第二十三卷第一期 107年3月15日出刊 March 2018



幼兒園 元宵節暨世界母語日活動 國際科展得獎心得  實中合唱團之創新與超越 榮譽榜





雙語部學生於寒假期間,於台東均一實驗學校辦理為期5天之「2018歡樂英語營」,課程內容以英語主題單元課程為主,輔以各式遊戲及活動,藉此加強參與學童之英語能力。參與學生於學期初招募後,開始進行營前籌備培訓工作,由吳宥蓉老師、Mr. Anderson指導營隊成員規畫、組織營隊課程與活動,進行課前演練及修改,並由印娟娟老師、江函芸老師陪同,透過參訪小旅行,了解當地文化與風俗民情。活動結束後,營隊成員反思營隊課程與活動執行情形,其心得如下



















Apple- Erin

Every camp I have always created a bond with the children and the thought of not being able to see them again always tears my heart apart. However, I realized as a teacher, we only have a short time to influence these kids and I hope no matter how much time we spent with them, the kids learn an important life lesson: love learning. Language is something scary to learn, but I hope to help students see that it can be done in a fun way and that they should not be more confident in themselves. Although it was not easy to wake up early everyday and get ready for the day ahead, the students’ avoid participation in class and laughter when playing games always motivated me to prepare the best lessons for the kids. This camp has helped me mature as I have always pushed myself to create unique lessons where kids learn through experience and fun, but I struggled to engage the students in class. I was always confident in my teaching skills, but I realized how much more improvement I needed and I was not the “best teacher” out there. This camp not only allowed us to get know each other better, but also create unforgettable memories: food adventures, amazing beaches, surprise birthday parties; it was more than just teaching kid, it was realizing the amazing people around you who are always going to support and help you. I like to call it “teamwork teaching” because even if you were not the main teachers, you were essential to the team by aiding the kids who were falling behind or in general supporting the main teachers in class.



Most of us have already been to many of these camps already, but this one truly stood out from the rest. It wasn’t just the fact that we got to go touring around the city or the fact that it was fun to play with kids for five days, it was the whole thing. The planning, the post-class meetings, the preparation, the struggles, and the laughter were all so memorable. Even though sometimes we complained about how much work we had to do, we all knew it was going to be worth it in the end. Now, the classes on the other hand took some time planning and actually teaching them was harder than I thought. I’m sure it wasn’t just me, but learning that every student is different and needs different ways of catching their attention isn’t easy. That’s where that quote “learn to teach and teach to learn” comes in. From these students, you don’t just learn from them, you’d be befriending them and making memories with your secretly favorite kids as well.

For ClassB everyone was engaged while having fun and the week flew by all the same. Since the students struggled more with English and had trouble being confident about their skills, the teachers created activities that required physical movement and interaction that mirrored casual conversation as much as possible. Modifying our lessons to a simpler version of what we originally planned to teach did not change the amount of information that our students processed; in fact, it only made it easier for them to understand what the other class struggled with. Although our time together was enjoyable, we also faced struggles in keeping their attention focused on the lesson instead of just ourselves. There is quite a difference between catching their attention for a lesson and keeping it on ourselves for an entire period. Out of the many memorable moments, the one that stuck to our minds the most was the treasure hunt. The students formed teams and set off to discover pieces of vocabulary around the school such as “mountains” and “backpacks”. Instead of a lesson simply being a lesson, it became an adventure. Every student would race around the campus trying to relate what they’re learning to what they know. One of the teachers on the team even dressed up as a bear! Although the week was short, our days together were timeless. Like how we will always remember their faces and the experiences we’ve created together, we’ll never forget what we’ve taught, and most importantly, what we’ve learned.