第十三卷第一期   九十七年三月十五日出刊    March 2008





Freedom Writers — An Inspiring Movie (part 2)

街頭日記 一部發人深省的電影(下)

雙語部 中文五丙電影心得分享



林莉Frances Lin

這一部電影不只很好看,而且還有很多值得學習的地方。當學生們去參觀納粹大屠殺博物館時,才發現竟然有人的生命比他們還悲慘,而且還有孩子很小就被殺死,來不及長大;從這一段我學到「不管你覺得自己有多不幸,世界上一定會有人的處境比你更慘」。而Ms. G.盡力去幫助那些學生,卻因此失去了她的婚姻,我學到「要追求自己的夢想需要付出很大的代價」。我最喜歡的部分,是當Eva很生氣的問Ms. G.為什麼Anne Frank最後還是死了的時候,旁邊的Marcus就忽然站起來說Anne Frank沒有死,因為她的一生被寫成一本書流傳下來。聽完他的話,我也懂了,也很佩服他有這樣的智慧與觀點。


Not only was this movie entertaining, it also had many lessons to learn from. For example: sometimes we will have to make immense sacrifices to achieve our goals; there are always people that are worse off than us. In the movie, Ms. G. was devoted to help her students, but she had to lose her husband in the process; when the students went to the Holocaust Museum, they realized there were so many people before their time hat suffered more than they did. My favorite part in the movie was the moment when Eva stormed into the classroom asking Ms. G. why she didn’t tell her earlier that Anne Frank would die, and Marcus stood up and said that Anne Frank didn’t die. I was really surprised and confused. As Marcus continued to explain to Eva that Anne Frank’s life lives on through the book, I understood his perspective and was really impressed that he had such an insight.


陳立翰  Cliff Chen

"Freedom Writers" 是一部超感人的電影,從頭到尾都讓我很感動,但最感動的是 Eva Ms. Gruwell那一幕,因為Ms. G沒有先告訴她書中的主人翁 Anne Frank 會死去。這讓我很感動,因為它表示這些學生經過老師的教導下,已經開始有所改變;雖然自己的生活很悲慘,可是他們還是會去關心別人。當我把自己的生活和這部電影作比較時,我發現自己應該要為現有的生活感到高興;但是我同時也為電影中的主角們感到高興,因為他們的生活最後也改善了。從這部電影我學到很多,也了解我們應該要隨時去關心別人。


Freedom Writers has really made a profound change in my life. Through Freedom Writers, I have realized that even though there are times when my life seems so depressing, I think of people like Eva in the movie and realize that we should be thankful for what we really have, and had. In truth, I am extremely privileged to have a roof over my head, a breakfast to wake up to every morning, a school to attend (as much as I despise it sometimes), and many other things in life that so many people don’t have. The Freedom Writers’ story has inspired me to live our lives to the fullest, and to always be happy for the people who can’t.


詹宜珮Amy Chan                                                                

I liked the entire movie.

This movie taught me many lessons; one is when Eva told the truth in court because she knew it was the right thing to do, even though it means she was betraying her “people”. Another lesson I learned was to never give up, in the end you’ll always make it, just like Ms. Gruwell who never gave up and continued to teach the kids that no one wanted to teach. She lost her marriage and had to work more than one job just to provide the kids with new books and an educational trip that the school principal never approved of doing. I hope to watch it again because it’s simply very good, and I would like to recommend Freedom Writers to all of my friends so they could enjoy it like I did. 


這整部電影都很精采。我覺得 FreedomWriters 教了我很多東西, 例如,「決定要做一件事之後,就要很有耐心的去完成」; 就像電影裡的老師,Ms. Gruwell,全心全意的來教這些孩子,即使失去婚姻又需要兼職來賺錢給他們買新書,她也不放棄,她的決心令人感動。我也很佩服Eva,因為她敢在法庭勇敢的說出實話,她覺得那才是正確的。這部電影非常棒,我會建議我的朋友去看,我自己也還想再看一遍呢!



張必行  Timothy Chang

我從這部電影中,學到了「我沒有藉口說自己不能成功」,因為即使是這些在困境中的學生,都能努力不懈,付出很多心力,讓他們自己成功;我也學到了「愛人比不愛人好 」,愛會讓人覺得自己很特別、很重要;我還學到「如果用心做事的話 , 一定會成功」。這部電影改變了我對生命的想法,也讓全世界都知道 Freedom Writers 的故事,以及這個班級中的孩子如何改變他們自己的生命。


What I learned from this movie was basically the quote, “What is my excuse not to succeed?”, and I learned that mostly by seeing the troubles and the harsh society which the Freedom Writers grew up in, and how they then turned successful. I also learned “to love” is better then “to hate”. If one loves another, a better feeling will come. Lastly, I learned that if one puts his/her heart into doing anything, s/he will succeed. In conclusion, this movie changed my perspective on life, and let the world know of the Freedom Writers, and how these youths changed their lives.


王奕崴 Ernest Wang   



In this Movie my favorite part was when one of the students received a phone call that changed his life, just right on this part the DVD player stopped and the scene froze. At that moment everyone panicked, hoping that the movie won’t end here. This episode made me realize that everyone loved the movie like I did. Thanks to our saviors Brandon and Tim who found another DVD player, and once again we fell back into the lives of these young students. What I learned from this movie is that you should do things that you think is right, instead of what other people think is right.


廖普慈  Pertz Liao

我最喜歡的是當 Eva在法庭上講實話的那一刻。她本來打算說謊,因為她的族裔期待她要保護自己人,可是當她瞥見死者的女朋友 Cindy的表情時, Eva發現自己面臨一個重大的抉擇:她可以選擇要幫助「她的人」,或者選擇講出事實,為Cindy 喪生的男朋友伸出正義之手。Eva 選擇了說實話,讓我非常欣賞她表現出的勇氣;因為Eva住在暴力充斥的地區,她知道如果她說了實話,很可能「她的族人」會追殺她;如果是我在她的處境,我想自己很難像她那麼勇敢。她只是一位高中學生, 可是她比很多成人更有勇氣。我發現世上出身貧困的年輕人,很多其實很有智慧。他們須要的只是別人--- Ms. Gruwell ---幫他們表達出從生活經驗中學到的教訓與累積的智慧。


My favorite part of the movie was when Eva decided to tell the truth while she was testifying in the courtroom. She felt as if she had an obligation to protect her “own kind”, but when she saw Cindy sitting in the courtroom, she realized that she had to do the right thing and tell the truth about what happened the night of the shooting. I admire her for her bravery; if I was in her situation, I would be scared to death and most likely protect my “own kind” in order to escape punishment. This movie has shown me how underprivileged kids like Ms. Gruwell’s students actually have so much wisdom hidden beneath their tough exteriors. All they need are people like Ms. Gruwell to help them express what they have learned through their short yet eventful lives. They can teach the rest of the world how to overcome obstacles the way they did.



卡洛斯Carlos Diaz

電影一開始,我以為它會是一部暴力的「幫派」電影,後來才發現自己猜錯了。認真說來,青少年們會因膚色不同而互相射殺聽來似乎不太可能,但在freedom writers 的生活中卻是活生生的事實;更令我震驚的是,這樣的日子是這些青少年們每天面對的生活,而他們已經都接受也習慣了。這部電影令我發現自己生命中有很多東西我應該比現在更珍惜,我也同情那些青少年,他們的「正常」世界的生活是如此辛苦。我更欣賞紀老師,也相信她是這些學生們能改變自己未來的主要影響力。沒有她的鼓勵,這些孩子們不會也不想改變。不過,最令我佩服的是這些青少年,她們了解紀老師的教導與苦心,把握每一個機會,改過自新。


姜欣維  Roger Jiang

My favorite part of the movie was seeing all the people from different backgrounds come to terms with each other. When the movie began, everyone disliked each other and was spiteful, but by the end of the movie, everyone had developed intimate bonds and became friends. I also liked the scene where Eva said “Paco did it.”  Eva told the truth and made the right choice. Even though everyone wanted her to lie, she stuck to her principles and beliefs and made the right decision. I want to always make the correct choices as well. Even if it may not be what everyone else is doing, or the coolest decision, or even if my friends will laugh at me, I still want to do the right thing.


張凱翔 Sean Chang

My favorite part from “Freedom Writers” is the surprised expression Ms. Gruwell had on her face when she saw that the students had turned in their journals for her to read. She had such a hard time trying to get them to listen to her, and yet, they all turned their journals in. The English regular freshman class always felt that every teacher looked down on them because they were in English regular; as time progressed, they saw Ms. Gruwell’s efforts while most teachers would've given up at some point. Ms. Gruwell felt like it was her responsibility to help the kids see that the world is much bigger than their neighborhood. The students began to see this too, and when they were given a voice through their pen, they took the opportunity, and told their story to the world.




向璿  Sophia Hsiang

“Freedom Writers” is a great film about a group of high school students and their new English teacher, Ms. Guwell. Ms. G helps her students understand how to appreciate their lives. There are many parts of the movie that I liked, but the part I liked the most was when Eva said “Paco did it!” It takes a lot of courage and strength to be able to stand up, confess the truth and confront your “own people”; and she even did it at the risk of her own life. ‘Freedom Writers’ has taught me many things, including how to appreciate my life more through the lives of these less fortunate people.


我最喜歡的部分是當Eva說「Paco did it!」。選擇說出事實的真相需要付出極大的勇氣,她甚至可能因此喪命;但她沒有違背良心,而選擇站在正義的一方。如果是我,我的決定也會和她一樣。從這部電影中,我學到要珍惜生命,愛我們四周的人;不分種族,不看外表,而要發自內心去善待所有的人。像影片中的Ms.G的愛就是我們都該學習的這部片子很好看也讓我們更深入的感受到一種每個人都有的、獨特的力量---去愛別人


陳效威 Bon-Bon Chen



        My favorite part of the “Freedom Writers” movie is when Mrs. Gruels’ class went on a field trip to visit the Holocaust Museum. This was my favorite scene because it was the turning point of the students’ life. After the tour of the museum the students started to change their attitude about their lives. They started to realize that there were other people who actually suffered more than they had. Not only was this scene good, it has a meaning behind it as well.

        Coming to Taiwan was a turning point in my life, because I had to struggle to catch up with my work and to try to get use to this new society. After a few months I started to catch on with my work with the help of my classmates, teachers, parents and some perseverance. My friends helped me get used to this new society. I appreciate what they did for me. Even though in the movie the visit to the Holocaust Museum was a short scene, it made me look at life from a whole new different angle.