第十一卷第六期中華民國九十五年 十一月十日 November 2006




高一3 張易婷











寫字比賽第一名 高二3班 楊大祺

高中部英文作文比賽 第一名

Do One Thing Good for Taiwan

高三3 張新瑜

       Looking back in Taiwan’s history, anyone can see that Taiwan has come a long way to become the prosperous, democratic country it is now. From the early peaceful society of the aboriginal people to the fast-paced society of today, from the arbitrary reign of the Chiang family to the country led by people of today, from the original way of surviving – hunting – to the development of trade, there is no doubt of Taiwan being a wealthy and well-developed country now. But, the society is not perfect, and we all know it. We have gone backwards in terms of people – people relationships. Rarely do people interact with strangers now, and that has deprived our society of the warmth it once had.

      Well, you say, if we all know where the problem lies, why aren’t we doing something about the whole issue? That is actually quite paradoxical. But, I think the main reason may be that we are all caught up with the notion that the strength of one single person is close to infinitesimal. How can a single person affect anything? Logically, that does not make sense. But, then, if everyone contributes a little, a big change may be accomplished.

     So, what could one do for Taiwan’s society? It is clear that Taiwan needs an awakening. Instead of thinking far and wide, however, we can start with simple goals. For example, one could try saying “hello” to ten strangers on the street with a big smile on the face per day. There is nothing eccentric about that, and might even brighten another’s gloomy day. One could also take a weekend or two per month to go help in a volunteer center. There are many children and elders who need our support and care. For them to have someone who cares for them, even when that person is a total stranger, would make them feel that there is still a lot of warmth in our society. The most important point is to interact with people, because interaction is what our society needs right now.

      Of course, one might be afraid of being tagged “weirdo” for these against-modern-society-edifices actions. But the truth is, these actions have a far more positive effect on people than a negative effect. For example, I was once really depressed. But, when a bus driver whom I’d never met before gave me a big wide smile and a weirdly-accented “hello~”, the whole thing was so funny and preposterous that I was uplifted. It made me feel better, and I could get on with the day.

       So, next time you see your neighbor, don’t just duck into your own house right away. Why not ask if he has a dog or not?