Page 1 - 實中園地 第廿五卷第四期
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The Newsletter of NEHS 109年第25卷第4期  實中園地
                                                  實中園地                                                    刷 印

                                                           The  Newsletter  of  NEHS
                                            第二十五卷第四期 中華民國109年6月15日出刊                 June 2020
                                            發 行 所:國立科學工業園區實驗高級中學
                                                               National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park
                                            發 行 人:李健維                                    本期要目
                                            總 編 輯:林容安                                      ● 各部畢業感言
                                            編輯小組:何美璇  何宜臻  黃寶瑩  林燕靖
                                                                                           ●  I  love  Captain  Hook-雙語
                                            英文翻譯:Janet Jiang、Katelyn Chen 、Angela Liu、Abigail Lin、Anna Huang、Caitlyn Chuang、Karen Tsung、Mollie Cheng
                                            刊    頭:高三6班 饒佩芯
                                            地    址:新竹市介壽路300號                              ●  「小學國遊樂園」幼小銜接
                                                      300 Jieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.
                                            TEL:886-3-5777011      FAX:886-3-5781813
                                            設計印刷:陳俊杉先生及財政部印刷廠                              ● 國小部科遊大賽紀錄
                                            雜誌類登記證  局版台誌第283號

            本校各部舉行一八學年度畢業典禮                                  2020 Graduation Ceremony
 Build Your Own Telescope: Starry Night at NEHS                  As the blooming flowers and light playing of
                 鳳凰花開、驪歌輕奏,六月時節的依依離情                          songs of summer take place, graduates prepare to
            也漸漸成形,如同畢業生們即將展翅飛翔,各奔                             spread their wings and part in separate paths. This
            前程。本校各部的畢業典禮在六月間陸續展開,                             year, graduation ceremonies will take place during the
            首先是6月16日(週二)早上9:30,由高中部學                          month of June. June 16th (Tuesday) 9:30am marks the
                                                              first ceremony of the year with graduating high school
            生進場開啟第一場畢業典禮序幕,然後是國小部                             seniors. Shortly afterwards, ceremonies will be hosted
            於6月17日(週三)下午2:00舉行、幼兒園部於 6                        by the Elementary department on 2:00pm June 17th
            月18日(週四)晚間6:00舉行、雙語部於6月20日                        (Wednesday), Kindergarten department at 9:30 am on
            (週六)早上9:30及國中部於6月22日(週一)早                         June 18th (Thursday), Bilingual department on 9:30am
                                                              June 20th (Saturday), and Middle School department
            上9:30舉行畢業典禮。另外,因受到疫情影響,                           on 9:30am June 22nd (Monday). Additionally, as a
            為避免多人室內群聚問題,故本次畢業典禮特別                             result of the recent COVID - 19 pandemic, this year’s
            安排在新竣工的風雨操場進行,相信能為本屆畢                             ceremonies will be held at the basketball court to ensure
                                                              proper social distancing. This is sure to allow for new
            業生帶來不一樣的體驗!李健維校長與家長會長                             and interesting experiences for this year’s graduates!
            黃武雄先生誠摯邀請所有畢業生家長蒞臨,共同                             Principal Roger Lee and the PTA President sincerely
            參與盛會並分享孩子們重要的時刻。校長、各部                             welcome all attendees to celebrate this significant
            主任、畢業班師長、在校師生及家長都將於典禮                             milestone. The principal, deans, homeroom teachers,
                                                              students, and parents will all be able to attend this
            中為畢業班同學致上誠摯的祝福。祝福畢業同學                             ceremony and wish all graduates the best of luck. Good
            們鵬程萬里,前程似錦!(畢業專刊詳見第3至                             luck, graduates!(For more information see p.3-p.10)
                                                              The Opening of the Basketball Court Roof:
                                                              An Increased Variety of Outdoor Exercise
            本校風雨操場啟用 提供多元戶外活動空間                               Opportunities
                 本校五個部別,班級數及學生人數眾多,雖                             The school's five departments have a limited space
            校園腹地廣大,但適合雨天進行體育課的場地有                             for physical education activities, especially during rainy
                                                              days. There are simply too many students on campus
            限。因此,經過會議討論,決定在原本的喬登球                             at the same time, and after many discussions, NEHS
            場上搭建棚頂,改建為風雨操場。風雨操場的興                             decided to build a roof above the outdoor basketball
            建工程於108年6月25日開工,經過數月的工期,                          court. Construction started on June 25th, 2019 and
            終於在今(109)年3月24日竣工,並拆除圍籬。本                         was finally completed March 24th, 2020. The opening
                                                              ceremony for the roof is scheduled to be on June 10th,
            校並訂於6月10日進行風雨操場啟用典禮,期望                            and we hope that this roof creates a fulfilling activity
            在未來的日子裡,能夠提供本校師生更為完善的                             space.

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