Page 2 - 實中園地 第廿四卷第六期
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實中園地       The Newsletter of NEHS 108年第24卷第6期

            跨領域新竹學講座 荒野基金會徐仁修蒞校講座                             Cross-field Hsinchu Lecture by Mr. Renxiu Hsu,
                 本校雙語部承辦均質化方案活動,辦理跨領                          Founder of the Wilderness Foundation Formosa
                                                                 On October 2, 2019, the Bilingual Department invited
            域新竹學講座,邀請校內師生一同關注我們的環                             Mr. Renxiu Hsu to lecture on his experiences with nature.
            境。108年10月2日下午,本校邀請了財團法人荒                          The event was hosted in the new auditorium to the teachers
            野基金會徐仁修先生蒞臨學校,與學校師生在國                             and students, where they spent a “green” afternoon
            際會議廳大廳共度了一個豐富的「綠色」下午。                             together. Mr. Hsu, who is a writer, photographer, and
            徐仁修先生身兼作家、攝影家暨荒野基金會創辦                             the founder of the Wilderness Foundation Formosa
            人等身分,此次講題「從亞馬遜森林談荒野保護                             (WFF), described his experiences with “Environmental
            ~與新竹在地做連結」顯示徐仁修先生長期以來                             Protection Beginning with the Amazon Forest and its
                                                              Connection to Hsinchu,” demonstrating his passion about
            對環境議題的重視,以及他對環境及生態保護的                             the environment and willingness to act on its behalf. By
            大力付出。他將所見所聞與新竹在地連結,讓在                             connecting his lecture to Hsinchu, he successfully brought
            場師生對於我們所處的環境更有所感,提升在場                             awareness to teachers and students regarding issues
            聽眾的環境保育意識。同時,徐仁修先生的講座                             about the environment. Moreover, Mr. Hsu’s lecture fits
            更與圖書館在十月份所辦理的的「徐仁修圖書特                             together with the library’s October display of his relevant
            展」結合,此次販書所得,將作為荒野基金會推                             works. Money earned from this sale will be used to fund
                                                              the WFF’s promotion of ecological education and take a
            廣生態教育之經費,為環境保護再盡一己之力。                             further step into environmental protection.

            國小部跨領域課程 「幫青蛙過馬路」                                 Elementary Department Cross-disciplinary Course:
                 在上完國語文「護送螃蟹過馬路」後,國                           “Helping Frogs Cross the Road”
                                                                 After reading the lesson “Protecting Crabs Crossing
            小部五年級的熱血教師們,邀請荒野保護協會蛙                             the Road” from the Chinese textbook, the Elementary
            調小組的施子老師蒞校為學生進行生態保育(護                             Department’s enthusiastic fifth-grade teachers invited
            蛙)相關知識課程,並邀請家長共同參加,分批                             an environmentalist from the Wilderness Conservation
            用六個晚上的時間,到新竹縣橫山鄉大山背地區                             Association’s  Frog  Group  to  teach  students  about
            擔任梭德氏赤蛙的「導護志工」,協助梭德氏赤                             ecological conservation. Furthermore, over the course of
            蛙在照明不足的山間路上,順利通過來往車輛頻                             six nights, students and their parents were invited to help
            繁的馬路,到達可以繁殖下一代的溪澗。李健維                             frogs, especially the Rana sauteri, cross poorly illuminated
                                                              mountain roads safely. These “care volunteers” were
            校長也十分贊同這項愛護大自然生態的活動,也                             active among the Dashanbei area of Hengshan Township,
            共同參與了10月17日的護蛙,與國小部五年五班                           Hsinchu County, guiding frogs to nearby streams where
            師生及家長以身體力行展現實中師生愛護自然環                             they can safely breed the next generation. Principal
            境的決心!透過此次活動,學生親身走訪家鄉生                             Roger Lee strongly supported this activity, and even
            態環境,親眼看到生物居住的環境所遭受到的困                             participated in the event on October 17th side by side with
            難,並親自以具體行動解決問題,正是素養學習                             the determined fifth-grade teachers, students, and parents.
                                                              Through this activity, students personally experienced the
            的最佳證明!                                            environmental danger that wildlife are facing and took
                                                              immediate action to solve this problem, which is a perfect
            「聖人大盜」好評上映 學校包場支持校友導演                             demonstration of good learning attitudes!
            SELFPICK創辦人與導演,《Mr. Bartender》為其                  The Last Thieves: Positive Critiques & Support of
                                                              Alumni Director
            作品)新近執導電影「聖人大盜」於上(10)月                               Jack Hsu’s newest movie, “The Last Thieves,” was
            18日上映,本校秉持實中一家人的精神,搶先於                            released on October 18th—a movie full of suspense and
            10月13日下午兩點,號召實中學生、教師及家長                           tension. Hsu is an NEHS 24th alumnus and is known as
            共襄盛舉,於新竹巨城威秀影城舉辦電影包場活                             the creator of SELFPICK, a new media company, and the
            動,以實際行動支持本校傑出校友及其所拍攝的                             director of “Mr. Bartender.” NEHS students, teachers,
            優質國片,並於電影放映後與徐嘉凱導演進行電                             and parents were able to view the movie at the Vie Show
                                                              Cinemas in Big City on October 13th, before its official
            影創作的製片分享及意見交流,讓在場觀眾更能                             release. The audience also met Hsu to exchange of ideas
            深刻了解導演拍攝影片的用心與不易。感謝本校                             and opinions after the movie, allowing them to better
            家長會熱情相挺,贊助本次包場活動部分經費。                             understand the director’s hard work and difficulties in
            「聖人大盜」情節緊湊,故事極具張力且情節懸                             filming. The school thanks the PTA’s support in funding
            疑刺激,徐嘉凱導演也因此片入圍2019金馬獎最                           part of this private event. As a result of his movie, Hsu
            佳新導演提名。歡迎大家走入戲院親身觀賞「聖                             has been nominated for the 56th Golden Horse Awards.
                                                              The school encourages everyone to watch the movie and
            人大盜」,也預祝徐嘉凱導演抱回小金馬!                               wishes Hsu wins a Golden Horse award!

            2  學校要聞
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