第十一卷第一期 中華民國九十 五年 三月十五日 MAR 2006








Express yourself in English in a new and unusual way!!


High School Department 10th grade
English Conversation Class


Giving thanks for a bountiful harvest has been a tradition in many cultures throughout history. Although cultures might differ in form and presentation, their spirit – setting aside a date to reflect on life’s blessings – is the same. In most cultures people associate their reflections with harvest festivals in gratitude to their God who protects them and their crops. Harvest festivals and thanksgiving celebrations held by the ancient Greeks, Romans, Hebrews, Chinese, and Egyptians all reflect a similar spirit
In honor of thanksgiving traditions and to learn about different religions around the world, the 10th grade English conversation class of the High School Department researched several traditions. They then combined movement, sound, props, and costuming to express their appreciation of seven prayers for peace from different world religions.
As you may have guessed, the students were shocked at first, rolling their eyes and snorting. However, the moans and groans from many who complained that they had never done anything like this before, that it was too hard, that it was too weird, were soon replaced with the most amazing determination, hard work, and fun. I told them, “Never mind, if you’re not religious, consider yourself an actor playing a role, a pop singing star, a musician, a percussionist. The most important thing is to express yourself in English in a new and unusual way. Make this fun and entertaining.” They did; and for what I thought would be a fairly simple class assignment, their performances were stunning!

--- Ms. Janice Rossing, teacher.


Baha'i Prayer for Peace

Be generous in prosperity,
and thankful in adversity.
Be fair in judgment,
and guarded in thy speech,
Be a lamp unto those who walk in darkness,
and a home to the stranger.
Be eyes to the blind,
and a guiding light unto the feet of the erring
Be a breath of life to the body of humankind,
a dew to the soil of the human heart,
and a fruit upon the tree of humility.

Buddhist Prayer for Peace

May all beings everywhere
plagued with sufferings of body and mind
quickly be freed from their illnesses.
May those frightened cease to be afraid,
and may those bound be free.
May the powerless find power,
and may people think of befriending one another.
May those who find themselves in trackless, fearful wilderness---
the children, the aged, the unprotected--
be guarded by beneficial celestials,
and may they swiftly attain Buddhahood


Native American Prayer for Peace

Oh Great Spirit of our Ancestors,
I raise my pipe to you.
To your messengers
the four winds,
and to Mother Earth
who provides for your children.
Give us the wisdom
to teach our children to love,
to respect, and to be kind to each other
so that they may grow
with peace of mind
Let us learn to share all good things
that you provide for us on this Earth.

Hindu Prayer for Peace

Oh God, lead us from the unreal to the Real.
Oh God, lead us from darkness to light.
Oh God, lead us from death to immortality.
Shanti, Shanti, Shanti unto all.
Oh Lord God almighty, may there be peace in celestial regions.
May there be peace on Earth.
May the waters be appeasing.

May herbs be wholesome, and may trees plants bring peace to all.
May all beneficent beings bring peace to us.
May thy Vedic Law propagate peace all through the world.
May all things be a source of peace to us.
And may thy peace itself, bestow peace on all
and may that peace come to me also.


Zoroastrian Prayer for Peace
We pray to God to eradicate all the misery in the world:
that understanding triumph over ignorance,
that generosity triumph over indifference,
that trust triumph over contempt,
and that truth triumph over falsehood.

Jewish Prayer for Peace
Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord,
that we may walk the paths of the Most High.
And we shall beat our swords into ploughshares,
and our spears into pruning hooks.
Nation shall not lift up sword against nation-
neither shall they learn war any more.
And none shall be afraid,
for the mouth of the Lord of Hosts has spoken.

Muslim Prayer for Peace

In the name of Allah,
the beneficent, the merciful.
Praise be to the Lord of the Universe
who has created us and
made us into tribes and nations
That we may know each other,
not that we may despise each other.
If the enemy incline towards peace,
do thou also incline towards peace,
and trust God, for the Lord is the one
that heareth and knoweth all things.

And the servants of God,
Most gracious are those who
walk on the Earth in humility,
and when we address
them, we say "PEACE."


Christian Prayer for Peace

Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS,
for they shall be known as the Children of God.
But I say to you that hear,
love your enemies,
do good to those who hate you,
bless those who curse you
pray for those who abuse you
To those that strike you on the cheek,
offer the other one also,
and from those who take away your cloak,
do not withhold your coat as well.
Give to everyone who begs from you,
and of those who take away your goods,
do not ask for them again.
And as you wish that others would do to you,
do so to them.