第十卷第  102年10月15日出刊  October 2013




服務學習 升學榜單 榮譽榜



新 師 初 登 場 Part I



高中部 陳婷姿老師


國中部 洪宜芳老師



國中部 何 昀老師


國小部 林日堯老師





口頭禪:肚子好餓唷 !






國小部 古忠正老師




國小部 楊依潔老師





雙語部 馮毓琪老師

嗨∼大家好:) 我是馮毓琪老師,英文名字是Casey,畢業於臺師大資訊工程所,很開心可以加入竹科實中的教師行列!今年擔任雙語部12年級的導師以及電腦老師。雖然我是電腦老師,但是我不會修理電腦唷!(開玩笑的)如果大家有電腦相關的疑問,還是歡迎大家來問我,當然如果有一些有趣的科技知識,也請各位分享給我唷∼


雙語部 廖偕倫老師Ms. Sharon Liao

Sharon is excited to be at IBSH and looks forward to a great year with everyone. She graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a B.A. in English and the Plan II Honors Program, a minor in Spanish, and a teaching certificate through the UTeach Program. Previously, she taught English (8th-10th grade) and English electives (9th-12th grade) for four years in Texas, first at a charter school and then in the public school system. A born-and-raised Texan, Sharon overuses the contraction “y’all,” loves Tex-Mex and barbecue, watches a lot of football, and likes to two-step, but she never rode a horse to school, nor does she own a cowboy hat or cowboy boots.


雙語部 翁傳彥老師 Mr.Michael Weng

Hello, y’all! I’m from Sugar Land, Texas, and I say “y’all” all the time. And yes, Sugar Land is a real place. I graduated from the University of Houston with a degree in Business Marketing. I received my teaching credentials through our region shortly after graduation. I was a permanent substitute teacher for two years before accepting my first job as a 2nd grade self-contained teacher. I taught 2nd grade for two years and then 3rd grade Language, Reading, and Social Studies last year. I am thrilled to have made the decision to move across the ocean to teach at IBSH! Even though I have been warned about the huge spiders and roaches here, I still get alarmed when I seem them in my apartment or even in my classroom. I look forward to meeting everyone here, exploring the island, and working with all the teachers and students here. Come say, “Hi!” to my little ones and me in 1B!

雙語部 莫勒與莫潔西老師Mr. Miller and Mrs. de la O

Morgan and Jesica are engaged to be married in Hawaii, July of 2014. They met during graduate school at the University of Oregon’s Graduate Teaching Program in Eugene, Oregon where they each earned a MEd in Curriculum and Teaching. Morgan is certified to teach English, Social Studies and ELL at the secondary level while Jesica is certified to teach Social Studies for grades 6-12 and just recently became certified in English and ELL for middle grades.

Morgan and Jesica spent the past few years living in Seoul, South Korea and teaching at a small international school there. This year Morgan will be teaching 9th and 12th grade English as well as AP Economics. Jesica will be teaching 6th grade Humanities, 12th grade U.S Government and will assume the duties of Homeroom Teacher for 6B. Morgan also looks forward to coaching the Boy’s Varsity Basketball team this year.

Although they had never previously traveled to Taiwan, they heard wonderful things about the Island through word of mouth and are very excited to be teaching at IBSH!