Page 2 - 實中園地 第廿五卷第三期
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實中園地       The Newsletter of NEHS 109年第25卷第3期

            主題所辦理的重點研習之外,其他的研習時間改為                            teachers. At the beginning of every semester, the
            以「社群研習」方式進行。每個學期初,會有社群                            elementary department teachers discuss ideas about
            召集人提起不同類型的社群研習活動,利用紙本或                            the professional seminar, and the faculty promote
            是晨會時間向國小部教師「宣傳」該社群的活動計                            their community plans through morning meetings
                                                              or on paper. Each teacher is required to select a
            畫,邀請教師共同參與。每位教師皆須選擇至少一                            professional seminar to partake in. This semester,
            個社群,並參與社群研習。這學期國小部共開辦三                            there were three communities -- animation, science,
            個社群:「課堂『動』起來-多媒體動畫創作與實                            and Hsinchu history. Through this program, teachers
            作暨教學運用」透過多媒體(數位)的運用製作簡                            were able to sharpen their teaching styles and
            易動畫,加上劇本創作、動畫剪輯及後製等程序                             methods, and it appears to be effective.
            後,完成自製動畫。「科學做中學」則藉著科學玩                            "Hsinchu Studies" Course Hosts Activity --
            具實作建立科學概念,讓108課綱的自然探究能力                           Understanding the Meinong Hakka
            實踐於生活中。而「新竹市古蹟踏查」則邀請新竹                               As part of a program to learn more about
            在地文史學大師-李元璋老師,帶領教師走進竹塹                            Hsinchu, the Bilingual Department invited retired
            舊城區,聊聊竹塹源遠流長的故事,讓虛擬的昔日                            teacher Ms. Wenrong Li to talk about her book, "The
            竹塹與眼前的今日新竹重疊比較,實地走一趟竹塹                            Meinong Grandma." Both Ms. Li and her editor, Ms.
            演進史。透過富有教育意義的實作活動,社群研習                            Yiyu Hsu, are our school’s retired teachers, making
                                                              the speech all the more sentimental. In the book, Ms.
            更能貼近教師教學所需,成為教學現場的助力。                             Li talks about her family’s story, connecting it with
                                                              her love for Hsinchu and admiration for the resilience
            均質化「新竹學」辦理活動 認識美濃客家情                              of traditional Hakka women. The accompanying
                 雙語部辦理均質化實施方案「藝探竹塹城—跨                         illustrations are drawn by Mr. Wuyi Tong, a local
            領域新竹學特色課程」,邀請已退休的李文蓉老師                            painter from Hsinchu. His drawings showcase the
            蒞校與雙語部學生談談他的作品《美濃外婆》。這                            culture of the Kaohsiung Meinong: wicker chairs,
                                                              blue shirts, blue dyes, and oil-paper umbrellas.
            本《美濃外婆》作者李文蓉老師及協助校對的許儀                            Ms. Li writes about the sincere emotions between
            宇老師皆為本校退休教師,讓這次在學校舉辦的講                            mothers, daughters, and grandparents, meticulously
            座分享更有情誼。李文蓉老師在書中聊到自己的家                            recording the history of the Meinong, leaving behind
            族故事,從中帶出對這塊土地的認同以及對傳統客                            precious historical knowledge.
            家婦女韌性的敬佩。由新竹在地畫家童武義先生所                            NEHS Workshop Cultivates Students' Soft Skills
            執筆的插畫,畫出了高雄美濃的工藝圖騰:藤椅、                               In order to cultivate students’ multifaceted
            藍衫、藍染、油紙傘,引起許多共鳴。李文蓉老師                            potential and broaden their perspectives, the Middle
            溫暖的筆觸,書寫了母女、祖孫間真摯的情感,更                            School Academic Affairs Department hosted
            以細膩的眼光記下了美濃的歷史,留下珍貴的非主                            the "Experimental School Workshop," inviting
            流歷史史料。                                            experts in various fields to teach students in the
                                                              form of workshops. In accordance with the 2019
                                                              learning theme of self-motivated learning and
            實中人工作坊 培養學子軟實力                                    presentation skills, the workshops on presentation
                 為培養本校學生多元能力、開啟思辨視野,                          and communication abilities were specifically
            中學部學務處特別辦理「實中人工作坊」,邀請                             selected to lead students in creating their own posters
            各領域專家以工作坊形式對同學進行專業指導。因                            and practicing speaking skills. For the workshop
            應108課綱之自主學習與專題成果展現,特別選辦                           on presentation skills, the Academic Affairs Office
            「簡報力」以及「表達力」工作坊,進行簡報製作                            invited Mr. Jiaan Zhu, the founder and visual
            與聲音語言表達技巧訓練。以「簡報力工作坊」來                            designer of Anchr Report, to teach students the
                                                              critical skills in creating presentations. The workshop
            說,學務處特別邀請現任「Anchr簡報設計」創辦人                         on communication skills focused on oral expression,
            與視覺設計師-朱家安老師為學生傳授製作簡報的                            with the school inviting Ms. Yirou Lin to share with
            技巧;而「表達力工作坊」則是著重生與的表達,                            the students the teaching system she designed, hoping
            邀請專業講師-林依柔老師分享他所設計的口語表                            to improve students' interpersonal relationships and
            達教學系統,希冀增進學生的人際關係並提升簡報                            enhance their presentation abilities. Thank you to
            能力。感謝學務處規劃如此實用的工作坊課程,讓                            the Academic Affairs Department for planning such
                                                              a practical workshop, improving the soft skills of
            學生的軟實力得以獲得增強!                                     students!

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