Page 2 - 實中園地 第廿八卷第一期
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實中園地       The Newsletter of NEHS 112年第 28卷第 1期

              校慶系列講座.科技、藝文、文史多元議題                                School Celebration Series Lectures
                                                                 Topics on Science and Technology, Art,
                   本校圖書館為配合校慶,辦理 40 週年校                          Literature, and History
              慶系列講座,由去 (111) 年 10 月 19 日,辦理
                                                                     For the school’s 40th anniversary, the school library
              第一場的《科技講座》,邀請本校第六任校長-                              hosted several seminars. On October 19th of 2022, the
              黃芳芷校長返校演講,以業界角度分享現今產                               sixth former principal, Ms. Huang, was invited to give
              業所需要的國際創新人才。從國際議題、地緣                               a speech about technology, sharing that today’s industry
              政治、全球供應鏈等角度切入,提醒現在全球                               requires international innovative talents from the industry’s
                                                                 perspective. From the perspectives of international issues,
              企業主所看重的Grit(恆毅力)、Perseverance(堅                    geopolitics, and global supply chains, she reminds that global
              持)、Curiosity(好奇)、Optimism(樂觀)、                     business owners value grit, perseverance, curiosity, optimism,
              Conscientiousness(自我覺察)、Self-control(自             conscientiousness, and self control.
              我控制)指標。                                                On November 30th of last year, alumni Ms. Wang gave
                                                                 a speech about art where she used her own works—“Thief”,
                   第二場的《藝文講座》,則於 111 年 11                        “RowBoat” and “Reclaim”—to discuss about the hardship of
              月 30 日邀請本校第 13 屆校友-王希捷導演,                          filmmaking and the new perspectives she gained about life
                                                                 through the process.
              她曾製作《小偷》、《划船》、《一家之主》等片,                                Finally, on January 4th of this year, two retired teachers,
              聊聊電影製作的甘苦之外,也分享了她在拍片                               Ms. Tang and Ms. Lee, were invited to teach about literature
              過程中所體驗到人生的詮釋與看法。最後一場                               and history. Together, they led a class for both current teachers
              《文史對談》則於 112 年 1 月 4 日舉辦,邀請                        and students about the subject to re-experience the teachers
              本校退休教師唐遠華老師和李巾賢老師蒞校分                               who led the previous students to roam through the vast field of
                                                                 literature and history, appreciate the beauty of ancient classics,
              享。兩位老師帶領現場師生上了一堂文史課,                               develop critical thinking and argument, and communicate with
              重新體驗老師們在當年帶著學生徜徉浩瀚文史                               the past.
              領域,領略古籍經典之美,訓練思辨論證,與                                   Big thanks to the student affairs office and school library
              古人交通。感謝學務處及圖書館辦理相關講座,                              for making these seminars possible, broadening the students’
                                                                 horizons, and creating more opportunities for the future!
                                                                 Elementary Department successfully
              參加新竹市奧匹科學遊戲競賽.國小部「神氣                               acquired Silver Medal in Hsinchu City
              實足」摘下銀牌                                            Olympic Game Competition

                   本校國小部自然科學領域教師群除了教學                                In addition to efforts in teaching, the teachers in
              上努力不懈,也投注大量心力陪伴喜愛從實驗                               the field of natural science in our school’s Elementary
                                                                 Department devote a significant amount of time and energy
              中發掘科學真理的孩子們,利用課餘時間為每                               to accompany students who like to discover scientific truth
              年的科展、科遊競賽等重要賽事上準備及練習。                              from experiments, and use their spare time to prepare and
              今年新竹市奧匹科遊比賽由國小部陳香伶老                                practice for important events such as science exhibitions
                                                                 and science tourism competitions. This year's Hsinchu City
              師、袁子文老師指導,帶領三隊學生於 1 月 14                           Olympic Game Competition was guided by teachers Ms.
              日參賽。其中,陳香伶老師所帶領的「神氣實                               Chen Xiangling and Mr. Yuan Ziwen as they led three teams
              足」榮獲新竹市奧林匹亞科學遊戲競賽第二名,                              of students to participate in the competition on January 14th.
                                                                 Under the supervision of Ms. Chen, the team won the second
              恭喜得獎同學在國小年段的最後一年,留下珍                               place in the Olympia Science Game Competition in Hsinchu
              貴而美好的回憶,也感謝陳老師及袁老師為學                               City. Congratulations to the students who won the prize, and
              生的付出。(相關報導請見第 9-10 頁)                              thank you to Ms. Chen and Mr. Yuan for their dedication to the
                                                                 students. (For related reports, please see page 9 to page 10)
              優化校園環境.雙語幼兒園迎接新遊戲場                                 Environment Optimization of the Campus:
                                                                 Bilingual and Kindergarten Departments
                   為提供校內師生更好的活動環境,並配合                            Received New Playgrounds
              111 學年進行幼兒園遊戲場及雙語部小籃球場                                 In the 111th school year, in order to provide our teachers
              的整建工程。在設計之初,就邀請兩部教師共                               and students with a better working and learning environment,
                                                                 while also following the safety policies of our new
              同參與討論及設計,希望透過這次的整建工程,                              playgrounds, our school has allocated a budget to reconstruct
              因應幼兒園及雙語部孩子不同年齡層的需求,                               the Kindergarten playground and renovate the Bilingual
              提供孩子們更為安全,也更符合學習階段需求                               Department small basketball court. From the beginning of our
                                                                 design, teachers of both departments collaborated to discuss
              的適宜活動場地。幼兒園活動場搭建了彩色 PU                             designs, hoping to provide the needs for both departments,
              跑道、原木遊具,並提供了光線充足、排水良                               while prioritizing students’ safety. In the Kindergarten
              好的沙坑,讓孩子們能盡情發展體能。雙語部                               Department’s playground, the design included colorful PU
                                                                 runways, playground equipments made out of wood, and a
              則邀請視藝老師,設計手繪風格圖樣,妝點小                               sandpit. In addition, the Bilingual Department invited the art
              籃球場的地面,讓小籃球場不僅是運動場地,                               teacher to design pictures and icons that are diverse and full of
              也成為孩子們下課的樂園!                                       imagination, allowing students not only to play basketball, but
                                                                 also to enjoy the colorful environment during break times and
                                                                 after school.
               2   學校要聞
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