第八卷第三期     中華民國九十二年五月二十日     MAY.  2003

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人 物 專 訪   京劇國 寶  ---  魏海 敏        Opera: A Journey for the Committed



〈貴妃醉酒〉楊貴妃 魏女士師從梅葆玖先生


◎高二三班 胡品圭

























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Opera: A Journey for the Committed
An Interview with National Opera Star-
Ms. Hai-Ming Wei

◎ 11A Debbie Chang
10A Christopher Lo




from Medea

from The Kingdom of Desire


Hard work and talent paved the way for National Opera star Hai-Ming Wei  to become a world - renowned  Chinese opera  star. Beginning her formal  training at  the  age  of 10, her father and  two older  sisters encouraged her to join a prestigious opera  school. Initially, she viewed  joining  the  opera  school  as an  opportunity  to  escape  from the  pressures of  the Taiwan  school  system, thinking  that in an  opera- training  program she would not  need to work hard or do any homework. When admitted to the Xiao Hai Guang School of  Opera  in 1969, she was shocked by how much more work opera training required. Brought up by her father  and  her two  older  sisters,   Wei  enjoyed  a  close  relationship with  her  father  and continued to spend time with him even after joining opera school. Her father previously held a high position in the military but gave it  up to spend  more  time  with  his  family. Sending Wei to the residential opera school, which  had full- time  supervision, was  her  father's way of making sure she was brought up properly.

The Xiao Hai Guang Opera School  disciplined  its  students  with a strict  military- style system. Wei was a quick learner with natural talent that her instructors  immediately  noticed and appreciated, enabling her to gain many opportunities  and  more personal training. Xiao Hai Guang employed  a  seven- year program with an extra two years  of  internship. During these  two  years, Wei began to question  her  profession-- did she really want to  become an opera performer ? Wei  had  to make  some  crucial  career  decisions.  She  looked  into  the moviemaking  business  but  decided  that it was  not  for her. She  also  married and  settled down, which helped her to make the  fortunate choice  of  sticking  with  opera. In 1982, she attended a breath taking opera performance, which showed her the sheer strength and power of the Chinese Opera. At that moment she knew that her destiny lay in learning all she could from the greats of Chinese Opera.

Explaining  the  complexities of studying  the  art  of Chinese opera, Wei  said  years  of formal training prepare the artist with basic techniques, but many more years of practice and study are needed to perfect the art. Wei first performed  formally at the age  of 12. However, under the Taiwanese  system, Wei  stressed  that an artist must be around 35-years- old to be mature enough to perform well. Chinese opera training in China, on the other hand, involves stricter standards and higher requirements.  Younger children  develop their “instinct” for good opera at an early age. This “instinct” is needed to comprehend and perform Chinese opera well and is the definitive difference between the pupil and the master. Soon the young pupil  can  use  the  methods  taught  by  the  instructor,  but lack  of  experience  leaves  the beginner  hesitant.  Mature  performers must be able to  portray  the  character with faith and confident, precise movements of the hands, eyes, and body.

Wei's most memorable performance was a Chinese opera- styled adaptation of Macbeth. Her opera company had translated the British play and was preparing  to  perform in Britain. At first, Wei thought that this would be an  exciting  new experience.  Soon, her  excitement gave way into  apprehension.  How would  the British audience receive  their  performance? Could they appreciate the elements of opera incorporated  into a masterpiece of one of  their own  literary  heroes? Moved  to  tears  by pride in her own  performance  and  the gratitude shown by the British  towards  a  foreign  performing group, the standing  ovation  surprised Wei.

Wei really had fun with the Macbeth because  she  enjoys studying not  only  traditional Chinese operatic roles, but characters of all  types. Opera  enchants her  because  she enjoys the challenge  of  accurately  portraying  her part.  One of the most vital, and most beautiful, aspects of Chinese opera is the make up. An independent woman who likes to do everything by herself, Wei revealed that she learned to apply her own makeup. Her favorite character to make up is a young male warrior, for which Wei must fully conceal her hair to convincingly portray. Extremely thorough in her costumery, she strongly believes that appearance is vital in making a good impression on her audience.

As an opera star, Wei's  energy and voice are crucial. To  ensure her  health,  she pushes off unnecessary  tasks  when  she is very busy, only committing to the most  important. As a person who must  handle  many  different obligations,  she  has developed her own  ways to deal with great pressure. She says that, when she is under great pressure, she just tries to turn the pressure into a motivating force.

Sleeping  early  is  not  a problem for Wei, because  she  would  never  stay up all  night anyway. She  laughs  at how calm her life  is,  saying  that  she  is  never wild. Smoking and drinking (whether alcohol, coffee, or tea) have no part in her life. Wei is easily satisfied with a job she likes and a life that suits her. She thinks that today’s people are too dependent on materialistic comforts, while she believes that,  after a  certain  point,  trying to "get more" is simply adding a new kind of worry to an otherwise enjoyable life. Wei says  that one reason she does  not  really require excitement  in her life is because opera  takes up so  much  of it. Her ambitions  are  all poured into opera, where she strives to do her best. With her time and energy spent on an occupation she loves, Wei does not have much to ask from other aspects of her life.

Each  year,  Wei  sets one  major  project as her goal. In  earlier  years  it was  always an operatic  production, but she is  slowly moving towards more  public missions. For example, some of us may remember  a  speech  Wei made at our  school,  as  she  has  done  at  many others.  Although  time  does  not  permit  her  to  become  a  full - time teacher, Wei  enjoys speaking to students.  She  says  that, in opera, she is under  a  mask,  playing  a  part. In the classroom, however, she is just herself, sharing her experiences.

Within ten years Wei plans to complete three or four new productions. One goal she has for the future is  to make new friends and spend time getting to really know  them. Wei does not know what she wants  to do after she stops acting, but she  knows that she will be  doing something. She cannot just sit still all day, so she  surely she will  be able to  occupy  herself with various  projects when  the time comes.  It  seems that  opera  is  Wei's destiny, and she hopes it will become the chosen destiny of youngsters for generations to come.


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