以網路直播方式進行                              2020 ~ 2021 School Year New Student Lottery
 Build Your Own Telescope: Starry Night at NEHS               Conducted by Live Webcast
                                                                 The New Student Lottery takes place every April
            生抽籤」,到場參與抽籤活動的工作人員、公正                             and May, with thousands of parents and students
            人士、代表、報名學生及家長動輒千人。然而受到                            anxious to know the results. Due to the ongoing
            疫情影響,因應疫情指揮中心的防疫措施,為避免                            pandemic, the Epidemic Command Center has taken
            群聚感染,特將今年的新生抽籤活動改為由公正人                            measures to prevent large gatherings. NEHS has thus
            士代抽的網路直播模式進行。抽籤的前置作業包含                            decided to move the lottery online to avoid group
            優先錄取人選資格審查、抽籤名單審查、製籤等。                            infections. Preparations include an examination of
                                                              the priority candidates, the lottery signature sheet
            由於今年改以視訊直播抽籤方式進行,故更增加了                            review, and the signing process. The school has
            抽籤演練、直播設備架設及操作等程序,相關工作                            also done mock lotteries and set up broadcasting
            人員在抽籤前,便多次演練流程,力求以公平、公                            equipment. Relevant staff members will practice
            正、公開的方式進行抽籤作業。抽籤作業在五月初                            the process multiple times before the event and
            順利完成,感謝所有辛苦的工作人員及到場協助抽                            strive to conduct lottery operations in a fair, just and
            籤作業的公正人士。                                         open way. The new student lottery was successfully
                                                              completed in early May; we’d like to give a huge
                                                              thank you to the hard working staff members and
            雙語部                                     individuals who came to assist in the event.
                 每年,雙語部都會辦理「Spirit Week」活動,
            透過指定的穿著打扮以及有趣的團康活動,凝聚                             Bilingual Department Spirit Week
            師生間的情感!Spirit Week活動由雙語部BDSC社                        Every year the bilingual department student
            團主辦,他們為一週五天訂定了特別的主題,                              council (BDSC) hosts spirit week to bring teachers
                                                              and students together. Each day there is a specific
            分別是「PJ (pajamas)」、「St. Patrick’s Day」、            theme with designated dress codes and group
            「Twin」、「Throwback Thursday」和「Disney」,             activities. This year’s themes were  PJ, St. Patrick’s,
            師生發揮創意巧思,依據不同主題穿著睡衣、綠色                            Twin, Throwback, and Disney. Spirit week allows
            衣物、迪士尼飾品等,並利用中午時間進行BDSC                           IBSH students and faculty to use their creativity and
            安排的躲避球等不同團康活動,十分熱鬧!(相關                            design costume, and the varying activities allow
            內容請見第五頁)                                          students to showcase their talents and demonstrate
                                                              their passion and spirit. ( For more information
                                                              please see p.5)
                 為使教師研習更能貼近教師教學所需,讓老                          Elementary teachers’ professional seminar
            師們能夠學有所用,國小部在幾年前將每學期固                                Throughout the past few years, the elementary
            定的教師研習模式作了調整。除了每學期針對不同                            department has continuously adjusted the form of
                                                              professional seminar in order to fit the needs of their

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