Page 2 - 實中園地 第廿五卷第四期
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實中園地       The Newsletter of NEHS 109年第25卷第4期

            實中學子於科學競賽表現優異 為校爭光                                Students’ Outstanding Performance at a Science
                 本校中學部學生參加第60屆高級中等學校科                         Competition Brings Glory to NEHS
                                                                 NEHS students partook in the 60th Elite Science
            學展覽會獲三特優、二佳作的佳績!高二5班沈                             Fair for High Schoolers and received multiple excelling
            育德、梁力洵以「鎂金屬/二氧化碳電池之開發                             awards! Three junior teams received first place in
            研究」奪下工程學科(二)組特優;高二3班古翊樺                           varying categories. Shen Yude and Liang Lixun earned
            以「尋找z>7的超大質量黑洞」榮獲物理與天文                            first in the engineering group. Gu Yihua investigated
                                                              supermassive black holes, which earned first place in
            學科特優;高二5班王立皓、李婉寧、陳謙毅以                             the physics and astronomy category. Wang Lihao, Li
            「賊頭賊腦詭計多-應用機器學習軟體探索虎斑烏                            Wanning, and Chen Qianyi investigated the predatory
            賊的捕食行為」獲得動物與醫學學科特優,感謝                             behaviors of pharaoh cuttlefish and received first
            周鈺禎老師、陳其威老師、馮蕙卿老師指導。另                             place in the animal and medicine group. In addition,
                                                              two other junior teams received honorable mentions,
            外,高二4班鄭羿羚、陳姵霖則以「忙進忙出-進                            including Zheng Yiling and Chen Peilin in mathematics
            出門問題之探討與延伸」獲得數學科佳作;高二                             as well as Zhang Yixin, Chen Jiayun, and Chen Pinxuan
            4班張意歆、陳佳昀、陳品璇以「『洋』『洋』                             in chemistry. Big thanks to all the teachers that helped
                                                              them along the way!
            科佳作,感謝黃啟明老師、許鈺琨老師指導。                              Hello! Elementary Department Video Conference
                                                              with Thai Friends
                                                                 The school applied  for the 2020 school-
            三哇低咖! 國小部與泰國朋友視訊交流                                based international education program (SIEP) and
                 本校申請109年度學校本位國際教育計畫                          successfully passed 2 projects. The elementary
            (SIEP),通過國際教育兩個方案。其中國小部                           department team “[Thai] Awesome - Explore Thailand’s
            「『泰』厲害-探索泰國的新南向力量」揮別過                             New Southward Force” bid farewell to Vietnam in
            去三年的越南,將交流主軸更換為泰國中華國際                             the past three years and replaced the exchange with
                                                              Thailand China International School. Affected by the
            學校。受到國際新冠疫情影響,原定八月的交流                             COVID-19 pandemic, the exchange plan originally
            計畫暫緩實施,不過,國小部仍希望提供學生與                             scheduled for August was temporarily suspended.
            泰國朋友交流的機會,在與泰方學校聯繫之後,                             However, the elementary department still hopes to
                                                              provide opportunities for students to communicate with
            訂下了兩次視訊交流的機會。國小部的外交小尖                             Thai friends. After contacting the Thai school, two
            兵們更利用多次的午休時間,透過查找資料、討                             video exchange opportunities have been booked. The
            論、分享、練習,將要向泰國朋友介紹的台灣節                             exchange program representatives of the Elementary
            慶及美食好好演練了一番。在5月15日和5月22日                          Department use lunch breaks to discuss and practice
                                                              Taiwan festivals and food to be introduced to Thai
            兩天早上,外交小尖兵們帶了各式美食和照片上                             friends. On the morning of May 15th and May 22nd,
            場,更是帶來了紅茶、牛奶以及珍珠,當場演示                             the exchange program representatives brought a variety
            台灣美食-珍珠奶茶的作法,深獲好評!外交小                             of food and photos to the scene including black tea,
            尖兵們也在與泰國朋友的對談中,對泰國文化有                             milk, and pearls. They even demonstrated the practice
                                                              of making bubble milk tea on the spot! Through these
            更深一層的認識。期待有一天,能夠真的到泰國                             talks, the students have gained a deeper understanding
            出訪,與好朋友們相見!                                       of Thai culture. We look forward to the day when the
                                                              students can really visit Thailand and meet our friends!
            視訊科展 國小部再次奪下甲組第一                                  Virtual Science Fair: Elementary Department Once
                 因疫情的緣故,新竹市第38屆國民中小科                          Again Achieves First Place in the Highest Honor
            學展覽會採用視訊方式辦理,因為沒有先前的經                                The Hsinchu City 38th National Science Exhibition
            驗,所以國小部的老師與選手們更是戰戰兢兢的                             was held through video chat for the first time due to
                                                              the COVID-19. This proved to be a huge challenge
            面對這一次的挑戰。所謂工欲善其事,必先利                              for the teachers and contestants; they needed a good
            其器,若要用視訊方式說明,就一定要先清楚                              understanding of google meet -- from signing in,
            如何使用視訊軟體,老師帶領著選手們練習使用                             adjusting the camera’s angle, and finally the mock
            google meet,從登入、調整鏡頭、到最後的模擬                       presentation, everything was crucial. Our contestants
                                                              have practiced thoroughly and, as expected, achieved
            說明,片刻都不敢馬虎,經過反覆練習後在5月8                            first place. Another 12 other groups achieved an award.
            日展現特訓的成果。結果不負重望的獲得了國小                             All these exemplary performances were not achieved
            甲組第一名的佳績,共計有13組獲獎,這樣的成                            by luck, but by all the students and teachers’ hard work.
                                                              They sacrificed a lot of their free time, and we hope
            績絕非偶然,而是幫忙帶科展的老師與選手們犧                             the elementary department’s teachers and students will
            牲午休或課餘時間共同努力所得到的成果,相信                             continue to carry forward the knowledge of science. (For
            未來國小部的老師與學生們將繼續將自然科學發                             more details, please see p.16)
            2  學校要聞
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