Page 2 - 實中園地 第廿三卷第八期
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實中園地       The Newsletter of NEHS 107年第23卷第8期

            代表國小部到師大進行數學亮點基地計畫期中報                             learning blind spots. The Elementary Department
            告。幾位老師台風沉穩、口條清晰,內容專業且                             sent teachers to attend the semi-annual seminar,
            精彩,除了讓本校再次獲得肯定,連續六年獲得                             the team led by Dean Ms. Lai, Ms. Yang, Ms.
                                                              Chou, and Ms. Huang to participate in the standard
            一等星榮譽外,更因帶動專業社群發展,獲選為                             evaluation. A few teachers’ steady speeches, clear
            數學亮點楷模學校!恭喜國小部,也感謝國小部                             articulation, and professional and engaging subjects
            亮點團隊的付出!                                          not only awarded our school yet the sixth “first-rated
                                                              starred  recognition, but also stimulated professional
                                                              team startups. Congratulations to the Elementary
            實驗中學再創資訊競賽佳績                                      Department, and thank you to those behind the Math
                 實驗中學在資訊科技及數理方面,對學生的                          Spotlight Foundation Plan!
                                                                 NEHS has always encouraged students to study
            備下,本校再度於比賽中奪下許多獎項!本校參                             information technology and math, and this year
            加由科技部指導、臺灣大學主辦的「2018網際網                           we have once again received many awards in that
            路程式設計全國大賽」成績優異,國中組部分,                             area. Students participated in the “2018 National
            國中部國二1班邱翊均、國二3班章宏瑞獲得全國                            Problem Solving Contest on the Internet” and did
            第七名;雙語部9B雙語部于喆遠 YU ZHEYUAN                        extremely well. NEHS students Yijun Chiu (M201)
            獲全國第三名,9A劉恩溢 ELLIOT EN-YI LIU則                    and Hongrui Zhang (M203) came in 7th place while
                                                              Zane Yu (9B) came third and Elliot Liu (9A) came
            一舉奪下全國第一名!高中組部分,高二5班陳                             first, with all of them competing in the middle school
            冠辰、高二4班黃迺絜、高二5班劉承亞獲全國第                            division. As for the high school division, students
            七名;高三4班劉宗函、高三5班邱俊茗、高三5                            Guanchen Chen (H205)、Naijieh Huang (H204)、
            班袁昕德則獲得全國第三名;高三5班王師宇、                             Chengya Liu (H205) received seventh place,
                                                              Zonghan Liu (H304)、Junming Chiu (H305)、Xide
            高三5班蘇柏瑄、高一3班楊景遇則奪下全國第一                            Yuan (H305) received third place, and Shiyu Wang
            名!另外,高一5班陳謙毅參加「國際國中科學                             (H305)、Buoxuan Su (H305)、Jingyu Yang (H103)
            奧林匹亞競賽」,勇奪金牌,為自己及學校爭取                             received first place in all of Taiwan. Additionally,
            光榮!恭喜以上得獎同學,也感謝學校老師們平                             Qianyi Chen (H105) participated in the National
                                                              Middle School Science Olympiads and received a
            日辛苦的教導。                                           gold medal, bringing both himself and NEHS glory.
                                                              Congratulations and thank you, teachers, for helping
            雙語部Winter Concert隆重登場                             these students achieve these results.
                 每年歲末年終之際,雙語部一年一度的                            IBSH Winter Concert
            Winter Concert就在實驗中學登場。在雙語部家                         At the end of each year, IBSH’s Winter Concert
            長的慧心巧手之下,活動中心從原本的模樣,                              sets its stage at NEHS. Under the creativity and
            搖身一變成為充滿耶誕氣氛的會場。今年Winter  dexterity of IBSH parents, the old gym transforms
            Concert的主題為「Evolution」,所以各個節目都                    from its original appearance into a Christmas-festive
                                                              venue. This year’s Winter Concert revolved around
            以此為主題發展、呈現表演特色。其中1到8年                             the theme of evolution, and every program expressed
            級,是以班級為表演單位,而9到12年級則是以                            its features through different interpretations of it.
            社團為單位,自由報名演出。演出活動包含歌                              The performers encompassed students from grade
            唱、舞蹈、歌舞劇及管絃樂團表演,表演內容十                             one to twelve, with grade one to eight performing by
            分精彩,也為實中帶來耶誕佳節熱鬧及感恩的氣                             class and grade nine to twelve performing by groups
                                                              and clubs. Programs encompass singing, dancing,
            氛!                                                musical drama, and orchestra performance. These
                                                              performances were fascinating, and they brought up
            雙語部辦理品格闖關活動                                       the excitement and appreciation of Christmas season.
                 本校雙語部國小年段於去(107)年11月進行                       Bilingual Department character education
            品格教育,主軸為「自制」,雙語部學務處生輔                             activities
            組因此舉辦了一場品格闖關活動。雙語部一到六                                The IBSH elementary department held a
            年級學生以班級為單位,到各別關卡進行與自制                             “character education” activity in November of 2018
            相關的活動。關卡中有許多不同的活動,例如學                             with the theme as self-control. Splitting every grade
                                                              as a unit, grade one to six students attended the
            生需靜下心來打坐;或是要挑戰自己,如雕像般                             activities within each station such as learning to calm
            維持一個趣味的動作長達45秒;或者是用小茶匙                            down and meditate; challenge themselves to hold
            舀水走一段距離,將水運送到另一邊的容器中。                             still like a statue in a silly pose for 45 seconds; or use
            這些活動雖然簡單,卻能有效訓練孩子專注於當                             a tiny teaspoon to transport as much water as they
                                                              could to the other side. These activities may seem
            下,體認自己的行為,並專注於其中。                                 easy and simple, but it trains students to recognize
                                                              their own behavior and concentrate and learn from
                                                              these activities.

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