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The Newsletter of NEHS 107年第23卷第43期 實中園地
                                                  實中園地                                                    刷 印

                                                           The  Newsletter  of  NEHS
                                            第二十三卷第四期 中華民國107年6月15日出刊                 June 2018
                                            發 行 所:國立科學工業園區實驗高級中學
                                                               National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park
                                            發 行 人:李健維                                    本期要目
                                            總 編 輯:林容安
                                            編輯小組:何  昀  郭原甫  紀鈴鈺  林燕靖                       ● 各部畢業專欄
                                            英文翻譯:Jessica Kim、Alica Lee、Alice Chen、Claire Chuang、Berry Lee、Karen Tseng、Sunni Lin、Ching Huang
                                            刊    頭:高中33屆5班鄭達詠                              ● 幼兒園母親節感恩奉茶活動
                                            地    址:新竹市介壽路300號                              ● 2018 NEMUN實中模擬聯合國會議
                                                      300 Jieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.   ● 中學部跨科際講座
                                            TEL:886-3-5777011      FAX:886-3-5781813
                                            雜誌類登記證  局版台誌第283號

                                                              2018 Graduation Ceremony
            本校各部舉行一六學年度畢業典禮                                     The blooming of the flowers and the singing of the birds
                 鳳凰花開、輕輕奏起驪歌,又是本校各部要歡                         remind us that it is once again time to send our seniors off into
 Build Your Own Telescope: Starry Night at NEHS
            送展翅高飛的畢業生們的季節,本校一O六學年度                            the future with their wings spread. A number of graduation
            各部畢業典禮也陸續登場。首先是6月6日(週三)                           ceremonies have already taken place. First was the June 6th
                                                              high school graduation followed two days later by the bilingual
            晚間5:30,由高中部學生進場開啟第一場畢業典禮                          department graduation on June 8th. Next were the graduation
            序幕,然後是雙語部於6月8日(週五)晚間6:00舉                         ceremonies for the kindergarten department on Monday, June
            行、幼兒園部於 6月11日(週一)晚間6:30舉行、                        11th, the middle school department on Wednesday, June 13th.
            國中部於6月13日(週三)晚間6:00舉行及國小部於                        and the elementary department on Friday, June 15th. Principal
                                                              Lee and the PTA president Mr. Ku bestowed their blessings
            6月15日(週五)晚間6:00舉行畢業典禮。李健維校                        upon all graduates and invited all their parents to share the
            長與家長會長辜存信先生誠摯邀請所有畢業生家長                            memorable evenings with their children. The principal, deans of
            蒞臨,共同參與盛會並分享孩子們重要的時刻。校                            the five departments, and teachers of the graduating classes all
                                                              attended the ceremonies to cheer and congratulate their students
            長、各部主任、畢業班師長、在校師生及家長都於                            for walking into the next chapter of their lives. Best wishes to the
            典禮中為畢業班同學致上誠摯的祝福。祝福畢業同                            graduating students, and may you all be met with success! (For
            學們鵬程萬里,前程似錦!(畢業專刊詳見第3至                            more details on the graduation of the class of 2018, refer to pages
                                                              2018 Elementary Department - The World of Parents and
            實小入選親子天下教育創新!                              Children - Innovative Education 100!
                                                                 The renown Taiwanese magazine The World of Parents
                 《親子天下》從體制內到體制外,從政府、                          and Children gathered 130 new and diverse leaders in education.
            學校到民間,找到130位教育創新領袖,一起大膽                           Some worked in the government, some in schools, and some in
            想像,相互激盪學習的未來。2018(今)年,第二屆                         local communities. The leaders motivated each other and dared
            「教育創新100」於3月啟動,希望召集更多在教育                          each other to imagine an even  brighter future for education.
                                                              In 2018, the second session of Innovative Education 100 took
            現場勇於創新的夥伴!教育創新的核心精神:「強                            place beginning in March. The event aims to gather even more
            調永續可複製的系統性實踐,用創新解決當下困境                            leaders in education willing to bring about innovation for the
            的教育行動」,期許教育界的夥伴們以學生為本                             industry. The central spirit of innovating education is to “focus
                                                              on constructing concrete and long-lasting systems that can be
            位,思考創新教育解決方案,來呼應孩子們的個人                            replicated and use innovative methods to resolve immediate
            化差異,達到適性而教的目的。而本校國小部則以                            problems in the current industry.” This goal is made to allow
            「國際移動力,學習新動力」為目標,根據校本課                            educators to focus on students and to make each class more
            程目標:「國際移動力」規劃統整各科、各年段之                            beneficial to everyone by encouraging educators to edit their
                                                              educational plans to address individual differences among
            課程,培養具備溝通力、適應力,與行動力的全球                            students. The NEHS elementary department also adopted a new
            思辨公民。國小部以活力多元、創意發展之動能,                            vision “To move the world, learn about its innovations.” This
            「玩」出令人驚豔的教育創新,成果可期!                               vision will act as a fresh guideline for the school’s curriculum for
                                                              all the subjects and stress the importance of teaching our young
                                                              students communication skills, adaptability, and innovation.
                                                              The elementary department, with its energy, diversity, and
                                                              imagination, is already working toward a brighter future in
                                                              education. Great results are expected!

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