Page 1 - 實中園地 第廿八期第四卷
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實中園地 印
The Newsletter of NEHS 品
第二十八卷第四期 中華民國 112年 6月出刊 June 2023
發 行 所: 國國立新竹科學園區實驗高級中等學校
National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park
發 行 人: 張簡瑞璨
總 編 輯: 林容安 本 ● 各部畢業感言
編輯小組: 郭斐粧、林怡瑄、吳文龍、戴芳煒、李婉禎、范瀞勻
英文翻譯: Caitlyn Chuang、Angela Liu、Abigail Lin、Anna Huang、Tara Kelly、 ● 幼兒園母親節活動
Guan-Jhen Wu、Wei Hsi Mar、Winnie Liu 期
刊 頭 : 雙語部 9B 洪韻涵 Ung Yun Han
地 址 : 新竹市介壽路 300號 要
300 Jieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.
TEL:886-3-5777011 FAX:886-3-5781813
設計印刷: 富泰設計 財政部印刷廠 目
雜誌類登記證●局版台誌第 283號
本校各部舉行 111 學年度畢業典禮 NEHS Departments Hosts their 111
School Year Graduation Ceremonies
依的場景也在校園各處上演。在各畢業班師生透過 As the flowers bloom while we sing our songs of
不同活動回憶在校生活之際,專為畢業生辦理的畢 goodbye, scenes of farewells appear across every corner
業典禮也悄悄來到。在眾人齊心抗疫後,終於恢復 around the campus. Students and teachers look back at their
times together at school, many help prepare for the graduation
各部實體畢業典禮,並開放貴賓及家長到場為孩子 ceremony that is just around the corner. Through everyone’s
們祝福。今年由雙語部學生進行場地布置,為各部 continued effort to fight the pandemic, this year’s graduation
學生營造出溫馨動人的畢業氛圍。 will be an in-person ceremony, and will invite all guests and
parents to send their wishes to the graduates. The task of
畢業典禮在六月間陸續展開,首先是 6 月 5 日 decorating the venue to create the warm and touching mood of
(週一)早上 9:00,由高中部學生升起第一場畢業 graduation has been delegated to the IBSH.
The graduation ceremonies will be hosted throughout
典禮的序幕,然後是雙語部於 6 月 7 日(週三)下 June. First is the NEHS High School department’s graduation
午 1:00 為六、九、十二年級學生辦理、幼兒園部於 ceremony on June 5th (Monday), 9:00 AM. Next up is the
6 月 13 日(週二)上午 9:30 舉行、國中部於 6 月 IBSH graduation ceremony for grades 6, 9, and 12, hosted
15 日(週四)早上 9:00 及國小部於 6 月 17 日(週 on June 7 (Wednesday) starting at 1 PM. The kindergarden
六)晚間 6:00 舉行各部盛大的畢業典禮。張簡瑞璨 department will have theirs on June 13th at 9:30 AM, NEHS
middle school will have theirs on June 15th at 9 AM, and the
校長與家長會長陳咪咪女士誠摯邀請所有畢業生家 elementary department will have theirs on June 17th at 6 PM.
長蒞臨,共同參與盛會並分享孩子們重要的時刻。 Principal Mr. Charles Chang Chien and PTA chair Ms. Mimi
校長、各部主任、畢業班師長、在校師生及家長都 Chen welcomes all the graduate’s parents to attend and cherish
this important moment together. The principal, the deans of
將於典禮中為畢業班同學致上誠摯的祝福。祝福畢 each department, teachers, students, and parents will all send
業同學們展翅高飛、前程似錦!(畢業專刊詳見第 their wishes to the graduates during the ceremony. Wish all
2 至11頁。) graduates spread their wings and fly high! (Flip to pages
page 2 to 11 for the graduation special issue.)
輔導室辦理講座 Guidance Office Speeches
本校輔導室為拓展學生視野,提供學生認識不 Guidance Office has decided to help our students have
同職業面向或大學升學管道的機會,為不同年段學 a greater vision of the world to understand different kinds of
生辦理多元職業生涯講座以及升學經驗分享講座。 professions or different pathways they can take in college by
hosting this lecture. For instance, in the speech about careers,
例如,在職涯講座中,邀請了警察局鑑識科股長、 the Police Forensic Section Chief, technical customer service
科技技術客服工程師、星巴克區經理,財富管理顧 engineer, Starbucks manager, wealth manager advisor, and
問等相關職業人士蒞校,分享他們的工作內容及甘 more came to our school to conduct speeches sharing their
career experiences. In addition, we also had some more
苦談。另外也辦理生涯講座,讓學生對電子產業有 speeches related to the electronics industry for students that are
更深入的認識。輔導室也邀請校友回娘家,分享大 interested. The Guidance Office also invited the alumni back
學升學申請的經驗,以及這一年來在該校學習的種 to share about their experiences in applying to college and
life in college. To current students, such varying sources can
種。對在校生來說,透過不同來源的刺激與啟發, can inspire their future pathways when they are encountering
在未來面臨升學或職涯選擇時,能有更多資源及參 the process of applying to colleges and career paths, they can
考,或許能夠做出更符合個人特質及需求的決定。 have more resources and references to make the best decision
感謝輔導室用心安排。 for themselves. We really appreciate the Guidance Office’s
thoughtful arrangement and event.
學校要聞 1