第十卷第  100年10月20日出刊  October 2011









發 行 所:國立科學工業園區實驗高級中學

National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park



編輯小組:郭怡伶 黃珍汝 楊璦禎 Marina Lin

英文翻譯:Kristen Wu Vivi Chuang

刊頭:2011 UNICEF (雙語部12B廣谷天琴 Lyra Hirotani)


300 Jieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.

TEL886-3-5777011 FAX886-3-5781813


學校要聞|English News

! 雙語部9A陳伯恩勇奪國際奧林匹亞數學銀牌



51屆全國科展 高中部表現優異

51屆全國中小學科展於725~30日在苗栗高中舉行,本校高中部同學代表新竹參加競賽,表現相當亮眼。其中高二4班陳碩甫、陳柏佑以「磁控!! 布丁的吸水敏感性」勇奪化學科第三名;高二5班林其政、林彥呈、陶詩諺等三位同學亦以「棒子圍牆-另類等周問題之探討」榮獲數學科第三名。感謝謝道任老師、莊添丁老師及藍錦文老師的辛勤指導,同時恭喜獲獎同學並期許再接再厲為校增光。



本校榮獲99學年度「高中職適性學習社區教育資源均質化實施方案」輔導訪視總體績效一等獎。「高中職適性學習均質化」延續「高中職社區化」於98學年度開始實施,以結合社區教育資源,加強學校資源共享; 整合社區適性課程,引導學生適性發展等為方案目的。本校擔任均質化新竹區總計畫學校,由雙語部主任李秀芬擔任計畫主任、吳佩蓁老師擔任計畫承辦人。本校共推行服務學習講座及UNICEF 募款活動、辦理教師專業發展、閱讀策略教學工作坊、閱讀經典講座、行動學堂-基隆河谷踏查與部落生態人文探訪—鎮西堡社區的再造計畫及校際交流活動等活動,成果豐碩。感謝參與本計畫之各部主任及教師的辛勞與付出。






雙語部自2008申請WASC(Western Association of Schools and Colleges)「美國西部大學及院校認證協會」的認證候選資格後,歷經3年的努力,終於順利通過WASC國際課程認證評鑑為達成學校完成認證的目標,全體行政人員及老師歷經無數次的會議討論及腦力激盪,建立學生之預期學習成效 (Expected School-wide Learning Results, ESLRs) ESLRs代表雙語部學生完成學業時應具備的基本能力指標,是所有教學活動的最高指導原則。ESLRs以一系列指標聚焦所有教學、行政資源以協助學生學習:教師根據ESLRs設計課程、進行教學;行政人員依ESLRs制定規範、舉辦活動;教師及行政人員在審視自己的教學及業務時並不斷思考是否引領並協助學生更朝向ESLRs目標邁進。




Congratulations to Brian Chen of 9B for Winning Silver in the International Math Olympiad

The awards ceremony of the 2011 International Mathematics Olympiad was held in the Netherlands on July 23rd. There were 101 countries and regions, 564 students participating. Taiwan won two gold and four silver medals. It was also ranked 8th internationally. This was the best ranking in the recent five years. Brian Chen was not only the youngest competitor but had found out seven months earlier that he had leukemia. Through the pain and toil, Brian went through chemotherapy and training for the Olympiad at the same time, winning the silver medal and honoring his country. We sincerely hope Brian will get well and make a full recovery from his disease!



NEHS High School Department Performs Excellently at the 51st National Science Exhibition

The 51st National Science Exhibition was from July 25 to 30 at Miaoli High School. Our school represented Hsinchu to the competition and brought back excellent results. Of the contestants, H2-4 students Chen Shuo Pu and Chen Po You won 3rd place in chemistry with "Magnetize! Pudding Absorption Sensitivity"; H2-5 students Lin Chi Zheng, Ling Yen Chen, and Tao Shi Yen also won 3rd place in math with "Sticks Build Walls: Isoperimetric Problems."  Many thanks to the following teachers Mr. Ren, Mr. Chuang, and Ms. Lan for their supervision and support. Again, congratulations to these students!


NEHS Receives Special Recognition in the 2010 High School Counseling Visits of Homogeneous Community Senior and Vocational High Schools

NEHS has been awarded with the first Prize for the counseling visits of Homogeneous Community Senior and Vocational High Schools.  The program of Homogeneous Community Senior and Vocational High Schools plan is a continuation of the Community Senior and Vocational High Schools Plan, which began in 2009. Its purposes are to reach out to the community for educational resources, to aid the school, and to organize courses suitable for the whole community to help students develop in a comfortable environment. As the Coornidator School for Hsinchu City, with Ms. Helen Jou as the program director and Miss Peggie Wu as the contractor, our school has organized several community service sessions such as the UNICEF fund raisers, professional development for teachers, reading tips teaching, lecture on classic literatures, and other activities with fantastic results. Special thanks to our wonderful deans and teachers for their hard workand efforts.


Congratulations to Mr. Chu for winning the Outstanding Teacher Award

On September 21, our beloved teacher from the Elementary Department, Mr. Chu was awarded the 2011 Outstanding Teacher Award by the Hsinchu City Mayor. Also, Mr. Chu will be representing Hsinchu City as a candidate for the 2012 National Educator Award. Mr. Chu is extremely passionate in his job as a teacher. He uses innovative teaching styles, stresses teacher-student relationships, and is also constantly revising and improving his own teaching style. Mr. Chu is also responsible for the creation of "National Experimental's Elementary News Channel" on the school website. In addition, Mr. Chu had placed first in the 6th Hsinchu City Super Teacher Competition, the 7thNationwide Super Teacher Award, and created his own educational blog which was nominated for the 6th Worldwide Mandarin Blog Award... While he continues to win a number of different awards, Mr. Chu is thankful to many teachers who did not hesitate to share their experiences, guiding him towards his success. He also gives thanks to the great learning environment of NEHS. He hopes he can help the students fly into the sky of endless possibilities and let the students find apiece that belongs to them.


IBSH was granted an accreditation term of three years by WASC

IBSH began the accreditation process with WASC (Western Association of Schools and Colleges) since 2008, and was granted an accreditation term of three years by WASC after three years’  efforts. To achieve the goal for WASC accreditation, the admin. Team and teachers have had innumerable brainstorming meetings in order to create and refine the school purposes and the ESLRs (Expected School-wide Learning Results). The ESLRs are the goals of the IBSH school program--what we hope our students to become upon graduation. Teachers are encouraged to integrate the ESLRs into their planning and instruction as guidelines for their teaching strategies and curriculum standards; administrators are encouraged align their decision-making and activities planning with the ESLRs.


New Sister School Agreement Reached with Bei-Jing Fifty-Five High School

New Sister School Agreement Reached with Bei-Jing Fifty-Five High School this year's July, National Experimental High School and Fifty-Five High school began the exchange of academic and technical information and other information of mutual interest. In addition, the schools also established a net work educational platform and short-term teacher and students exchanges in international educational exchange activities. (llolollololo google translate). Set in Bei-Jing Chao Yang, Fifty-Five High School will benefit our school in providing bilingual education and international diploma. In February, Principal Wang Jing accompanying with dean of student affairs, and three other teachers came to visit our school in expression of approving the agreement and decisions on areas of cooperation. After the ministry of education approved this case in April, the principle of our school, Christina Huang, was invited to Fifty-High School to visit and finish establishing the contract. In October, Principal Wang Jing and colleagues visited our school in Taiwan. Thus, the two schools entered discussion and communication to increase interaction between the two schools, broaden visions, and promote international exchange activities.