第二十三卷第二期 107年4月15日出刊 April 2018



Aloha!2018臺灣珊瑚礁大使出訪夏威夷 實驗中學35週年校慶剪影  健康促進園遊會 「新」春「花」開校際交流 榮譽榜





國立海洋生物博物館樊同雲研究員執行「珊瑚礁大使」計畫,於1月28日至2月12日帶領來自新竹實驗高中、高雄中山高中、屏東陸興高中、東港高中、琉球國中、車城國中等6校的學生共16人,至美國夏威夷的歐胡島進行交流訪問。活動包括參加在夏威夷州長家舉行的國際學生吸引力晚會,和在檀香山文化中心舉行的春節慶祝活動,並進行表演;參訪夏威夷海洋生物研究所、先進視覺化與應用實驗室、服裝產品設計和商品化實驗室、西太平洋區域漁業管理委員會、Kapiolani社區大學、Maryknoll 學校等;以及參觀威基基水族館、Bishop博物館、鑽石山、Koko山、與珍珠港亞利桑納紀念館;到恐龍灣與威基基海灘浮潛等。心得包括把握機會,接受挑戰,創造新成果;發揮學生不同專長使團隊快速學習成長;以及結合團隊與分組的共同學習以及個人自我探索,使效應多元化與優化。建議國內相關單位持續加深和加大與夏威夷的交流合作,融合彼此優勢,建立海洋研究與教育合作,以提升彼此的國際競爭力;以及在海洋科學與科技創新方面提升與夏威夷的產學合作,以促進國際交流和研究發展。

Dr. Tung-Yung Fan, a oceanic marine professor and dean at the National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium, has been leading the Coral Reef Ambassador Programs since 2013, visiting various places strongly associated with marine biology such as San Diego, Singapore, and, in winter 2016, Hawaii. Integrating middle and high school students from varying schools across Taiwan such as Liu-Qiu Middle School and Kaohsiung’s Zhongshan High School, the project this year is focused on creating stronger bonds with the Hawaiian government and institutions, developing the skill sets of a global citizen, and understanding the status of corals, vanguard technology to analyze reefs, and governmental policies and people’s attitudes toward them. This report comprises background information and goals, detailed descriptions of the trip, reflection, and recommendations for future international programs. With numerous visits to the Hawaii University at Manoa, performances at the Hawaii State Governor’s house and the Taiwan-Hawaii Cultural Plaza Center, interview with a Hawaiian governmental official, and trips across the beautiful island of Oahu, the 15-day trip was undoubtedly successful with interactions and learnings from people of all walks of life.


We’re in Hawaii!

Washington Place 夏威夷州長官邸

Washington Place
Elijah Chou 周錫定

Before arriving at Honolulu International Airport, we had no idea that we were going to be tasked with preparing for a performance, even more so for a performance at Hawaii’s governor’s house in Washington Place. At first, on the day of our arrival, we were only told that it was a possibility, and we were betting on the likelihood of it not becoming an official task. However, the odds were “not” in our favor, and for the next few days we spent hours upon hours preparing for this surprise, even to the point where one entire day in our 15-day stay was dedicated completely to preparing for the performance. Each day, we were burdened with more and more anxiety, and before we knew it, it was finally time for us to perform. Despite sacrificing countless hours, we all had a blast performing, and we even had the chance to tour the historic site, which we normally would not have been able to do. Although we resented the performance at first, we now look back on it as one of the highlights of our visit to Hawaii.


Western Pacific Fishery Management Council
Karen Tseng 曾韻融

Prior to the trip, we had emailed a great deal of organizations and governmental branches in an attempt to acquire the opportunity to interview a few of them to compare the environment-protection efforts made by Taiwan and Hawaii. In the end, not only did we snag an interview with the Western Pacific Fishery Management Council based in Honolulu, but we also managed to understand governmental action taken to preserve aquatic biodiversity from a local standpoint. By questioning various residents across the island, we garnered that the locals seemed slightly pessimistic about the condition of their coral reefs. However, our talk with the WP Council truly warmed our hearts, seeing a branch of the government so eager to hear out both the concerns of fishermen trying to preserve the culture of the island as well as the cried of environmentalists worried about the declining state of the marine ecosystem and trying to strike a balance between the two.


Hawaii Marine Institute of Biology (HIMB) & Advanced Visualization and Application (LAVA)
Sunni Lin 林晴若

Among our most memorable experiences from the 2018 Winter Hawaii trip were the visits to the Hawaii Marine Institute of Biology (HIMB) and Laboratory for Advanced Visualization and Application (LAVA) that introduced us to the developing technologies and research on coral reefs and big data. At Coconut Island, HIMB researchers demonstrated their submersible 3D-scanning robots that probe the ocean floor and take 3D-images for digital reconstruction with accuracy. At University of Hawaii’s LAVA, one of the premier labs in the world for data visualization, we experienced hands-on virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and programming through Unity. The tour culminated in several of the ambassadors returning a few days later to manually scan an object and inserting it into the lab’s renowned paneled walls into a virtual reality landscape we created.
Throughout the 15-day trip, while we battled sleep deprivation, stress, and countless debates, I am so grateful to have been part of the Coral Ambassador Team that performed at the governor’s house, visited labs, interviewed a government official, and backpacked across the island day and night, trying out delicacies and experiencing the rich culture of Polynesia. I hope our team can bring about a change in mindset towards the environment in Taiwan as we share memories and lessons learned from the breathtaking trip.

Wesley 楊景富
When people think of Hawaii, they usually think of an idyllic and relaxing vacation on the sandy beaches. However, that was not the case for us. Living there for two weeks was tough, because we had to manage our own money and lifestyles. We stayed in a cramped dorm room. We didn’t have much time to complain, since we were always too busy planning out where to go and what to do the next day. We went to many places, such as Waikiki Aquarium and Coconut Island. Our main mission was to learn and experience the coral reef ecosystem in Hawaii. In addition, we were tasked with preparing a performance at the governor’s house, and that required a significant amount of planning and practice. Although two weeks may seem like a long time, every day was jam packed with orders of business. We were exhausted but satisfied by the time it was all over.

Cassie Yang
As I walked out of the airport in Hawaii and into the dazzling sunlight, I instantly knew that this trip was worth it. Even though I didn’t expect anything as I walked into the airport in Tau Yuran, I walked out of it with the incentive of coming back again next year.
Overall, despite experiencing a lot of ups and downs, I believe that the ups overweigh the downs. During this trip, I was overjoyed to have a chance to be able to have access to these illustrious facilities that you would not normally get a chance go in. Moreover, I was honored to meet the professors and listen to their well based comments/opinions on coral reef protection. Furthermore, I fell in love with the camaraderie between our teammates and the way we all matured together as a group.
Last but not least, I sincerely hope that I can bring some change to our tank using the knowledge that I gained from this trip to Hawaii.
As I walked out of the airport at Tao Yuan, I felt as if I have being reborn. I have matured. I have grown. I wanted to bring some changes to our tank using the knowledge that I gained from this trip to Hawaii. And luckily, I did.
On March 7th, we were honored to be able to restock our tank with the help of 2 professionals from the Marine Research Facility(Aquarium) at Puin Dong. Even though they were very late because their car broke down, we still managed to finish everything by around 6: 30. During this experience, we had a chance to apply the concepts that we learned into our tank. Even though we already knew how to set up a tank, we had fun doing things such as making artificial seawater, setting up the foundation for the corals, and the actual arrangement of these corals. Furthermore, I was astonished by the camaraderie between our teammates and the way we all worked together properly as a group.
Once again, I sincerely thank the 2 professionals who took their time to come all the way to Hsinchu to aid us in our tank building.