第十三卷第一期   九十七年三月十五日出刊    March 2008





發 行 所:國立科學工業園區實驗高級中學

National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park

發 行 人:吳榕峯    PublisherRong-feng Wu

總 編 輯:李秀芬

編輯小組:尚愛梅 彭慧萍 Barbra Levine

採訪記者:陳姚穎 黃歆予 張文嘉 林問亭
英語新聞編譯:Sharyl Sun  Anya Yu  Becky Lee

刊頭:步步高升  作者:5B 凌祖昊

地 址:新竹市介壽路300號

300 Jieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.

TEL886-3-5777011 FAX886-3-5781813


學校要聞|English News

學測放榜 張瓊尹 李岱儒 鄭陳陽達滿級分



2008國際科展 江盛浩曾士豪勇創佳績



園區元宵提燈遊湖 實中學子歌舞同慶




教育部舉辦之生命教育「校園3Q VERY MUCH系列活動」,評選要能在生活中具體實踐AQEQMQ等的三類達人。AQ (Adversity Quotient)是「逆境智商達人」,能以彈性面對逆境,EQ (Emotional Quotient) 是「情緒智商達人」,能積極樂觀影響別人,MQMoral Quotient)則是「道德智商達人」,具有良好的情操美德。此活動之目的在藉分享生活經驗,互相學習欣賞生命的豐富與可貴,以表彰積極健康、和諧關懷、熱愛生命的態度。雙語部6A林莎嘉同學(Saga Ringmar)以「真實世界」(The True World)一文,記述其足跡踏遍中、泰、義、英、法等國的精采人生歷練,與擁抱逆境的勇氣,榮獲優選獎。在此恭喜林莎嘉獲獎,並感謝黃玟瑞老師以精采洗練的文字翻譯成中文以饗讀者(見本期第6頁)。



2008年的「愛上圖書館」閱讀寫作徵稿於212日開始,徵稿期限到420日截止。本校圖書館每學年館藏借閲超過40000人次、冊數超過60000冊,實中學生之「愛上圖書館」於此可證。圖書館為鼓勵實中學子提筆寫下閱讀心得,特舉辦閱讀寫作徵稿,讓「悅」讀者能藉「愛上圖書館」這個平台發表,與所有愛書人分享。徵稿之讀後心得格式中英文不拘,每篇字數國小以下(六年級及以下)500字 ,國中以上(七至九年級)至少800字,高中則1000字以上。閱讀心得優勝作品將公佈在「中學生網站」,並獲頒教育部獎狀以肯定與鼓勵。歡迎所有實中學生踴躍參加。





家長會籌畫多元課輔 親子同受惠



Chiung-In Chang Tai-Ru Lee And Chen-Yang Cheng

Received Full Score At College Entrance Exam
Seniors of the Experimental Department performed exceptionally well in this year's college entrance exam. Of the 114 seniors who took the test, 91% scored in the top rank, 29 scored between 70-75 grade points, and Chiung-in Chang, Tai-Ru Lee and Chen-Yang Cheng received full score (75 grade points). The overall accomplishment of this year’s seniors has been the best ever! We would like to thank all teachers for their hard work, to congratulate those who had done well, and to encourage those who had not received their ideal marks to keep on working hard for the July exam. Best wishes to the graduating classes!


Sheng-Hao Jiang And Shi-Hao Tzeng Won Glory At International Science Fair

The 2008 Taiwan International Science Fair presented gold and bronze medals to high school students Sheng-hao Jiang and Shi-hao Tzeng respectively. Over two hundred science projects entered the contest this year. Projects submitted are mostly based on the natural phenomenon that are observed in daily life, yet these high school students probed deep into the phenomena for a scientific explanation, and the quality of their work are nearly on a par with those done by graduate students. Thanks to teachers Mr. Wu, Mr. Yeh and Mr. Chuang for their guidance and assistance, and Sheng-hao Jiang and Shi-hao Tzeng for their hard work. Since Jiang will be on the national team competing in the International Science and Technology Fair in the U.S., we wish him the very best!!   


NEHS Performers Brought Joy To Community

Jing-xin Lake in the Science Park was the place to be for the 2008 Lantern Festival. The Hsinchu Science Park Administration Center hosted a Golden Year of the Rat Lantern Festival activity that consisted of performances, lantern riddles, lottery, lantern-making, and many more awesome activities. Of these performances, Pop Music Club’s Smelly Ditch Band from the High School Department and the Bilingual Department 8th grade dancers dazzled the audience with spectacular singing and dancing respectively. The program ended at 9:00 and the talented NEHS students once again brought a beautiful memory to our community.


Bilingual Saga Ringmar Awarded AQ Master

The Ministry of Education hosted a series of life lessons called “Campus 3Q Very Much Activity.” Participants must demonstrate master of the three “Q”s: AQ, EQ, and MQ. AQ (adversity quotient) refers to the ability to adapt to challenging situations. EQ (emotional quotient) is the ability to remain optimistic and influence others with the optimism. MQ (moral quotient) entails good character and virtue. Bilingual Department’s Saga Ringmar of 6A received outstanding honor in the AQ Master category. In her award winning story, The True World, she depicted her marvelous life experiences as she traveled through China, Thailand, Italy, England and France and bravely embraced the changes and challenges. Here, we would like to congratulate Saga Ringmar and give special thanks to her teacher, Ms. Carol Huang, for her moving translation. (See page 6 for The True World).


“Book Lovers” Activity Welcomes Book Reports From All

This year the annual NEHS library’s book report activity, the “Book Lovers”, accepts submissions until April 20th. More than 60,000 books are borrowed from our library each year by the NEHS “Book Lovers”, and they are encouraged to write book reports to share their joy in reading. Submissions may be in English or Chinese, with a minimum of 500 words for elementary students, 800 words for middle school students, and 1000 words for high school students. The winners’ book reports will be posted on the internet, and they will also receive an award certificate from the Ministry of Education in recognition of their outstanding work.


Elementary Heartwarming Activities Wrapped Up 2007

The Elementary Department ended 2007 with a series of heartwarming thanksgiving activities. Reading of the “Discovering the Beautiful Planet Earth” and “Mother Earth’s Children,” inspired the students to be thankful for everything in their lives; then the students wrote words of thanks on cards to decorate the “thanksgiving tree.” On December 21st, children from the St. Joseph’s Center for Special Education gave a beautiful percussions performance in the gym, followed by the viewing of a heartwarming film from the Tsi-Ji Volunteer Group. This “thanksgiving” month gave the elementary students a great opportunity to express thanks and appreciation. What a great way to wrap up a year!


NEHS PTA Helped Organize On-Site After-School Care

This semester the NEHS PTA helped organize after-school care at the Kindergarten and Elementary departments. Between 4:10~6:10 a variety of activities such as drama, dance, art, calligraphy and writing classes are provided to cultivate children’s talents while they wait for their parents. Such service not only enriches students’ after-school life but also relieves them from the danger of traffic when busing to daycare centers after school. Many thanks to the PTA for their hard work.