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The Newsletter of NEHS 107年第23卷第8期  實中園地
                                                  實中園地                                                    刷 印

                                                           The  Newsletter  of  NEHS
                                            第二十三卷第八期 中華民國108年1月15日出刊                 January  2019
                                            發 行 所:國立科學工業園區實驗高級中學
                                                               National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park
                                            發 行 人:李健維                                    本期要目
                                            總 編 輯:林容安                                      ● 國小部淨灘活動
                                            編輯小組:何  昀  何宜臻  陳婉如  林燕靖
                                                                                           ● 107 Cupertino交流訪問
                                            英文翻譯:Alica Lee、Claire Chuang、Ching Huang、Karen Tseng、Sunni Lin、Janet Jiang
                                            刊    頭:國小部 5年2班 蕭浩羽                            ● 幼兒園鞋盒送真情
                                            地    址:新竹市介壽路300號                              ● 日本脇町高校參訪
                                                      300 Jieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.
                                                                                           ● 人權關懷月寫信馬拉松
                                            TEL:886-3-5777011      FAX:886-3-5781813
                                            雜誌類登記證  局版台誌第283號

            107全校家長讀書會 《脆弱的力量》共讀                              2018 Parents’ Book Club: The Strength of
 Build Your Own Telescope: Starry Night at NEHS               Fragility
                 本校家長讀書會每年都會邀請一位重量級                              For years, the Parents' Book Club has invited
            講師,與校內家長共學共讀,陪伴家長在教養                              many a renowned lecturer to present to them on the
            路上、生命途中互相支持勉勵。107學年度上學                            topics of education and life. In the last semester,
            期,輔導室邀請新竹市家庭教育中心志工老師-                             the High school guidance office invited the teacher
            侯斐媛老師,與家長一同探討人性的脆弱、家長                             from Hsinchu City Family Education Center -
                                                              Ms.Hou Feiyuan - to discuss the fragility of human
            的迷惘。侯老師認為,目前的社會氛圍是深層脆                             nature and parental confusion. Ms. Hou spoke of
            弱退縮,而表相顯現的是競爭強勢,習慣以成敗                             the declining social atmosphere, revealing to her
            論英雄。普遍的單一思考的模式讓我們習慣於問                             audience the prevalence of cutthroat competitors
            事情的結果,而沒深入思考事物的本質。孩子在                             with weak wills. The universal mode of thinking has
                                                              made us accustomed to demanding answers without
            競爭的體制中喪失了對學習的熱情;知道要考好                             pondering why we ask these questions. She spoke
            成績,卻不知要如何運用知識;知道如何成功,                             concernedly of children losing their enthusiasm for
            卻不知如何接受失敗;知道如何升學,卻失去探                             learning within the competitive education system;
            索人生實現自我的精神。所以藉由閱讀,家長得                             although they know how to achieve good grades,
                                                              they don't know how to apply the knowledge they
            以再一次肯定「溫厚、良善的價值觀」。互相提                             gain; although they know how to succeed, they don't
            醒要:包容多元聲音、認真看待生活中的每一件                             know how to accept failure; although they know
            事、陪伴孩子面對不確定未來的同理心、理性討                             how to attend school, they quickly lose the spirit
            論公共議題的信念、不必世俗的成功也能充滿信                             of exploring and enriching their lives. Through
            心的處世哲學、多一點常識的勇氣與寬容,以及                             reading, parents can affirm "fundamental values."
                                                              By reminding each other to embrace the diversity of
            耐心和放心。瞭解自卑,覺察脆弱,藉著「全心                             thought, taking a serious look at everything in life,
            投入」而活回真實的自己。                                      accompanying children to face the uncertain future
                                                              empathy, rationally discussing public issues, they
                                                              will help students develop a worldly philosophy of
            國小部數學亮點基地計畫 榮獲「數學亮點楷模                             confidence without worldly success. And a smidge
            學校」                                               of courage, tolerance, patience, and reassurance is all
                 國小部自2013年起參加數學亮點基地計劃以                        it takes.
            學能力及增加學生學習熱忱的老師參與活動。藉                             Elementary Department’s Mathematics Base
                                                              Plan Wins “Model School”
            由議課、公開授課/觀課、論課的過程,對學生                                Since 2013, the Elementary Department
            的學習狀態有更深入的認識了解,設法透過不同                             has implemented its Math Spotlight Foundation
            解釋方法或多元的教學模式來突破學生的學習盲                             Plan, creating vivid math lessons and striving to
            點。每年國小部都會派員參加數學亮點基地計畫                             increase the quality of education and interactions
                                                              between teachers and students. Through open-class
            報告,每每獲得一等星的榮譽。今年是國小部第                             and discussion lessons, teachers began to better
            六年參加亮點基地計畫報告,由國小部賴鈺麒主                             understand students’ process of learning and started
            任、楊依潔老師帶隊,周欣怡老師、黃品媛老師                             to devise diverse lessons that target many students’

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