Page 2 - 實中園地 第廿九卷第二期
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實中園地        The Newsletter of NEHS 113年第 29卷第 2期

                    男生組冠軍、6-6 王品云、6-2 羅姵涵獲得高年級女生組                          Our young athletes demonstrated the skills and tactics they've
                    第三名,5-3 沈奕丞、5-2 柳宣彩、5-2 許軒誠、5-4 陳泓                 learned while representing our school team. After a full day of intense
                                                                       competition, the results were outstanding. Yi-Xuan Hung (605) and
                    宇獲高年級組第五名,成績斐然、不負眾望!感謝教練團                          HE CHIA-CHI (501) secured the championship in the senior boys'
                    平時辛勤指導,也謝謝隨行家長們的用心及配合。(相關                          category, and Bing-Yen Hsieh (401) and Hsu En-Chi (404) claimed
                                                                       the championship in the middle-grade boys' category. And Pin-Yun
                    新聞請見第 6-8 頁)                                       Wang (606) and Pei-Han Lo (602) achieved third place in the senior
                                                                       girls' category. Additionally, Yi-Cheng Shen (503), Liu Hsuan-Tsai
                    兒童節大翻轉.全員尋找中                                       (502), Shuan-Cheng Hsu (502), and Hong-Yu Chen (504) secured
                                                                       fifth place in the senior boy’s category. Their remarkable performance
                       又到了一年一度的歡慶兒童節時光!今年的國小部兒                         exceeded expectations! We extend our gratitude to the coaching staff
                    童節慶祝活動在 4 月 3 日上午舉行。當天早上的大地震                       for their dedicated guidance and to the accompanying parents for their
                    雖然帶來一陣驚嚇,但孩子們的熱情與活力絲毫不減!在                          support and cooperation throughout this rewarding experience. (More
                                                                       information on p.6-p.8)
                    目察八方,個個蓄勢待發!趁早修及上課之際,老師們在                          Children's Day - Everyone on the Hunt
                    孩子平時的活動範圍藏匿事先製作好的小旗子,從一樓到                              It's that time of year again to celebrate Children's Day!
                    四樓,從綠地的蜘蛛爬網到彩虹樂園,無所不藏,無處不                          This year, the Elementary dept. Children's Day festivities took
                                                                       place on the morning of April 3rd. Despite the startling earthquake
                    放,處處可見金旗、銀旗與紅旗閃亮亮的身影。這是場團                          in the morning, the children's enthusiasm and energy remained
                    隊合作的耐力賽,看誰身手矯健、看誰火眼金睛、看誰迅                          undiminished! While they dropped, covered, and held on, their sharp
                    速敏捷、看誰耐力持久,誰就可以獲得最多旗子積分!除                          eyes were already scanning all around, ready and waiting! During
                                                                       recess and between classes, Teachers hid pre-made small flags within
                    了新竹市府發放的兒童節禮物之外,國小部還加碼推出古                          the usual activity areas for the children. From the first floor to the
                    早味小餅乾!每個班級都得到滿滿兩大袋餅乾,全班一起                          fourth, from the spider web to the rainbow playground, flags were
                                                                       hidden everywhere, gleaming gold, silver, and red. This was a test of
                    同享共樂。有吃有玩有禮物,還有長長的下課時間,孩子                          teamwork and endurance – who was agile, who had sharp eyesight,
                    們的滿足與喜悅全寫在臉上!謝謝國小部行政團隊的用心                          who was quick and nimble, who had lasting endurance – whoever
                                                                       could collect the most flags would earn the most points! In addition to
                    安排,讓孩子們度過一個開心喜悅的兒童節!                               the gifts distributed by the Hsinchu City Government for Children's
                                                                       Day, the elementary dept. also added a special treat of cookies!
                    校外教學遇上強震.雙語部行政團隊                                   Each class received two big bags of cookies to enjoy together. With
                    臨危不亂,帶學生安全返家                                       eating, playing, presents, and plenty of free time, the children's
                                                                       satisfaction and joy were written all over their faces! A big thank
                                                                       you to the elementary dept. administrative team for their thoughtful
                       雙語部於 4 月 2 日至 3 日舉辦了七、八年級的校外                    arrangements, ensuring the children had a joyful and delightful
                    教學活動,此次活動由學務組組長馮毓琪策劃,安排了極                          Children's Day!
                    具教育意義的花蓮原住民文化深度探索課程。在這次活動                          Cultural Exploration in Hualien:
                    中,學生們參訪了原住民戲劇文化團體,學習了如何用身                          A Memorable Outdoor Learning
                    體創作獨特的音樂。值得一提的是,這些學生在過去兩年                          Experience
                    並在年度音樂會上觀摩過學長姐的原住民歌舞表演。這次                              IBSH organized an outdoor learning activity for 7th and 8th
                                                                       graders on April 2nd and 3rd. This event, planned by Student Affairs
                    的參訪活動讓學生們親臨原鄉現場,深度探索個人肢體律                          Director, Ms. Casey Feng, featured an enriching cultural exploration
                    動與原民文化的交融。                                         into the indigenous heritage of Hualien. During this excursion,
                                                                       students visited an indigenous drama troupe to learn how to express
                       然而,活動的第二天上午(4 月 3 日),當全體師生                      music through body movements. These students had been studying
                    正準備開始一整天的行程時,一場規模罕見的地震突然襲                          indigenous music and dance under the guidance of Mr. Owen Wu for
                                                                       the past two years, and they had previously observed senior students'
                    來,為台灣帶來了強烈的震撼。幸運的是,師生們平日的                          performances at the annual music concert. This visit allowed students
                    防震演練發揮了作用,大家迅速採取了「蹲下、掩護、穩                          to experience firsthand the interplay between personal body rhythms
                                                                       and indigenous culture.
                                                                           However, on the morning of the second day (April 3rd), just
                    和表藝科的吳文龍老師冷靜應對,安撫師生的情緒,同時                          as the entire group was about to embark on a full day of activities,
                    迅速與旅行社取得聯繫,決定改變行程路線,經過台東返                          a significant earthquake struck, the most powerful since the 921
                                                                       earthquake in Taiwan's history. Fortunately, the earthquake preparedness
                    回台灣西岸。最終,大家安全抵達左營高鐵站,張簡校長                          drills practiced by the students and teachers proved effective, as
                    則親自到站迎接,給予師生們心理上的支持和鼓勵。在經                          everyone quickly adopted the "duck, cover, and hold" protective stance.
                                                                       Ms. Feng and Mr. Wu calmly reassured the students while promptly
                    歷了一番波折後,師生們於當晚乘坐高鐵返回新竹站,                           contacting the travel agency to rearrange the itinerary. The decision
                    並於晚間十一點左右平安返抵學校。所有學生都安全歸來                          was made to alter the route, heading south and returning to the western
                    後,雙語部行政團隊終於放下了心中的不安和緊張。這次                          coast of Taiwan. Ultimately, the group safely arrived at Zuoying HSR
                                                                       Station, where Principal Chang Chien anxiously awaited to provide
                    的經歷不僅讓學生們對原住民文化有了更深入的認識,也                          moral support and encouragement to the students. After overcoming
                    在面對突發狀況時提升了他們的應變能力。感謝雙語部行                          these unexpected challenges, the students and teachers returned safely to
                                                                       Hsinchu HSR Station and reached the school around 11 p.m. The entire
                    政團隊在危機時刻表現出的鎮定和果斷,同時也感謝承辦                          administrative team of IBSH was relieved only after ensuring the safe
                    旅行社在這次意外中展現的專業和細心。正是這樣的配合                          return of all students. The professionalism and dedication exhibited by
                                                                       the IBSH's administrative team and the travel agency during this crisis
                    和努力,讓這次的校外教學活動得以順利落幕。                              are deeply appreciated. It is their cooperation and effort that ensured the
                                                                       successful conclusion of this outdoor learning experience.

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