第二十三卷第一期 107年3月15日出刊 March 2018



幼兒園 元宵節暨世界母語日活動 國際科展得獎心得  實中合唱團之創新與超越 榮譽榜



發 行 所:國立科學工業園區實驗高級中學

National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park



編輯小組:何 昀 郭原甫 紀鈴鈺 林燕靖

英文翻譯:Jessica Kim、Alica Lee、Alice Chen、Claire Chuang、Berry Lee、

                     Karen Tseng、Sunni Lin、Ching Huang

刊頭:國小部4年1班 方柏仁


300 Jieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.

TEL886-3-5777011 FAX886-3-5781813


學校要聞|English News

實驗中學35週年校慶 「卅五春秋育英才,實中桃李遍四海」

本校將於105年3月21日星期三熱鬧慶祝實驗中學35周年校慶!今年的主題是「卅五春秋育英才,實中桃李遍四海」,說明實驗中學在這35年中,兢兢業業於為這片土地作育英才的用心與堅持。活動將於上午八時三十分拉開序幕。校慶活動將由鮑顗丞老師所帶領的國高中部管樂社率先登場,會中李健維校長將頒發獎牌予在本校服務滿5、10、15、20及25年的教職員工,除了為實中全體師生表達感謝,更藉此機會表揚他們為實中付出的辛勞與貢獻。在校慶大會上,邀請校內許多優秀團體表演,包含國小部感恩歌唱大賽的特優隊伍之一-六年班全體同學、比舞大賽的特優隊伍、幼兒園部藍天班與白雲班學生、雙語部D. CO熱舞社、雙語部街舞社社員以及雙語部Cheerleading Club,他們將以熱情奔放、活力十足的表演盛大慶祝實中三十五歲生日。校慶當天的系列活動還包含了溫馨熱鬧的友善仁愛健康促進園遊會、豐富精彩的學生作業展、中學部的「實中達人秀」和國中英語互動講座,以及幼兒園部的親子捏陶樂及親職講座。另外,實驗中學長期推動珊瑚礁大使海洋教育,也將在這天進行成果發表會,介紹寒假期間赴夏威夷參訪學習的成果。在此預祝實驗中學校運昌隆,邁向更為精彩的發展!



107年學測成績斐然 滿級分達九人! 


國小部教學交流 造訪花蓮縣秀林鄉崇德國小


雙語部STEP社團 舉辦英語寒假營隊

STEP (Student Teaching English Program)是實驗中學雙語部英文教學志工社團,每年以志工服務的方式,招募對英語教學有興趣的學生,藉由英語專長,並以小組合作的方式,設計與編制教材教案、激發創意教學,用有趣的課程內容使國小學童能樂於學習。今年由外師Mr. Court Anderson及吳宥蓉老師協助指導本社團,並與臺東均一實驗中學合作舉辦「2018歡樂英語冬令營」,成果豐碩!(詳情請見第3-5頁)

NEHS Celebrates its 35th School Anniversary!
On Wednesday, March 21st, NEHS will celebrate its 35th anniversary. With the theme “NEHS 35: sending outstanding scholars talents worldwide,” we celebrate NEHS’s hard work and perseverance in cultivating competitive and diverse students. Festivities will kick off with Mr. Pao’s symphonic band at eight-thirty in the morning. During the ceremony, principal Mr. Roger Lee will hand out awards to administrators and teachers who have worked for 5, 10, 15, 20, or 25 years in the school to express our gratitude of their hard work over the past few years and to commend their sacrifices and contributions. The ceremony will also include lively performances brought by one of the winning team of singing contest, class 602,and of the dance competition. Also the kindergartenstudents of class Sky and Cloud, D.Co, CBC, and Cheerleading team. With great passion and energy, students and faculty members will also be able to enjoy the flea market and activities – the middle school’s “NEHS Talent Show” and speech on interactions using English; kindergarteners’ pottery making and speeches on parenting– held throughout the day. In addition, IBSH’s Coral Reef Ambassadors will be presenting their experiences as ambassadors in Hawaii throughout past winter vacations. With bright spirits, each and every member of the school unites stronger on the path to a glorious future. Happy 35th birthday, NEHS!

Exceptional Wins in the Taiwan International Science Fair
Since 1991, the National Taiwan Science Education Center established "International Science Exhibition Activities” event to select representatives for the international science fair. The fair exhibits thirteen STEM subjects-- mathematics, physics and astronomy, chemistry, earth and environmental science, zoology, botany, microbiology, biochemistry, medicine and health, engineering, computer science and informatics, environmental engineering and behavior, and social science-- and attracts talented students worldwide. This year, our school participated in the 2018 Taiwan International Science Fair, and two high school teams and one middle school team received awards for outstanding accomplishments. Guided by Tzu Chien Wei and Hsiu Li Chang, M302 student Yen Jui Liu won third place in chemistry while H304 students Tzu Wei Wang, Cheng Fu Lin, and Chih Peng Sun, guided by Wei-Ban Chieh,won first place in zoology! As the representative of Taiwan, the zoology team will compete in the International Environmental Sustainability Olympiad. Also, guided by Hsin Pei Li, H203 student, Kai En Yang, won third place in earth and environmental science, and he will be the Taiwanese representative for the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair. (For more details, see page 11)

2018 Outstanding College Entrance Exam Results: 9 students with highest scores!
Pouring years of dedication and hard work into academics, NEHS students achieved brilliant results for the General Scholastic Ability Test. Out of the 164 NEHS high school seniors who took the test, nine of them – Lín ZiQuan, Wang Lìxin, Sun ZhìPeng, Chen WeiZhong, Tong ZiQuan, Xiong YangShuo, Wang BoXuan, Tseng WeiJuan, and Liu ZanShuo – achieved full score. Furthermore, over 50% of the NEHS seniors got above 70 points on their tests, with 11 of them scoring 74 points and 16 of them scoring 73 points. On behalf of the school, we would like to thank all the hardworking teachers for their guidance and congratulate the seniors on their amazing achievements! We hope that all seniors will be able to attend their dream schools and embark on their chosen destiny.

NEHS Elementary Department Visits Hualien County Chong De Elementary School
What images form in your mind when you think of the words “Hualien” and “Taroko”? Is it the spectacular views of the mountains and water with a breath of fresh air, or is it the aboriginal tribes? In late January, the elementary department’s 6th graders, the NEHS news reporters, teachers, and parents took a three hour railway train ride to Hualien county’s Chong De elementary school, which is located near the Taroko tribe next to the coastal regions. Before the crew’s arrival, the Chong De elementary school students brainstormed about issues they can “teach” the NEHS students. After long periods of discussing and brainstorming, the Chong De elementary school students decided that their culture is the most valuable knowledge they could teach the students. As a result, they organized a variety of activities, including archery, weaving, setting traps, playing reeds, playing xylophones, dancing, and mural storytelling. In return, the NEHS students designed twelve different science experiments for the Chong De students. This student exchange program was definitely an unforgettable experience. NEHS hopes that this interschool interaction can be sustained for the coming years.

Bilingual Department STEP Club Hosts an English Teaching Winter Camp
STEP (Student Teaching English Program) is the bilingual department’s community service club. Every year, they recruit students who are interested in teaching English to local elementary students. The club members form small groups to create teaching materials that encourage creativity in the English learning process. STEP aims to incorporate fun and interesting topics into their lessons to allow students to find classes enjoyable and exciting. With guidance from the club advisors Mr. Court Anderson and Ms. Wu You Rong, the volunteer club successfully hosted the “2018 Happy English Winter Camp” with Taitung Jun Yi Experimental Middle School. (For more details, see page 3-5.)