第十二卷第三期   九十六年五月十五日出刊    May 2007






--- 專訪「國光劇團」藝術總監 王安祁教授

採訪記者:高二3 蔡宛蓉 高二2 彭靖云






























王教授可以說是台灣新編京劇的先驅,開闢一條連結傳統與現代的路,想必過程中碰到許多困難。「最困難的點在於尋找題材!」王教授說。現在的劇本,不能只在傳統的教忠教孝、或空靈淡雅上打轉,必須能引發觀眾的個人情感,才能激盪出和以往不同的火花。在決定題材的過程中,勁爆和安全之間的界線也是很難劃定:過於辛辣的的故事,會掩蓋京劇傳統的美感;但故事太保守卻又無法吸引年輕人的目光。王教授以近兩年來指導編著的劇本為例:2005年的新編京劇「三個人兒兩盞燈」便嘗試著墨於皇帝後宮中,兩宮女的孤寂逐漸轉化成同性戀情的過程,題材十分創新,是一部情感精緻細膩的京劇;而2006年的「金鎖記」則以張愛玲的作品為橋樑,打開京劇和現代人溝通的大門。 「一旦找到適合的題材,不能讓它只變成噱頭,要將它發展得生動且有深度!」王教授說。而我們也記得,在觀賞完「三個人兒兩盞燈」一劇之後,真正體會到了王教授的用心:好的故事配上好的詮釋,就像是一杯調得剛好的咖啡,溫潤順口極了!




新編京劇為了符合現代潮流,本質上做了許多改變,但畢竟這還是一門歷史悠久的藝術,有些七十歲以上的舊派觀眾,對京劇新編的走向十分不諒解,認為這群人把京劇糟蹋得體無完膚。「絕對不能走回傳統的路,一定是死胡同一條!」王教授堅定的說。 面對這些來自傳統觀眾的壓力,和引進現代年輕活力的兩難,劇團的解決之道便是將新劇和主題式傳統劇參雜演出。所謂主題式傳統劇就是配合時事主題,挑選演出傳統劇碼,利用時事的新鮮感吸引現代人的目光,而將傳統劇也與現代生活連結。「去年政壇風波不斷的期間」,教授靦腆的笑著表示,「劇團也應景演出了以『古代宮闈』為題的傳統劇碼呢!


時間滴答滴答的走,這番輕鬆生動的談話也已經進行了一個半小時,訪問逐漸進入尾聲。 「未來京劇的競爭不只是在各劇團和劇團之間,而更是要聯合向外,與西洋電影、音樂相抗衡!」王教授期許,未來京劇可以成為年輕人休閒活動的一個選項,「並不期望大家都懂得或者喜歡京劇,只求京劇能成為休閒的考慮之一!」走出星巴克咖啡,大家整整衣裳,帶著紅通通的臉頰,再次踏入早春微涼的空氣中,耳邊還迴響著王教授最後的鼓勵與叮嚀,「歡迎年輕一代的朋友到戲院看看,現在的京劇長什麼樣子!」








∼ 金京相鎖系列講座 ∼


主 講/王安祈、趙雪君、李小平、魏海敏





主 講/王安祈、趙雪君






Professor Wang An-Chi

– An Avant-Garde Beijing Opera Scriptwriter

                                 - By 11A Andrew Tarn and Rebecca Kwee


When most people hear about Beijing Opera, the adjectives “innovative” and “modern” probably do not appear in their minds. Beijing Opera is usually associated with the words “traditional” and “classical,” belonging to an older era. However, Professor Wang An-Chi, the Art Director of the National Guoguang Opera Company and a Chinese professor at Tsing-hua University has taken Beijing Opera out of the old and into the new – bringing it closer to younger generations.


The Beginning of a Passion

        Professor Wang believes that her interest in Beijing Opera began when she was still in her mother's womb. Her mother, while pregnant, listened to Beijing Opera on the radio. “Back then Beijing Opera was like today's pop music,” remarked Professor Wang. Though her enthusiasm for opera brought her much enjoyment, Professor Wang's childhood friends were not able to experience the joys of Beijing Opera as she did. Professor Wang talked about herself being a shy and introverted child who did not share the same interest as her peers. During her years as a student, Ms. Wang's friends only listened to western pop. She found it even more difficult to interact with the boys, as they liked watching 007 movies instead of opera. These experiences, combined with the fact that she was an only child, shaped Professor Wang's future works. The theme of “loneliness” can be constantly seen in her operas, a result of her unforgettable childhood.


Steps and Stages in Professor Wang’s Career

        The day after her PhD interview, Ms. Wang received a visit from a then famous Beijing Opera actress, Guo Xiao-Zhuang. Guo had asked Professor Wang to write a different type of opera script, one that appealed to high school and college students. The opera that Professor Wang had created turned out to be a great success and attracted young people, and even her friends started to discuss Beijing Opera with her. Professor Wang states that her life at that time became livelier and less lonesome, as people became interested and began to understand her work. After becoming the Art Director of the National Guoguang Art Company in 2001, Ms. Wang felt that she had grasped the technique of scriptwriting, but still faced certain difficulties when trying to reach out to a younger crowd.


Difficulties When Writing

        For Professor Wang, her goal in scriptwriting is to create operas that appeal to the younger generation while maintaining depth, literature value and the aesthetic quality of traditional operas. An example of this is her script adapted from one of Chang Ai-ling's novels, a piece of work that has attracted a young audience but still retained a literary depth. When Professor Wang's son initially heard about the new opera, he was uninterested in it. However, when his friends in college started talking about it after watching the opera, he himself went and enjoyed it. Celebrating the success in reaching out to the younger generation, Ms. Wang still finds it difficult to find materials for her opera that suit the criteria of appeal and value.


Settling Between The Old And The New

        As her new scripts started attracting the younger crowds, Ms. Wang also faced a tough time when dealing with the disgruntled older generation. “These seventy to eighty year olds are mainly nostalgic for the old plays, and they watch the operas mostly for listening to familiar lyrics and recalling past memories,” comments Ms. Wang. Believing that Beijing Opera can only move forward to a newer, creative form, she solved the problem ingeniously by mixing a few older plays into the performance schedule. There are certain qualities of the traditional opera that, however, according to Professor Wang, should be preserved: the style of the actress's singing, the poetic lines of the actors, and their professional poises, as they are the essence of the beauty of the performance.


Interaction With The Actors

        Ms. Wang enjoys working with new people, including students, actors, and directors. In 2005, a graduate student of hers, Chao Shyue-Jun, wrote a play that was fresh and innovative. However, Chao lacked the training in classic literature and found it challenging to turn the play into a Beijing Opera. To help write the play without any distortion of its original meaning, Professor Wang had to “step into Chao's shoes,” allowing herself to completely understand what feeling Chao was trying to convey, and thus jointly they accomplished the 2005 marvelous innovative play of “Three People Under Two Lamps” with a theme of loneliness. Discussing with the actresses for putting the play on stage, Professor Wang lead them to locate and express their own feeling of loneliness inside. They came to understand one another better and the play turned out successfully.


Life-Changing Career

        “My work is my leisure time, my leisure time is when I'm at work,” responds Ms Wang when asked how she felt about her job as a professor, scriptwriter, and art director. For Professor Wang, teaching, researching, and scriptwriting are all enjoyable and satisfying parts of her life. “Some people may look at their watch and sigh at the sluggishness of time during work, I look at my watch and sigh at how fast time passes at work,” says Ms. Wang. Vacations are unnecessary for Professor Wang, for that's how she feels everyday at work.  

        Beijing Opera has opened up Professor Wang to people. The interaction with actors, the media and the administrative work at the Opera Company have transformed Professor Wang into a less nervous and more extroverted person. Ms. Wang recalls with a smile when a friend emailed her after a press conference and asked how she was able to “talk so well.” Beijing Opera has changed her personality, and her life.


Final Words

        Wrapping up, Professor Wang states that she would never want to act on stage, on the account of being too nervous. However, she encourages people to watch more Beijing Opera, as everybody needs stories of others to expand their horizons. “As a child, we listened to stories. Now, people watch movies for stories,” comments Professor Wang. For the future, she hopes for Beijing Opera to make its way into everyone's daily lives, providing another option besides movies or sports for a popular leisure activity.

To students, Ms Wang has a particular message to pass on: “Anyone can write scripts for Beijing Opera as long as they know how to tell a story.”