Page 2 - 實中園地 第廿四卷第二期
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實中園地       The Newsletter of NEHS 108年第24卷第2期

            高中英語話劇比賽 融入品格教育                                   incorporated character education to enrich its content.
                 中學部於今(108)年3月13日下午舉辦高中英                      The school invited Mr. Chiou Ji Fu from Hsinchu
                                                              Chien-Kung Senior High School, Ms. Xiao Ruo Chi
            語戲劇比賽。話劇比賽是由各班同學自編劇本,                             from National Hsinchu Senior High School, and Mr.
            融入校本課程中的品格教育,豐富戲劇內容,由                             Joe from the Studio Classroom as the professional
            每班完整呈現十分鐘的英語話劇。比賽邀請幾位                             judges. Under two and a half hours of amazing
                                                              performances and fluent English lines, the students
            專家-建功高中丘吉富老師、新竹高中蕭若綺老                             had a fulfilling, happy Wednesday afternoon.  sioned
            師、以及空中英語教室Joe老師擔任評審。在兩個                           for his students — a room with both open and
            半小時的演出時間裡,各班精彩表現豐富的舞台                             personal areas, fit for both reading and studying,
                                                              either with friends or alone. The NEHS faculty
            表演、流利的英語台詞,渡過一個充實且充滿歡                             visited the Jian-Guo High School Library earlier
            笑聲的周三下午。                                          this January in the hopes of being able to develop a
                                                              similar environment for the students of NEHS. They
                                                              hope that renovating our school’s library will create
            資訊學科種子教師培訓研習 建構資訊科技                               enough, and suitable, space for students of all ages to
            課程地圖                                              study in.
                 因應108課綱在科技領域的課程規劃,在高                         Information Technology Seed Teacher’s First
            中端如何將與生活科技與資訊科技的課程,與其                             Professional Training Study    The construction
            他學科進行跨領域教學,達到素養導向及運算思                             of the information technology course map
                                                                 The main idea of the information technology
            維的解決問題能力,成為這兩年資訊學科中心                              center has been to connect classe, information
            的重點,因此高中資訊學科中心於2月26日在本                            technology to other cross-disciplinary teachings to
            校辦理「108年度種子教師第1次專業知能培訓研                           achieve problem-solving and computational thinking
            習」,本次研習邀請臺北市立大同高中蔡志敏老                             skills. In response to the training session, the High
                                                              School Information Science Center conducted the
            師與本校雙語部退休教師李秀芬博士擔任講師,                             “108th Seed Teacher’s First Professional Training
            蔡志敏老師根據他編寫教科書的經驗,與資訊科                             Study” on February 26th. Mr. Zhimin Cai, a teacher
            種子教師們分享資訊科技課程地圖的意義、流程                             from Taipei City Datong High School, and Dr.Helen
                                                              Jou, the retired IBSH dean, were invited to make a
            與應用;下午接著由李秀芬博士為我們講解課程                             speech on this topic. Mr. Cai based on his experience
            地圖規劃與核心問題研擬,並帶領資訊種子教師                             in writing textbooks and shared the significance and
            們辨別概念與主題。感謝兩位講師精彩的分享!                             application of the information technology course
                                                              map. While in the afternoon, Dr. Helen Jou explained
            來參與研習的老師紛紛表示,除了收穫很多之                              the course map planning and essential questions
            外,也對本校的學風及環境留下了很好的印象。                             forming. Special thanks to both teachers who had a
                                                              wonderful lecture on Information Technology that
                                                              gave the participant teachers a new perspective and
            日本高知縣小津高校 與雙語部交流互動                                novel knowledge on Information Technology.
                 自105年以來,日本高知縣小津高校每年                          Kochi Senior High School Exchange with IBSH
            都會造訪實驗中學,與雙語部的學生進行交流                                 Ever since 2016, the Kochi Senior High School
            活動,今年邁入了第四年。今年由ISAMOTO  has visited NEHS annually, interacting with IBSH
            HIRONOBU及NONAMI KUNIMITSU兩位化學老師                   students. This year the team was led by chemistry
                                                              teachers Isamoto Hironobu and Nonami Kunimitsu,
            帶領8位學生來訪,本校一樣安排了豐富的交流                             and consisted of eight junior students. We prepared
            活動。一早的見面會後,便安排日方師生體驗新                             many activities, both cultural and academic, for the
            竹在地文化-擂茶。來自客家地區的傳統文化,                             exchange students. Such events included carving
                                                              stamps, practicing calligraphy, and engaging in a
            將茶葉、花生、芝麻、南瓜子倒入擂缽中,用芭                             Hakka tea ceremony. The Japanese students had
            樂樹枝幹所製作的杵細細研磨成油泥狀,再倒入                             fun placing sesame seeds, peanuts, rice grains, and
            滾燙的熱水,沖出一杯暖暖的擂茶溫暖來賓的                              other spices and tea leaves into a large clay pot and
                                                              grinding the ingredients themselves. In the afternoon
            心。接著,日方師生與雙語部學生一起參與中文                             the students attended an eleventh-grade physics
            書法及下午的物理和生物課程。雙語部為日方每                             course and a ninth-grade biology course. IBSH NHS
            一位學生安排一位buddy friend,期望讓日方師生                      members were in charge of being “buddy friends” for
                                                              the exchange students, and hopefully, they enabled
            感受到實驗中學的熱情與友善,為彼此創造美好                             the Japanese students to have a pleasant memory of
            的交流回憶。                                            IBSH and our program as a whole, exhibiting our
                                                              kindness and enthusiasm towards these visitors.

            2  學校要聞
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