教育部「3Q VERY MUCH」生命教育系列
校園AQ (Adversity Quotient)「逆境智商達人」優勝作品
The True world
by Saga Ringmar
age 12,
Bilingual Department
When I look out the window I
don't usually see the same thing twice. It is not only
because the weather is changing, or the neighbors are
switching the tiles on their roof. It is because we are
continuously going on trips, and experiencing the world.
My family and I enjoy adventure, every vacation we go on
trips to places around the world. China, Italy, and
France-- it's quite possible that we've been there. It
is easy to say that you have traveled a lot, and easier
still to say you have moved, but the actual process is
way harder than it seems. That's why I love it. |
My name is saga Ringmar, I am 12 years old.
My dad is Swedish; my mom is American. I have lived in London,
Thailand and now Taiwan. For 5 years I lived in London,
experiencing the busy streets with the mixed ethnicities, and
the small local schools that had a very simple schedule. Then,
after those 5 years, we went to Thailand for a one-year trip,
where we encountered the palm trees, food, beaches and a whole
new world of people. After Thailand we moved back to London, but
ever since then we didn't feel quite at home. After maybe
another 4 years, we were tired beyond thought; the idea of
moving to another exotic place haunted our dreams. We had to go.
So in the year of 2006, we were off to Taiwan--which is where we
are now, settling in amongst the beautiful mountains, and the
Chinese language. And some how, although we are thousands of
miles away from London, it feels like home has followed us,
although it is hard--we are now just beginning to find our way
around. We know how to order duck, ask directions in our
'brilliant' Chinese, and have even made a few friends.
For some people the
world seems a scary place, and it's best to just stay home. Some
people, I can frankly say are just like Hobbits(only without the
hairy feet).Some people travel everywhere, and move every year,
their parents work all over the world so the kids are tossed
around like toys. If you’re them, you see a lot, but you never
get to have a real proper life. That's why I love mine, we move
because we love new places, and as a family enjoys sharing the
excitement. Not because we have to.
“Oh you are so beautiful! Where you come
from?” A lady selling stinky Tofu asks us over the blazing pot,
as we try and breathe without sniffing the stench. It is an easy
question, ‘where do you come from?' It isn't so hard to answer,
unless you’re us. What would you say if you were me? I
can't answer “America”, because I've never lived there, I’ve
lived in London but my parents aren't from there, even Sweden
could be a possibility. And all this poor lady wants is a simple
answer; she doesn't want my life biography. I usually say
Sweden, or London-- maybe even America.
When you move around from place to place, you
begin to realize the ways to cope with different problems in
your everyday life either abroad or in a new country. For one
thing, people in the country I go to may be kind of mean to me,
and let me and my family travel with no help, like sinking in
the ocean. Others may be thrilled we are there. In China,
Beijing we were worshiped like gods, everyone wanted our picture
and wanted to take photos with us. There were about 50 people
crowding around us watching my sister eating a banana! I sadly
have no way to shoo these people away, live with it--that's what
I do. Here in Taiwan it's the language that is frustrating. Now
I understand kind of a lot and can say enough to order a
hamburger and some fries. But what did I do in the beginning?
Well, the finger is a beautiful body part, I just point to what
I want to get; however, if it isn't ordering and someone just
wants to speak to me, I simply shrug my shoulders and say: “I
don't know” in English, they usually get scared and then run
away. One tactic my Grandma used to communicate was to use sign
language, once when she was ordering fried chicken, she started
clucking like a hen and pecking at me and my mom. After a long
time of my grandma's endless clucking, the man at the fried
Chicken counter finally understood. Hm...maybe I will stick to
the pointing.
I hate Jet Lag, I like to sleep it has to be
said. Ever since I had to stay up late at night studying for
tests at night I have begun to grow a love for my bed. But Jet
Lag can make you feel rotten, you want to enjoy the sights but
instead you only collapse into a tired heap. I usually sleep
three days in a row, and then when I finally wake up I've had
enough sleep for the whole week, and am ready to start timing
myself into the usual times. This leaves us happy and jolly to
discover everything new around me, and trust me...it's worth it!
People in Taiwan tend to 'think about their
future’, their parents have their whole lives planned out for
them and nothing can go wrong. My only goal in life is to enjoy
life while I can, and go to the 10 most exciting places on
earth. I love seeing others life styles, from the blazing hot,
humid apartments to the small snow-covered cottages. Live styles
are what make up the world-and if we really want to experience
the true difference in culture we should see for ourselves. I
mean it's easy to say:’ I saw this picture of how life is in
Zimbabwe'' if you really want to know what it's like. Go There.
Do I ever miss London? Of course! Not the
actual city, but our community and the people and friends we
made. When I went back there this summer I was so surprised to
see that so many people still cared, and still missed us
everyday. It's natural to feel homesick, or to long for a place
to call your own. It takes a long time to start to get use to
the things around you--and even harder to say goodbye to them.
We did get seriously sick of London, for the entire last year
the highlight of the day was watching my sister play with
sticks. For some, a continuous agenda is their life style; but
not for the Ringmars,
we are always where it happens.
Looking back I now realize that moving to
Taiwan is one of the greatest things I've ever done. It is the
beginning of the obstacles of life. It is as if I had been
reborn, reborn into the real world of sorrow, anger and hope. I
have learned how to be strong and keep going. I have begun to
notice the things around me. Yes, I am away from the country I
have known for so many years, but somehow home is with me all
the time. I am Saga Ringmar, off for adventure and there is
still more to come.
林莎嘉 ( Saga Ringmar ), 12歲
Saga Ringmar ),我今年12歲。我的父親是瑞典人,母親是美國人。我住過倫敦、泰國…等地,現在則在台灣落腳。那五年在倫敦,我體驗到了繁忙的街道、融合的種族,還有我那小小的、課表簡單的地區小學。住在倫敦的那五年之後,我們接著去了泰國一年,在那裡我們見識到了棕櫚樹、泰國的食物、海灘,還有一群像是來自不同世界的人們。泰國行之後,我們搬回了倫敦,但自此,倫敦已經不再有家的感覺了。四年又過去了,我們已經厭倦了這種感覺,「想要搬到一個富有異國情調的地方」的想法一直在我們的夢裡揮之不去。是時候了!因此在2006年,我們到了台灣
don’t know.」,通常大家就會嚇跑了。我的奶奶曾經跟我說比手勢也是溝通的一種方式,一次奶奶想要點炸雞吃,我們都不知道該如何點餐,奶奶就開始在櫃檯前學起母雞咯咯叫,還一邊學母雞啄著我和我媽。經過了大概一世紀那麼久吧,店員竟然懂了!
Saga Ringmar ),我已經準備好迎向冒險和未知的未來。