Page 1 - 實中園地 第廿八卷第一期
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實中園地                                                  印

                                                          The Newsletter of NEHS                          品
                                              第二十八卷第一期  中華民國 112年 3月 15日出刊            March 2023
                                              發  行  所: 國立新竹科學園區實驗高級中等學校
                                                    National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park
                                              發  行  人: 張簡瑞璨
                                              總  編  輯: 林容安                               本   ● 竹科實中創校 40週年慶祝活動
                                              編輯小組: 朱宜琪、郭斐粧、戴芳煒、劉芷瑩、潘信華
                                              英文翻譯: Caitlyn Chuang、Angela Liu、Abigail Lin、Anna Huang、Tara Kelly、  ● 走出戶外~讓我們看雲去 (下 )
                                                    Guan-Jhen Wu、Wei Hsi Mar、Winnie Liu  期
                                              刊   頭  : 40週年校慶!                               ● 動手玩科學 -奧匹科學競賽
                                              地   址  : 新竹市介壽路 300號                       要   ● 幼兒園母語歌謠發表會
                                                    300 Jieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.
                                              TEL:886-3-5777011    FAX:886-3-5781813  ● Taking STEPs on the Path of
                                              設計印刷: 富泰設計  財政部印刷廠                         目     Education
                                              雜誌類登記證●局版台誌第 283號

              實驗中學 40 週年校慶.實中 40,春華秋實                            NEHS 40 Anniversary, Spring Flowers and
                                                                 Autumn Fruits.
                  本校於民國 72 年設校至今,正好邁入第 40 個
              年頭,於今(112)年盛大迎來 40 週年校慶!四十                             Established in 1983, NEHS is entering its 40th
              歲的不惑之年,是一個人生命的輝煌時期,也是為                             anniversary, and hosted a grand ceremony for its 40th
              自己、為家庭及社會有所貢獻的時期;而來到不惑                             birthday. 40 years old is a person’s golden age; it's the time
              之年的竹科實中,也期許在這耕耘了三十多年,歷                             when you can give back the most to your family and society
              經各項挑戰與歷練之後,開始收穫累累碩果,為全                             as a whole. Similarly, we hope that after some 30 years of
              校師生及這個社會做出更加燦爛的貢獻。                                 training and overcoming challenges at NEHS, we can be
                                                                 rewarded and help contribute to the school and community.
                  因應 40 周年校慶,本校以珍而重之的心情,自
              111 年年底就擴大辦理一系列別出心裁的活動(各                               To celebrate this momentous day, the school had
              項活動詳細時間請見第三頁),包含「系列徵稿」、                            planned a series of events (see page three for more details),
              「校友專訪」、「實中人講座」、「實中回顧展」、                            which includes a calling for outstanding student works,
              「校慶慶祝大會」及「團圓餐會」,以及各部的音                             interviews with alumni, speeches, exhibitions about the
              樂會和運動賽事等,為 40 周年這個重要時刻留下重                          school’s history, a school-wide ceremony, a grand feast,
              要的紀錄,並為實中帶來更多美好的畫面。除了在                             and many other musical concerts, all hoping to make this
                                                                 important day more memorable. Apart from students and
              校師生參與相關活動外,並熱情邀請歷屆校友及退                             teachers, many other alumni, retired teachers, and guests
              休教職員重聚於實中校園,共同為實中 40 增添精彩                          joined us for this celebration.
                                                                     In response to the overwhelming events, this year’s
                  因活動豐富,此次的校慶慶祝大會特別改至週                           school anniversary had been set on a Saturday, allowing
              六(112 年 3 月 18 日)辦理,讓校友能夠回校園看                      alumni, retired faculty, parents, and many others to return
              看,也讓關心竹科實中的貴賓、社區芳鄰、溫暖的                             to school and participate. There was also be a big charity
              家長們能夠入校同樂。慶祝大會當天,各部班級同                             fair, and all the profit earned is donated to charity to help
              時於校園內辦理「愛心減廢創意園遊會」,充滿創                             those in need.
              意的攤位活動為校園帶來熱鬧的笑聲,園遊會的收                                 There was also exhibitions of student’s works located
              入也將捐給慈善團體,將孩子們的熱心化為幫助人                             in different buildings, allowing students to display their
              的大愛。                                               hard work to the visitors. The kindergarten department
                  當日同時還有學習成果展,分別在科學大樓、                           hosted a parenting lecture, allowing parents and their
              雙語部未來教室、國小部綜合學習教室及幼兒園中                             children to learn together. Exclusively, there was a grand
              廊展示出各部學生用心之作。幼兒園並辦理親職講                             feast in the new gym, allowing all returning NEHSers to
              座,邀請關心孩子們的家長共同成長學習。特別的                             gather and chat about the past and how much the school
              是,今年廣邀各屆校友及退休教師回娘家,遂在體                             has changed since.
              育館辦理團圓餐會,讓實驗人能夠聚在一起敘敘舊                                 With all of the events and celebrations planned,
              聊聊過去,也看看實中這幾年的發展與進步。                               NEHS’s 40th anniversary was an extremely important
                                                                 milestone. We hope that all those who have spent time at
              的人生一樣璀璨亮眼。祝福實驗中學,以及來自各                             NEHS and created unforgettable memories here will be
              地、於不同時光曾在這塊校園中生活的實中人,蓬                             able to succeed and prosper in the future, and together,
                                                                 advance towards the next decade with open arms. Happy
              勃發展,邁向更為精粹耀眼的下一個十年!                                Birthday, NEHS!

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