第十卷第六期 中華民國九十四年 十一月十二日 Nov 2005

  發 行 所: 國立科學工業園區實驗高級中學
National Experimental High School at Science-Based Industrial Park
發 行 人: 吳榕峰 Publisher:Rong-feng Wu
編輯小組:尚愛梅、 鄭碧玟、 Barbra Levine、李秀芬
刊頭照片:國小部 五年三班 彭麟茹 陳柏儒 李映綾 李知芸(校運會) 
地 址:新竹市介壽路 300 號
300 Chieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.
FAX:886-3-5781813 http://www.nehs.hc.edu.tw
學校要聞English News

實中十一月十二日舉辦校運  眾家健兒 一展雄風



九十四學年度第一次家長代表大會已於十月十一日晚七時十五分舉行,並進行委員改選。會中選出委員三十一名,繼由委員中推選常委九名,最後由國小部家長林春宏先生(服務於工研院電通所)榮膺本屆家長會長。新舊任會長訂於十一月十二日交接。林會長希望在這新的一學年中,藉由家長會的服務與協助,而讓實中的溝通與互動更順暢。 感謝黃昉鈺會長過去這一年來對本校的熱忱服務與諸多貢獻,並恭賀林春宏會長當選。

國小部迎新 歡迎小一新生加入實中大家庭



圖書館於十月七日舉辦「九十四學年度北三區高中職圖書館輔導團分區觀摩研討會」,計有北三區高中職各校圖書館主任及承辦人員五十四人參加,王美玉指導員(玄奘大學圖資系主任)與李美燕指導員(交大浩然圖書館)並蒞臨指導。會中邀請王美玉指導員主講「圖書館的CRM (顧客關係經營)如何提升教學與課程服務?」,交大浩然圖書館典閱組長黃明居副教授主講「高中職圖書館的電子化經營」,台灣圖書館總務組馬祖瑞主任主講「學校圖書館國際經驗分享」,以及「中學生網站」執行暨博客來網路書店特助陳佳慧小姐主講「全國高中職學生網路讀書心得暨小論文寫作之經營」。演講後並進行經驗交流與討論,會程於下午四時四十分圓滿結束,與會者均獲益良多。其中,結合中學生閱讀與網路創意的「中學生網站」因頗受教育部重視以及師生的積極推動參與,作品量呈倍數成長,為求網站在系統與技術上能同步發展,以使能永續經營,在教育部中部辦公室公開徵求之下,博客來網路書店於今年五月正式成為合作夥伴,以無償方式規劃新程式,並配合開發,期待建立更順暢的網路競賽平台,並定期推出「主題閱讀書目」,讓青少年的閱讀選擇更多元而豐富(「中學生網站」新網址http://www.shs.edu.tw)。

雙語部五年級為聯合國兒童基金會募款 萬聖節別具深義

在Ms. Barbra Levine 老師的籌畫與指導之下,雙語部五年級的學生和家長共同舉辦萬聖節Trick-or-treat for Halloween活動,過了一個別具深義的萬聖節。
有別於以往萬聖節只是裝鬼嚇人、吃糖搗蛋的刻板印象,今年的萬聖節,雙語部五年級的學生們決定做一件更有意義的事---為聯合國兒童基金會募款。 從九月起師生及家長們便開始進行各階段募款活動的籌畫,並張貼海報預告這個令人期待的訊息;而十月初開始募款義賣正式在雙語及國小部開鑼。週三中午成為師生家長們興奮的一刻:第一週的小吃義賣,各式滷味、炒米粉、油飯等等,是媽媽們為求新鮮健康,清晨兩三點起床現作的美味,十一點多擺出來,不到半個小時便幾乎銷售一空,晚來的還只能望空桌興嘆。第二週的二手書義賣,更吸引了許多小小愛書人留連。第三週中午,雙語部新大樓前的停車場擠滿了人潮,在各個吸引人的攤位前,享受繁重課業空檔中的一點輕鬆與笑意。第四週的週三,在雙語部多功能教室的溫馨集會中,師生家長們共聚一堂,在幻燈片感人的畫面中,回顧這一次活動的點滴,為活動正式畫下句點。

NEHS Field Day Fun, Sweat and Glory

The NEHS annual Field Day takes place on November 12. The performances of the invigorating Bilingual cheerleaders, the spirited Elementary little athletes and the adorable Kindergarteners are absolutely sensational. With the individual contests finalized by November 8, all events on Field Day involve a large number of participants and the spirit is kept high all day. The High School and Bilingual Departments’ group relay finals are the usual focus of the attention with the fun games spicing up the day. A special event this year is the cross-department relay in which the teams are made from the best runners of both the High School and Bilingual Departments. Students cheer for their own grade level regardless of the department boundaries. What a bonding event and united effort!!

Mr. Anderson Lin Elected New PTA President

The annual NEHS Parent Representatives Meeting was held on October 11 and thirty-one new PTA committee members were elected. Mr. Anderson Lin was elected by all standing PTA committee members to become the new PTA President. Mr. Lin works at ITRI and is currently a parent from the Elementary Department. As the new school year unfolds, Mr. Lin hopes to see that, with the help and mediation of the PTA, NEHS will have a smooth and successful year. Congratulations to President Lin, and special thanks to former President Ms. Huang for her dedication and contribution to NEHS.

Welcoming Reception of the Elementary Department Embraced the Little First Graders

oyous, anticipating yet a little uneasy, the first graders of the Elementary Department entered their first shrine of formal education on August 29. Through the hallways decorated as a jungle of adventures, homeroom teachers led those pairs of curious eyes into an enchanting world where the nimble monkeys, slow but steady turtles, hippos with a great tummy for tolerance, bears with impeccable manners and giraffes with a great foresight…. all served as terrific role models for them. On October 6, the enthusiastic welcoming reception filled the seemingly huge Gym with joy as the first graders walked onto the stage to receive good wishes. From the bottom of our hearts, we would like to say, “Welcome, little ones, and have a marvelous life!!”

Library hosted the Regional High School Library Conference of Northern Taiwan

The Library hosted the Regional High School Library Conference of Northern Taiwan on October 7 and fifty-four library administrators attended. Thanks to Counselors Ms. Wang and Ms. Lee for providing guidance. Four speeches with topics on the mission of the modern-day high school library expanded the participants’ vision. Among the topics, the “High School Students’ Website” deserved most attention of students, teachers and parents. This is an official website organized by the Ministry of Education, with the help from the “Books.com.tw” internet bookstore, to provide an open web space for high school students to participate in essay contests and share their writings, to encourage wise choice of reading materials. It aims to facilitate pressure-free reading and writing through a web space lined with respect to all writers. This is one website that is worthy of your time and attention. Check it out at http://www.shs.edu.tw.

Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF Bilingual 5th Graders Reached Out And Touched The World

This Halloween the fifth grade students, parents and Humanities teacher, Ms. Barbra Levine, worked on a month-long fundraising project called Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF. UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund) is an organization that supports child survival, protection, and development worldwide through education, advocacy, and fundraising. Besides raising money for UNICEF, the goals of this project were to educate about UNICEF’s mission and efforts, to provide students with the learning of the life of the less fortunate children, to develop their caring about the world as family and to encourage them to make a difference.

For the first three Wednesdays in October, the fifth graders raised money by selling homemade food, donated books, t-shirts and mugs, etc. The stands on the 2nd floor of the Bilingual Department and the Elementary Department were always crowded with people. On the final selling day, Wednesday, October 19, a spirited Halloween carnival was held complete with costumes, games and prizes, food, and fun! All these efforts were well rewarded. On October 26, at the end-of-fundraiser final ceremony as the heart-warming slide show brought back the unforgettable moments of collaborated efforts, the total amount of money raised (NT$91256) was announced and the crowd gave a long, hearty cheer for the hard work, time and energy sacrificed on the part of all involved. This money was sent to UNICEF on October 31st, the best trick-or-treat day of the year.

Thanks to all the kind-hearted people that helped make this meaningful event happen. We look forward to making the 2006 Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF fundraiser a united effort in a larger scale (see p. 13-14 for detail).