第十二卷第五期   九十六年十月十五日出刊    October 2007
















Hello. My name is Peter Pan. I'm from New York City, where I earned my degree in Childhood Education and Liberal Arts. I worked in a New York City public elementary school for three years (grade two, four, and five). I'm so happy to be in Taiwan now doing what I love to do- teaching kids. I'm an outdoors type of guy. I LOVE the outdoors!!! I love the sound of a wind howling through the empty distance, the crisp and fragrant breeze, the sun on my face, the colors filling my camera lens, and discovering waterfalls in hidden places. I have also done a good amount of traveling in my life. I think it is important to experience cultures. That's why I'm so happy to be here in Taiwan. To experience the Taiwanese culture!


Hello, my name is Elizabeth Wyant. You can call me Liz. I am the new AP Psychology and AP European History teacher in the Social Studies section of the Bilingual Department. I also teach Grade 10 American History. I will be organizing the Model United Nations trip to Singapore in November. I am originally from Chicago, Ill., but I have worked on Guam, in Moscow, Russia, and in Berlin, Germany, prior to coming here. I want to thank all the people who have helped me, and continue to help me settle in the Science Park. I look forward to learning more about Chinese and Taiwanese history, and to having a great year with the students here. Taiwan is a beautiful place to be. In my picture, I am the person on the far left in the white shirt. This picture was taken on my first visit to Taipei.


Hello.  I'm Hilma Kaye and I'm teaching 6th grade Language Arts and Social Studies.  After working in business and then staying home with young children, I went back to school to become a teacher.  I have a Masters in Education from Portland State University and I have taught for 12 years.  My husband, Tim, is with me in Taiwan and I have two grown sons in the U.S.  I grew up in Rhode Island and moved to Oregon shortly after we were married.  My hobbies include mountain climbing and almost anything outdoors.  The kids in my 6th grade classes are absolutely wonderful and I'm looking forward to having a great year with them.


“I created a monster.” Those were words one time spoken to me by my father. He only meant that I am someone who is sure of herself and stands up for herself. I love learning and teaching and wish to further inspire all students to feel the same way. It is something we do just as we breathe everyday. I am so happy to be at NEHS, since I have been told that students here demonstrate a true interest in learning here as well. I have been an educator for over thirty years and feel most fulfilled when I am engaged in inspiring others. To me, that means teaching them and making them laugh. Other things I enjoy include the ballet, music, hiking, biking, kayaking, and traveling. I look forward to being with the NEHS community this year.


Greetings everyone! My name is Melissa Damboise and I am very excited about being the ESL and grade 3 Art teacher this year. I come from the beautiful country of Canada, where the rugged outdoors and cultural diversity are its best assets. I am originally from the French speaking province of Quebec, of which I am very proud… however; British Columbia has become my new home, thanks to my husband – Mr. Van B. I have been teaching ESL for the past 7 years in South Korea, Taiwan, New Zealand, and Canada. My passions are traveling, education, nature, and learning about new cultures. A wise man once said, “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live for forever” (Gandhi). Words to live by. I wish you all a productive and inspiring school year.


HI! 大家好,我是今年雙語部新進的數學老師,畢業於台師大數學系,清大數研所,今年是我教書生涯的第三年。很開心來到實中這個大家庭,平時的興趣是看電影及聽音樂。除了辦公室外,在學校最常看到我的地方,應該就是排球場了。大學時代,忙碌的課業之餘,就是靠運動來抒解壓力,而參加球隊也成為人生中一個美好的回憶。接下來,就是在實中寫下人生的另一頁,豐富又愉快的一頁。


Hello, my name is Eduard Liu. I taught high school science in Taipei for 6 years. It is a great opportunity that I can teach here in such a wonderful school as NEHS. I graduated from the Department of Chemistry in Taiwan University, where I learned to pursue relentless science training and experimental routines. Then I entered the Department of Nuclear Science at Tsing-Hua University to study medical nuclear instruments as my master's thesis. Even though I major in science, I still have great interests in many other fields, such as history and literature. I am also interested in Chinese chess and Tai-chi. Anyone who has same hobbies is welcomed to come for a challenge. And, hope you will love science more and more just as I do.


Hello! Warm greeting to everyone! My name is Catherine Liu (劉盈君) and I'm a new Chinese teacher at the Bilingual Department. It's my honor to be a part of the NEHS big family and I am overwhelmed with gratitude. After I graduated from NTNU, I worked at the Huai-Sheng Junior High school as a student teacher last year. My hobbies include traveling, reading books, singing and listening to all kinds of music, especially classical music. I look forward to teaching here at NEHS, and I know it will be fabulous!!!








大家好,我是國小部新進教師,劉貞鈺。我畢業於國立台北教育大學初等教育學系。抱持著對教育的熱忱,進入了實中這個溫馨的大家庭。 走在校園,看到親切的老師、活潑的學生、和善的家長,我知道來到了這裡,我會很有收穫、很充實的過著每一天。 我會不斷地精進自己的能力,也請各位先進能不吝指教! 我會用愛擁抱每個小朋友,也請小朋友能熱情的歡迎我!我會跟大家一起熱愛實中,一起讓實中變得更好!


大家好!我是賴鈺麒老師,很高興能到實小服務,目前是三年二班的導師。我是台北人,家住木柵,沒錯,那有名的木柵動物園和現在最熱門的貓空纜車就是我的鄰居喔! 我的興趣是閱讀、旅遊和看電影,最喜歡的書是小王子,放假喜歡到處旅行,感受各地不同的人文風情與自然美景。有緣在此與大家相聚,祝你我都能天天開心。

