第二十二卷第六期 106年11月15日出刊 November 2017

106學年度新進教師自我介紹 II

2017 ISSC大賽奪冠為國爭光

2017尼泊爾國際志工 106學年度幼兒園迎新活動  看見共備的力量  家長會委員名單 榮譽榜



發 行 所:國立科學工業園區實驗高級中學

National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park



編輯小組:何 昀 郭原甫 紀鈴鈺 林燕靖

英文翻譯:Jessica Kim、Alica Lee、Alice Chen、Claire Chuang、Berry Lee、

                     Karen Tseng、Sunni Lin、Ching Huang

刊頭:運動會 國小部 5-5 樊佳瑄


300 Jieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.

TEL886-3-5777011 FAX886-3-5781813


學校要聞|English News


106學年度第一次家長代表大會於10月2日晚上舉行並進行委員改選。共計由家長代表投票選出31名新任委員,並由委員中推選9名常委。本次選舉最後由國中部家長辜存信先生(Mr. Calvin Ku )連任本屆家長會會長。王正珠女士、張其珍女士及徐佩萸女士、黃武雄先生及彭雪芬女士榮膺本屆家長副會長。王嘉慈女士擔任財務長、彭瑄蘭女士擔任監察委員。辜存信會長在去年任期中,十分熱心於協助學校事務,今年在各部家長委員推舉下連任家長會長,感謝辜存信會長及各位委員過去一年來對本校的熱忱服務與貢獻。同時希望實中家長會在新的學年繼續家長會對學校的全力支持與協助,讓家長會與學校的互動順暢圓滿。(家長會委員名單詳見第頁。)

小智來了! 新竹市林智堅市長蒞校演講


WASC研習 邀請Ms.Barbara Parker蒞校演講

本校長期推廣國際教育,成果豐碩。今年推動國際教育四軌之「課程國際化」,希望透過課程的推動,除加強校園國際化學習環境的建置之外,也提供教務、學務及行政國際化作業,並採國際化教學及學習,促進文化交流。因此,雙語部於106年10月4日至6日辦理WASC (Western Association of Schools and Colleges)相關教師專業研習,邀請在WASC領域非常有經驗的Ms. Barbara Parker蒞校,進行一連三天的專題演講。期待透過此次研習,讓本校雙語部教師對於WASC有更深刻的認識理解,凝聚部內共識,提昇雙語部行政團隊推動課程國際化之能力。


自2004年舉辦第一屆模擬聯合國會議(Model United Nations)以來,實驗中學每年所舉辦的新竹模擬聯合國(HSINMUN)已邁入第十三屆,今年的主題為「大數據」,廣邀全台十多所高中,共四百多名學生參加。身為臺灣地區元老級的HSINMUN,再加上去年通過海牙認證,HSINMUN更是成為全台各高中積極爭取參與的MUN活動。今年配合國教署「跨國視訊學習與交流計畫」,邀請HSINMUN的指導老師Mr. Seth Roberts、Ms. Michelle Roberts及四位執行秘書,以視訊交流方式,與有興趣參加MUN的幾所台灣高中師生分享如何準備模擬聯合國的議題及發表。此外,HSINMUN XIII委員會更利用多媒體素材錄製影片,如會議記錄、閉幕式節目、緊急應變措施說明影片,更為首次參加HSINMUN的學校拍攝報到說明影片,使報到程序更為順利。實中HSINMUN一屆屆用心求進步,願這些果實都能在參與師生心中深耕茁壯,成為日後邁向國際的養分。

冠軍金杯到手! 2017 ISSC大賽奪冠

本校中學部蘇柏瑄、楊子平同學在蔡明原主任帶隊之下,遠赴斯里蘭卡參加2017年國際青年程式競賽(ISSC, International Schools Software Competition),與成功高中共同為台灣代表隊,為台灣爭光!兩(2015)年前,實驗中學也曾經是台灣代表隊的一員,並在比賽中奪下亞軍。今年再接再厲,師生三人帶著雷霆萬鈞的氣勢,一舉奪下冠軍!最終,本校與成功高中一起帶回2017 ISSC比賽的冠軍及亞軍,讓臺灣揚名國際!

圖書館展覽 中學部國一悅讀圖書館課程學習成果展


Congratulations to Mr. Calvin Ku for his PTA Presidency!
The 2017 first PTA representative re-election was held on October 2nd. 31 members and 9 standing committee members were elected, and Mr. Calvin Ku was elected as the PTA president for the upcoming term. Ms. Wang, Ms. Chang, Ms. Hsu, Mr. Huang, and Ms. Peng were elected as the PTA vice presidents, Ms. Wang as the treasurer, and Ms. Peng as the supervisor. Mr. Ku has proven to be both enthusiastic and caring in terms of helping the school’s administration team throughout the course of his career as a member of the PTA. The school is extremely grateful for Mr. Ku and the entire PTA’s efforts throughout the past school year and also hopes that NEHS parents will continue to support the PTA, fostering the positive connection between the PTA and the school. (Please refer to page 6 for the PTA committee member list.)

Hsinchu Mayor visits our school!
After a buildup of excitement over the span of several weeks within the school, the mayor of Hsinchu, Lin Chih-chien, finally visited NEHS on October 18th for an interactive presentation with the juniors. During the presentation, Mr. Lin first started by sharing his experiences of growing up in Hsinchu and also shared his impressions of Hsinchu. These impressions evolved into Mayor Lin’s goals and ambitions for the future of the city, which he displayed through a short film. After that, six students engaged with the mayor in discussions in a personal conversation. The discussion not only allowed the mayor to gain a better understanding of the wishes and expectations of the younger generation, but also allowed students insight into the more compassionate side of the governing system. Seeing the steps that Hsinchu city is making towards creating a better future, it is evident that Mayor Lin’s blueprint for a better tomorrow is surely in action.

WASC Workshop: Ms. Barbara Parker delivers speeches
NEHS’s long term promotion of international education has spectacular results. This year, the school executed one of the four principles of international education: the globalization of curricula. The school hopes that not only will this enhance a multicultural learning environment, but it will also advocate the globalization of the academic administration and bolster cultural exchange. On October 4th to 6th, 2017, the bilingual department involved itself with WASC’s educational workshops and invited Ms. Barbara Parker, an expert of WASC, to conduct speeches for three days. The school hopes that through these speeches, the academic administration of the bilingual department will better understand WASC to enhance international education in school.

The 13th HSINMUN Ends Smoothly
Since the first annual session began in 2004, HSINMUN has moved through the years as a hallmark of IBSH. Officially becoming THIMUN-affiliated last year, October’s HSINMUN XIII was undoubtedly exemplary of its preceding conferences. With “Big Data” as this year’s arching theme, more than 400 participants from across Taiwan debated the current global issues in committees led by chairs. Cooperating with the MOE’s “Transnational Video Filming and Communication Program,” four representatives of the IBSH MUN team and directors Mr. Seth Roberts and Ms. Michelle Robert assiduously engaged with students who wish to participate in MUN from multiple schools by guiding them through how to choose and understand topics as well as speak confidently on them. Moreover, examples such as introductory videos and committee records exemplified HSINMUN’s increasing use of big data and technology, connecting participants of varying backgrounds through this channel to push and stimulate the future leaders of tomorrow. HSINMUN diligently makes progress throughout the years in hopes that the experience can guide all participants toward helping the world.

Gold Medal in Hand! 2017 ISSC Competition
Students Bo-Shuan Su and Zi-Ping Yang, with the accompaniment of Mr. Ming-Yuan Tsai, participated in the 2017 International Schools Software Competition (ISSC) along with students from Chenggong High School, representing Team Taiwan. Two years ago, NEHS students were also part of Taiwan’s representative competitors, earning a second place then. This year, the two participants and director persisted with the same ferocity and were crowned champions! Our school and Chenggong High brought back both second and first place in the 2017 ISSC, once again boosting Taiwan’s reputation abroad.

Library Learning Exhibition
Since 2016 school year, the middle school department has been experimenting with a new library class course in which students split into groups and spend an entire semester delving deep into a single novel; at the end of the semester, each group will share their analysis and review on the novel. Each student in the group is in charge of different sections of the novel, discussing their analyses with their group members in class. The course allows students to experience an intimate understanding of characters and plots, situating themselves in the context for deep contemplation unlike any other traditional assignments. They digested the rich text and refined their thoughts into exquisite reports, inviting everyone to explore the wonders of each page the novels provide!