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The Newsletter of NEHS 108年第24卷第2期  實中園地
                                                  實中園地                                                    刷 印

                                                           The  Newsletter  of  NEHS
                                            第二十四卷第二期 中華民國108年4月15日出刊                 April  2019
                                            發 行 所:國立科學工業園區實驗高級中學
                                                               National Experimental High School at Hsinchu Science Park
                                            發 行 人:李健維                                    本期要目
                                            總 編 輯:林容安                                      ● Poetry Café
                                            編輯小組:何  昀  郭原甫  紀鈴鈺  林燕靖                       ● 校慶剪影
                                            英文翻譯:Claire Chuang、Alica Lee、Sunni Lin、Karen Tseng、Ching Huang、Janet Jiang  ● 幼兒園校慶活動
                                            刊    頭:國小部 四年三班 胡馨允
                                            地    址:新竹市介壽路300號                              ● 新加坡國際管樂節
                                                      300 Jieh-Shou Rd., Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.   ● 校慶及無廢園遊會
                                            TEL:886-3-5777011      FAX:886-3-5781813   ●  色彩飛-國小部五年級視覺
                                            雜誌類登記證  局版台誌第283號                                 藝術作品展

            「視覺飛」-五年級視覺藝術作品展於圖書                               “Visual Flight” -- the fifth-grade library gallery
 Build Your Own Telescope: Starry Night at NEHS                  Under the guidance of Ms. Yang, the fifth-
            館登場                                               grade students from the elementary department
                 國小部五年級學生在楊紋紋老師指導下,於                          have passionately decorated the library with their
            本校圖書館辦理「視覺飛」-視覺藝術作品展。                             art exhibition under the theme “Visual Flight.” The
                                                              gallery exhibition is divided into 3 main subthemes:
            本次展覽分為三個部份:色彩123、鋁線造型與                            colors 123, wire configurations, and individual
            偶來說故事。主展場為五年級3-6班的色彩練習作                           storytelling. Under the domain of “colors 123,”
            品,學生運用紅、黃、藍三原色的顏料與海綿滾                             students attempted to rid their drawings of any
                                                              concrete images or shapes, focusing instead on
            筒,從練習調製24色相環上的不同色系開始,嘗                            allowing the essence of the colors themselves to
            試拋棄畫筆、拋棄形體,尋找色彩的獨特感覺,                             speak alone. The subsection “wire configurations”
            讓顏色自說自話。第二部分是鋁線立體造型,因                             boasts a number of intricately-crafted shapes that
                                                              all require adept craftsmanship and patience by the
            為鋁線柔軟,所以滾綁的技巧十分重要,稍有差                             numbers. The final section, individual storytelling,
            池作品就會變樣。由平面到立體,孩子練習操作                             is displayed through student-produced films that
            工具,正是人類智能發展的最好憑藉。第三部分                             encapsulate their journey from readers’ theater to
                                                              storytelling. Special thanks to Ms. Yang for her
            偶來說故事,以錄影方式展出跨領域課程。學生                             teaching and guidance!
            真實偶戲展演的整個歷程。感謝楊紋紋老師悉心                             Elementary Department Students’ Learning at
            指導!                                                  Nine sixth graders from the Elementary
                                                              Department stepped into the lives of IBSH students
                                                              for 3 days, experiencing a completely different
            雙語部遊學 跨部新體驗                                       face of school just around the corners of their own
                 校園裡轉個彎,國小部去雙語部遊學囉!                           classrooms! Though the representatives and the IBSH
            春暖花開的三月天,順著六年級9位學生代表的                             sixth graders largely practice different languages and
            腳步,踏入雙語部,展開為期三天的學習之旅。                             ways of life, this exchange has indefinitely brought
                                                              the gaps closer together. Through laughter, bonds
            這三天,9位國小部的小小遊學生,跟著雙語部                             were created, and both sides garnered new mutual
            同學進行課程,用不太熟悉的語言,讓彼此的關                             respect with each other. This bi-cultural experience
            係更熟悉,語言、文化與生活型態的差異,也透                             at our school continues to nurture relationships and is
                                                              our greatest treasure!
            國、甚至不用出校門,就能置身於彷彿國外的學                             High School English Drama Competition:
            習環境,進行多元豐富的跨文化學習,實為我校                             Incorporating Character Education
                                                                 On March 13, the high school departments hosted
            的寶貴資源!                                            the High School English drama Competition. Every
                                                              class performed a ten-minute English drama, which

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