第十卷第  103年1月15日出刊  January 2014


國際小學奧匹-My IMSO Trip


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國際小學奧匹-My IMSO Trip

My IMSO Trip- A wonderful experience in my life


「國際小學數學及自然科學奧林匹亞 (IMSO, International Mathematics and Science Olympiad for Primary School)」由印尼教育部創辦,範圍涵蓋小學數學及自然科學內容與知識,考試方式有簡答題、探索題與實驗題,試題與作答內容必須全部使用英文。

2013年IMSO於菲律賓大雅台 (Tagaytay)舉辦,雙語部6位六年級學生代表台灣參與自然科競賽,獲得了一銀四銅的佳績。

由於前陣子超強颱風海燕過境,重創菲律賓,學生們從台灣背了許多物資並於閉幕典禮時移交給塔古市長凱耶塔諾 (Lani Cayetano),其中6B郭騏 (Mark Kuo)更代表所有參賽者致詞,表達關切並希望他們能夠早日恢復正常生活。


郭騏 (Mark Kuo)代表所有參賽者致詞


(6A Andrew Lin)

Recently I went to Philippines for an international science competition called IMSO (International Mathematics & Science Olympiad.) Elementary school boys & girls, if you want to be part of IMSO next year, read on.

Here are the criteria to join IMSO: (1) being top 6 out of about 60 kids in an eighth-grade level science pop test, (2) willing to study almost daily including weekends, (3) and must love SCIENCE!!

We got several bronze medals and one silver medal, which is a record for Taiwan team in terms of total numbers of medals. The closing ceremony in Taguig near Manila was very nice and fancy and it was the best dinner in the whole trip. The Taiwan team was even interviewed by CNA which is a popular Taiwan news channel - we were on the news and on TV!! Last but not least, there was a unique cultural exchange night with fun cultural performance from each country and lots of gift exchange between the contestants.

In conclusion, it was a very good experience in terms of: (1) seeing Philippine unique cultures such as the colorful taxi and the fire dance; (2) meeting many people from different countries such as Thailand, Singapore, Brunei, South Africa, and many more Asian countries; (3) gaining more knowledge in science especially Biology; (4) having fun time travelling with my friends. And, boys and girls, next year IMSO is going to take place on the beautiful island in Indonesia called Bali.


(6B Evan Cheng)

After typhoon "Yolanda" struck terror and sorrow in many Pilipino hearts because it had rained death upon them all, Philippines would be the number one location, where tourists wouldn't want to go during that time. Luckily, the 10th IMSO was held in Alfonso, the 2nd largest summer resort spot in Philippine and is about 600km away from the disaster area. So, it wasn't that horrible actually. During the week at IMSO, we took three different tests - each relates to subjects such as physics, chemistry, biology... etc. Each test lasted for an hour, except for test 3, which was about experimenting. Tests 1 was multiple choice, and test 2 was short answers. These tests were not very easy to begin with. When we took the tests, we were inside a large room teeming with tables and chairs covered in table clothes. After everyone finished test 3, the supervisors allowed us to take the materials from the experiment home. In additional to the tests, we got a chance to visit a zoo nearby and it was the first time I got a chance to touch a real gigantic python! During the Culture Night, we performed diablo from what we had learned through Chinese Culture class to represent Taiwan team. One other fun part was: we got souvenir exchanges with contestants from all other countries like South Africa, Thailand, Nepal, India, Singapore, Philippines...etc.


(6B Jeffrey Chang)

In order to prepare for the IMSO, school provided us a series of intensive training. During our intensive courses, we had group study in chemistry, biology, physics, and earth science. After the extra classes, we had to practice Chinese yoyo for the Culture Night. In chemistry, we did mostly experiments with Ms. Crystal Wu. We experimented with dry ice and other interesting things. At biology, we studied textbooks which covered all the fields of biology with Ms. Joy Lo. Even though I don’t really like biology, most of the questions we got tested are about biology. At physics, my favorite subject, we did many experiments compared to others. We got the help from Mr. Ray Chin in learning physics. We experimented with electricity, pulleys, and elevators. Last, we did earth science, my 2nd favorite subject with Mr. Ted Hsiung. We learned about inertia, pressure, and other fun things.

Before we go to Philippine,we prepared and hand-carried around 40 big bags of supplies, each weighing approximately 10kg to the Filipinos that were affected seriously by typhoon Yolanda. When we arrived Philippine, the Filipinos treated us respectfully and were very polite.

We had a very long and rather boring opening ceremony on the second day. There were speeches from the mayor of Tagyatay and administrators of the IMSO. Then, the chairman of the IMSO introduced all the 13 countries of 270 delegates from Brunei, China, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Nepal, Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, and Thailand. After the opening ceremony, we started testing in the afternoon.

There are around 130 delegates in Science competition. The test is divided into 3 sections, the first test is Theory1, the second one is Theory2, and the third one is to do the experiments. We had Theory1 and Theory2 on the second day. Theory1 is mostly multiple choices. Theory2 is mostly word problems. On the very early morning of the third day, we had our third test, experiments. One of experiments I did is layering liquids, which tests us which liquid is denser thAn that liquid. The other one is using a meter stick to measure mass.

On the fourth day, we took a 2-hour long trip to attend the closing ceremony. Mark, Evan, Andrew, and I got bronze, and Andre got silver. I found out that the Singaporeans got the most gold medals while the Filipinos got the most medals since they had the most people participating. I think if we can prepare IMSO for over half year earlier, we may get a better result than this time. I also will try to improve by practicing more experiment questions next time. There is still lots of knowledge to explore.

IMSO is a very good experience and challenge in my life. This is also the first time I have competition overseas.


(6B Mark Kuo)

In the Philippine’s 10th IMSO, I found many new opportunities and other new things in life. First, I learned that we all thought we had already explored the majority of science, but this is not true. In fact, we have only explored the tiniest fraction in the mystical world around us that is full of questions unanswered. I believe that even though we always say that we are not spoiled, but compared with many other students we actually are. Even though people know that the Philippines need a lot of help in their economy and recovery from the damage of Typhoon Haiyan, but no matter how you say it, it is actually a lot worse. Finally, in the five days at IMSO, we learned about different cultures, and learning habits of the students from other countries. Even better, you can probably make a few new friends.

(6B Yolanda Chen)

Hi,I am Yolanda Chen, the only girl who participated in the IMSO. This year, IMSO was held in Philippine. When I know I was in the competition, I was very excited and started to prepare everything for it. All the members studied science with teachers and practiced Diablo for the Culture Night after school.

On the first day, we just relaxed before the test but, of course, we studied for it. At that time I just couldn’t relax myself, because I was thinking that the test must be very hard. So I kept studying the old questions of the previous IMSO. I got very nervous in the opening ceremony because I couldn’t stop thinking of the test we would have in the afternoon. On the 2nd day, we were having an experimental test. The test was pretty fun but it was also very hard, too. After the test, all the students went to a zoo nearby. I saw a lot of animals, such as tigers, horses, pigs, lions, alligators, camels, and other stuff. At the zoo, some boys held a big and fat python. I didn’t hold the python because I didn’t want to end my life by being strangled to death by a python. The fourth day was the most exciting day because it’s the AWARD CEREMONY!!! When we were having the award ceremony, I was very excited because I didn’t know if I would get a medal of not. During the ceremony, I kept preying that I would get a medal, but I didn’t hear my name being called until the end. I was very sad but I didn’t cry.

Although I didn’t win any medal, I think this is a very good experience to let me know that I need to work harder. This is only a competition in my life. I wish I could work harder and win many medals in the future. By the way, we carried lots of foods to give the people whose homes were damaged by Typhoon Hai-Yan. At last, I want to thank a lot of people who helped me during those months. I am thankful for my school to give me the chance to join the competition and for my teachers who helped me along the way.


(6B Andre Tsai)

IMSO allowed us to see how people compete in world level. I learned many things from this competition such as how to study a lot of things in a short amount of time. We also have group studies at two of the participants’ house, and one of their dads taught me many things that were shown in the test of IMSO. I have never done any experiment so hard in my life other than the ones in IMSO. I really appreciate everyone who helped us to participate in this worldwide competition.